
I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

author:Mei Jie Food Record

Recently, the weather is cold, coupled with the country's successive emergencies, people are more willing to stay at home and not go out, in this case it is very necessary to stock up on some supplies. People take food as the sky, diet should pay attention to nutritional balance, only by improving the body's immunity, we can safely survive the winter.

Near the Spring Festival, the people have begun to hoard all kinds of New Year goods, and the prices of vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs have been rising. Among them, these 8 kinds of ingredients should be bought, resistant to storage and nutrition, and more hoarding in special periods can achieve "food at home, and the heart is not panicked".

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

Northerners can't eat three meals a day without noodles, and on the weekend I went to the supermarket to carry two large bags of noodles, and a large bag of five permanent rice to go home, enough for the whole family to eat until next spring. Rice and noodles are very resistant to storage, and when you buy them home, they put garlic cloves or peppercorns to hinder the growth of rice worms, and can usually be stored for more than a year. After the cooking oil is opened, the contact with oxygen will slowly deteriorate, it is recommended that you eat it within two months, usually try to buy a small bottle, and change the type of edible oil regularly.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

Fish, meat, eggs, milk, beans these five ingredients are the main source of human protein, eggs are not expensive, buy home to make boiled eggs or egg soup, very suitable for children and the elderly to eat, you can also buy duck eggs, quail eggs, brine eggs, pine flower eggs to solve the hunger. You can always have some bacon, ham, sausages, smoked sausages, and bacon at home. Beans are suitable for cooking porridge in winter, and can be packed separately in plastic bags and refrigerated in the refrigerator.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

If there are elderly people and children at home, they can always prepare milk powder, condensed milk, cheese and other dairy products to supplement vitamins and minerals. Milk powder has a long shelf life and is nutritionally equal to milk. You can also stock up on a few bags of cereal, oil tea, black sesame paste, directly with boiling water can be drunk, when breakfast to eat especially convenient.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

Winter climate is dry, stay at home is easy to constipation, fire, should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins. Stock up on some storage-resistant vegetables such as cabbage, potatoes, white radish, onions, winter melons, pumpkins, etc., and you can buy more tomatoes and freeze them in the refrigerator. Fruits can be purchased from apples, dates, oranges, grapefruit, pears, pomegranates, etc., to supplement vitamins and dietary fiber.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

Leafy green vegetables are not easy to preserve, and they begin to turn yellow and yellow in two or three days. You can buy vermicelli, beans, mushrooms, fungus, kelp, rotten bamboo and other storage-resistant dried vegetables instead, they have been completely dehydrated, sealed and stored for several years without deterioration, usually stir-fry, stewed meat, stew soup can be put a little.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

During the pandemic, people all over the world are hoarding canned food. Canned food can be stored at room temperature for 2-3 years, and flavors include fish, lunch meat, pork, braised pork ribs, etc. Mei Jie recommends canned mud carp, the meat is tender and has fewer spines, and the stir-fried oil wheat dish is a must. You can also stock up on some canned fruits such as yellow peaches, pears, oranges, hawthorns, etc., to relieve hunger and replenish water and nutrition.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out


Ordinary people can cook without condiments, especially soy sauce, vinegar, salt and sugar, these condiments have a very long shelf life, of which salt and white vinegar can be preserved permanently. The compound condiments introduced on the market, such as tomato sauce, hot pot seasoning, chicken essence, curry blocks, pickled peppers, etc., should not forget to store, which can add fresh Titian to dishes and be used very widely.

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

Noodles, instant noodles

Noodles are suitable for people of all ages to eat, light and easy to digest, can be stored for a year, lazy to cook a bowl of clear soup noodles, throw a few green vegetable leaves to beat a poached egg, is a nutritious and delicious meal. Young people like to eat instant noodles, chutney, you can also stock up on a few packets, conditionally put some meat and vegetables, eat a little "arrogant".

I didn't go out at home, I hoarded 8 types of food, endured, and couldn't go out for a month without going out

Sister Mei has something to say:

Staying at home can not be less than three meals a day, but also eat nutritious and healthy, eat well. Friends who like to eat shabu-shabu can buy some beef and lamb, beef rolls, hot pot base, and hoard melon seeds, snacks and drinks that love to chase dramas. When buying, follow the principle of not wasting, how much to buy and how much to eat, some time ago, foreign countries frantically hoarded toilet paper, hoarded cans, are a bit of a worry.

I am Mei Jie Food Record, and I share various cooking skills, eating tips and food anecdotes every day. If you also love food, you are welcome to like, favorite, retweet, and keep following me. Your support is my greatest motivation to move forward, we will see you tomorrow, bye-bye.

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