
Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

author:The moon stars are scarce
Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with reference to network materials combined with personal views, please be aware.

Ladies and gentlemen, there's a piece of news that has made me happy lately! Argentina suddenly discovered that it wanted to return 14 cultural relics to China.

Doesn't that sound interesting? Don't worry, there's more! Germany also began to ponder returning the treasures that had been stolen during the Eight-Nation Alliance.

What's going on? Could it be that these countries have suddenly collectively opened their minds and their consciences have been discovered? Don't be funny, the truth might make you laugh off your big teeth! It turns out that all this is thanks to our Chang'e-6!

That's right, the same big baby who brought back 2 kg of lunar soil from the far side of the moon.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

Speaking of this, we have to start with Chang'e-6. This is no ordinary spacecraft, it is the first time in human history that a lunar soil sample has been collected and brought back from the far side of the moon.

This feat will stunned the whole world! However, what really frightened countries was not the 2 kilograms of lunar soil.

And guess what? When Chang'e-6 returned to Earth, it used an unprecedented stunt - at a speed of Mach 31 in space!

What is this concept? I'll do the math for you: the speed of sound is 340 m/s, and Mach 31 is 31 times the speed of sound, that's 10,540 m/s.

This speed is even faster than the Flash!

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

What's more, this "space drifting champion" can not only play water rafting, but also turn his heels.

It was stunned to turn over the sky over Europe to the Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia.

It's worse than an acrobat! Speaking of which, some people may ask: is it safe with such a fast speed? Don't worry, our Chang'e-6 is very stable, and finally landed on the Siziwang Banner.

This set of operations directly made the whole world dumbfounded.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

You may not know how fast Mach 31 is. I'll give you a graphic analogy: the king of Otter flies at Mach 20.

That's right, it's the Ultraman dad who fights monsters! Our Chang'e-6 is Mach 11 faster than the King of Otter, which is simply a hanging!

Now you understand why Argentina and Germany are suddenly asking for the return of cultural relics, right? This is a discovery of conscience, it is clearly a frightened conscience to find out!

Come to think of it, Chang'e-6 can bring down 2 kilograms of lunar soil, but who dares to guarantee that it will not bring 2 kilograms of uranium-235 next time? Moreover, it can land on the Four Princes, but who can guarantee that it won't be Washington, Berlin or Buenos Aires next time?

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

This will frighten the countries that still have our cultural relics.

They may be thinking: these Chinese spacecraft are so good, if they want cultural relics one day, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes? Instead of waiting to be "robbed", it is better to return it now obediently and get a good reputation.

To be honest, seeing this news, as a Chinese, I feel that beautiful in my heart!

Think about it, our aerospace technology can make these "foreigners" take the initiative to return cultural relics, how much face is this? But then again, these cultural relics were originally ours, and now they are just returned to their original owners.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

What you may not know is that there is a heart-wrenching history behind these artifacts.

Take the Eight-Nation Coalition as an example, in 1900, Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, and Austria, eight countries, under the banner of "rescue," actually came to rob.

They not only burned, killed and looted, but also looted the Old Summer Palace.

That is a treasure of our Chinese civilization, and it was ruined by them.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

Speaking of which, I am reminded of an interesting joke.

A German netizen said that the looted artifacts were placed in their museum, like a "hate collector".

Haha, that's interesting! But when you think about it, that's really the case.

Every time we see these cultural relics, we Chinese will feel a sense of sadness and indignation in our hearts.

Well, now, these "hate collectors" are finally going home, and they can be regarded as fulfilling the wishes of our generations.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

But when it comes to the return of cultural relics, there is another interesting thing. Some time ago, Vietnam also came to join in the fun.

They don't want to return cultural relics, but they want our high-speed rail technology.

I almost didn't laugh at that.

Their transport minister, Pham Minh Chinh, said Vietnam would facilitate Chinese companies to invest in Vietnam if China was willing to help.

This is as if it is a gift from Chinese companies to invest in Vietnam.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

Let me tell you that what Vietnam wants is not an ordinary high-speed railway, but to build a high-speed rail line from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, with a total length of more than 1,500 kilometers!

This line is longer than our Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, and the terrain is complex, mountainous and forested, and the difficulty of construction can be imagined.

Even a high-speed rail power like Japan does not dare to take over easily, Vietnam is good, it will come as soon as it opens its mouth, and it wants to learn the technology by the way.

Isn't this a fool's dream? Speaking of which, I am reminded of our own history of high-speed rail development.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

In 2004, we began to introduce foreign high-speed rail technology, and after more than 10 years of digestion, absorption and independent innovation, we finally realized the "Fuxing" high-speed rail train with completely independent intellectual property rights in 2017.

This is not achieved overnight, but it is the result of the hard work and sweat of countless scientific researchers.

Isn't it whimsical that Vietnam wants to become a fat man in one bite? Their current level of railways, to put it mildly, is still stuck in the last century.

Building high-speed rail from scratch requires not only huge amounts of money, but also a lot of technical personnel and management experience. These are not problems that can be solved in a short period of time.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

In fact, if Vietnam really wants to develop high-speed rail, it should be down-to-earth and take it step by step.

You can start by retrofitting existing railways and gradually increase the speed of operation. When the foundation is laid, we will consider building high-speed rail. In this way, we can not only accumulate experience, but also cultivate talents to prepare for the construction of high-speed rail in the future.

In the final analysis, whether it is the return of cultural relics or the introduction of technology, it is not an overnight thing.

China's achievements today depend on the efforts and persistence of several generations.

As the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day, and any great achievement takes time and dedication.

Teary-eyed! Mach 31 has raised the quality of the citizens of the planet to a higher level, and countries have begun to return cultural relics

These things seem to be unrelated, but in fact, they all reflect a truth: when the country is strong, it has enough confidence.

Isn't it a reflection of our national strength that China can let those countries that have bullied us take the initiative to return cultural relics, and let neighboring countries covet our high technology? However, we also need to remember that no achievement is hard-won.

Whether it is aerospace technology or high-speed rail technology, it is the result of the efforts of several generations of Chinese.

Therefore, we must cherish the achievements of the present and continue to work hard to make our motherland stronger and stronger! Finally, I hope that those countries that still have our cultural relics will wake up as soon as possible and take the initiative to return the cultural relics.

After all, these cultural relics can only be truly brought to life in their own homeland and tell their own stories.

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