
Elementary school students picked up the "national treasure" on the road, and after handing it in, they received a 20 yuan road fee, and the cultural relics are now prohibited from leaving the country

Everyone knows that china, as a thousand-year-old country, not only has a long history, but also the culture created by the people during this period is a brilliant treasure of China. Because of this, although the government is willing to bring national cultural relics to foreign exhibitions, considering the safety of these treasures, some are prohibited from being exhibited abroad, and they can only be seen in China. Among the cultural relics that are forbidden to go abroad, there is such a treasure, and its origin is a bit dramatic, it is the jade seal of the Western Han Dynasty Empress.

Elementary school students picked up the "national treasure" on the road, and after handing it in, they received a 20 yuan road fee, and the cultural relics are now prohibited from leaving the country

However, this artifact was not dug up by any archaeologist, it seems that he was willing to jump out, and a child happened to pick up this jade seal on the way out of school. In the countryside of Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, just as the primary school was out, this student named Kong Zhongliang, who was playing on the road, suddenly found that something was shining on the other side of the canal. The child's curiosity led him to hurry to the canal, and when he fixed his eyes, he found that it was a white stone. At that time, the child only thought that this stone was beautiful, so he took it home in his arms.

After eating, he showed the stone with his family, and his father picked it up and took a closer look, and this stone felt rounded to the touch, obviously carved by hand, and there were several big red characters at the bottom. At this time, Kong Zhongliang's father could not help but wonder whether this stone resembled a seal used by someone. And against these few quaint words, it seems that some years have looked. In order to identify the white stone, he took his son to the local cultural relics department the next day.

Elementary school students picked up the "national treasure" on the road, and after handing it in, they received a 20 yuan road fee, and the cultural relics are now prohibited from leaving the country

When the expert saw the stone in the hands of the father and son of the Sun family, he carefully touched it and felt that it was not a mortal thing. This is not an ordinary stone, but a piece of fine Wada jade. Later, the experts carefully measured and load-bearing it, and carefully identified the seal text at the bottom, which read "Queen's Seal" on the jade seal, which surprised the museum experts even more. In order to be able to prove which queen this is from, archaeologists really put in the effort. In addition to studying other cultural relics and checking whether there are similar fonts, scholars also went through a large number of historical materials, and finally found something in a palace book of the Han Dynasty, which described the pattern of the jade seal and the white jade in the hands of experts, and it was basically possible to determine that this jade seal was from the Han Dynasty.

Elementary school students picked up the "national treasure" on the road, and after handing it in, they received a 20 yuan road fee, and the cultural relics are now prohibited from leaving the country

About how the father and son of the Sun family found this cultural relic, it is also a miracle for experts to feel magical, bluntly saying that this child is related to archaeology. Later, they came to the water canal where the jade was found, and found that it was not far from the imperial tomb of Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, and even a kilometer away from the tomb of him and Lü Hou. Experts can't help but wonder if this is the jade seal that belongs to Lü Yan? Later, after precise research and thorough identification, it can basically be determined that the identity of this jade seal indeed belongs to Lü Hou.

Elementary school students picked up the "national treasure" on the road, and after handing it in, they received a 20 yuan road fee, and the cultural relics are now prohibited from leaving the country

In addition to the origin of this cultural relic, it is also the first empress jade seal found in China. Afterwards, he and his father thanked the experts and said that they did not receive anything, but only accepted the 20 yuan round-trip fare given. For kong Zhongliang and his father's performance, it was praised by many people who could see and view this jade seal later, and this spirit is also worth learning.

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