
Spotted heterogeneous medaka, purple and blue metallic luster of the native ornamental fish "Fish Farming" Today's headline column: Medaka population series 156 spotted heterogeneous medaka

author:Fish farming said
Original author: Crazy Man [Insist on sharing the most down-to-earth fish farming experience in the most understandable language] Special statement: reprinting is allowed, please indicate the source; please do not move, otherwise appeal and defend your rights
Spotted heterogeneous medaka, purple and blue metallic luster of the native ornamental fish "Fish Farming" Today's headline column: Medaka population series 156 spotted heterogeneous medaka

Dear aquarists today's headlines, good evening! This article brings you a relatively special name of the native medaka, called the spotted heteromorphic medaka.


The name is so special that it cannot be typed out at one time, and it needs to be found word by word. This fish is special in addition to its name, its body color match is more special, mainly purple, and blue hair color. Purple is relatively small, and the female fish has blue stripes on its abdomen. It is similar to a wild medaka we introduced earlier, the Doug's medaka. Similarly, both of them are not resistant to high temperatures, and they also come from the same place, and the Mexican body length is the same, about 5 centimeters. It can be said that it is a close relative.


The ornamentality of this spotted medaka is manifested after it has stabilized and adapted to the environment. These blue and purple scales on the male fish show the markings, which are very ornamental. You can see the picture above this fish on its abdomen, the back half of which shows blue lines. It's just not so obvious, mainly because it has not yet reached the best time, and when it is at its best, its purple hair color comes out, and the whole fish will be more gorgeous at that time.


Because feeding itself is more difficult, it is not tolerant to high temperatures, and it is not easy to reproduce. Therefore, the circulation rate in the market is not high, basically we can only appreciate it from the pictures. Because some fish are just unattainable!

Spotted heterogeneous medaka, purple and blue metallic luster of the native ornamental fish "Fish Farming" Today's headline column: Medaka population series 156 spotted heterogeneous medaka

Well, this article about spotted medaka everyone explains here. I hope you have a deeper understanding of this native medaka. Thank you all for your support, welcome to continue to pay attention! If you find the article interesting and helpful to yourself, welcome to bookmark or forward it!

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