
The crown prince suffered for 31 years but still failed to claim the title of emperor, was forced to rebel because he was framed, and was forced to commit suicide after the defeat of the army

In the era of the emperor, how the crown prince lived peacefully with the emperor has always been a very deep and mysterious art, and only a wise person who is well versed in the emperor's heart and knows what to do and what to do. There are many people who have been crown princes in history, and many people have finally suffered horizontal deaths, among which Liu Zhao, the prince of the Western Han Dynasty, is a typical example.

Liu Zhao, the eldest son of Emperor Wu of Han and his biological mother was Empress Wei Zifu, who was made crown prince in the first year of the Yuan Dynasty (122 BC) at the age of 7. After Liu Zhao became an adult, whenever Emperor Wu of Han toured the world, he ordered him to supervise the regency of the country, in order to exercise his ability to govern the country ("Shangxingxing, often pay the prince in the future, and pay the empress in the palace."). There is a level decision, also, white its most, the same as the upper, sometimes unconscious also. See Zizhi Tongjian, vol. XXII).

The crown prince suffered for 31 years but still failed to claim the title of emperor, was forced to rebel because he was framed, and was forced to commit suicide after the defeat of the army

Liu Zhao has been in the throne for many years and has the style of a future benevolent monarch

Liu Was a benevolent, generous, gentle and prudent person, advocated leniency and simplicity in his administration, and repeatedly rehabilitated unjust cases for the people, thus winning the love of hundreds of officials and the people, and quite the style of a benevolent prince in the future. But what people did not expect was that 31 years later, this incomparably wise prince would end up committing suicide. Everything should start from the "scourge of witchcraft" in the first year of Zhenghe (92 BC).

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was suspicious of people and killed, especially in the late stages of his life, when he was old and dim,the suspicion became heavier, and he often condemned and killed members of the clan or the secretaries of state because of his minor transgressions. In this case, there were rumors of cursing the emperor and hoping that he would die early, and after this rumor was "kicked and exploded" by Zhu Anshi, the great hero of Yangling, it soon led to a "scourge of witchcraft" with a wide range of influence and heavy casualties.

The crown prince suffered for 31 years but still failed to claim the title of emperor, was forced to rebel because he was framed, and was forced to commit suicide after the defeat of the army

Gongsun Hong wanted to atone for his son's sins, but as a result, he induced the "curse of witches"

In the first year of Zhenghe (92 BC), Gongsun Jingsheng, the son of Gongsun He and the servant Gongsun Jingsheng, was arrested and imprisoned for embezzling the salaries of the Northern Army, and Gongsun He, in order to atone for his son's sins, made a proposal to Emperor Wu of Han, hoping to capture Zhu Anshi in exchange for Gongsun Jingsheng's life and freedom, and obtained the emperor's consent. After Zhu Anshi was arrested, in order to pull the Gongsun family to be "martyred" before his death, he falsely accused Gongsun Jingsheng of having an affair with Princess Yangshi in his confession, and cursed the emperor for his early death.

Emperor Wu of Han was furious when he heard the news, and ordered that Gongsun He and his family be arrested and imprisoned, and that they be strictly interrogated. Soon, Gongsun He's father and son confessed to all the "crimes" because they could not survive the sentence, and drew out many "same parties". When Emperor Wu of Han saw that the curse was "well documented", he put Gongsun He's father and son to death in prison and exterminated his three clans at the beginning of the second year of Zhenghe (91 BC). Afterwards, Emperor Wu was still unsatisfied, and ordered a thorough investigation of the case.

The crown prince suffered for 31 years but still failed to claim the title of emperor, was forced to rebel because he was framed, and was forced to commit suicide after the defeat of the army

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thoroughly investigated the "witch deception" incident, which led to frequent unjust cases

Under this terrible and delicate circumstance, Jiang Chong, a courtier who was at odds with the crown prince, repeatedly rumored to Emperor Wu of Han that the "signs" of cursing the emperor had been found in the palace, and hoped that he would lead a team to investigate, and obtain the emperor's consent. After Jiang Chong was authorized, he first began to search from the unfavored lady in the harem, and then extended to empress Wei Zifu, and after finding nothing, finally found his real target, The Crown Prince Liu Zhao.

When Jiang Chong searched the Eastern Palace, he secretly instructed his men to plant stolen goods and frame them, claiming to dig up the Paulownia people for curses under the prince's garden. Since Emperor Wu of Han was living away from the palace at this time and could not hear from him, Liu Zhao, when it was difficult to explain his grievances, ordered his troops to kill Jiang Chong. After hearing the news, Emperor Wu hurriedly sent liu Quyi (劉屈氂) to lead an army against the "rebels", and Liu Quyi, in order to save his life, led the guards to engage in a fierce battle with Liu Quyi.

The crown prince suffered for 31 years but still failed to claim the title of emperor, was forced to rebel because he was framed, and was forced to commit suicide after the defeat of the army

Liu Was defeated and fled, and was eventually forced to commit suicide

The scuffle lasted for five days, killing tens of thousands of people, and the blood was left like water in the ditch on the side of the street, which shows its tragic condition ("On the fifth day of the joint battle, tens of thousands of people died, and blood flowed into the ditch.) See Book of Han, vol. 66). At this time, the people began to spread rumors of "the prince's rebellion", which led to the gradual dispersion of the supporters of the prince's camp, so that Liu Zhaobing fled in defeat, and finally committed suicide while hiding from arrest in Hu County, in August of the same year.

When the prince died, he went east to the lake and hid in The Spring Dove; the master's family was poor and often sold to the prince. The prince had a deceased man in the lake, smelling his wealth, and making people realize it. August, Xinhai. Officials rounded up the prince. The prince must not take off his own degree, that is, entering the room and going from the household to the household... The protagonist fights to the death, and both the emperor and grandson are killed. See Zizhi Tongjian, Vol. XXII.

After Liu Zhao committed suicide, Crown Princess Shi Liangdi, eldest son Liu Jin, daughter-in-law Wang Wengsu, and daughter-in-law were all killed in Chang'an, and Empress Wei Zifu also committed suicide. At the same time, tens of thousands of royals, ministers, and commoners were killed by Liu Zhao's implication ("The people turned to witches, and the officials impeached them for the Great Rebellion, and tens of thousands of people sat before and after the dead.") See Book of Han, vol. 45), leaving the court empty.

The crown prince suffered for 31 years but still failed to claim the title of emperor, was forced to rebel because he was framed, and was forced to commit suicide after the defeat of the army

Tian Qianqiu wrote a petition for Liu Zhao's grievances, which made Emperor Wu of Han wake up

After Liu Zhao's death, Gao Yulang Tian Qianqiu sued for his grievances, and after learning the truth about the prince's wrongful death, Emperor Wu of Han ordered the annihilation of the three tribes of Jiangchong, and wantonly slaughtered and persecuted and forced the death of the prince's related people, and even the chancellor Liu Quyi was also beheaded. After Liu Zhao's grandson, Emperor Xuan of Han, had ascended the throne, he was given the title of "戾" and built a cemetery in Hu County to be buried with ceremonies. For Liu Zhao, who was unjustly killed, this is also a kind of "compensation".

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