
She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

Looking at the history of human development, it is not difficult for us to find that longevity has always been the pursuit of all ethnic groups in the world, from the Emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Dynasty down to the common people who hope that their natural life expectancy to be more than 100 years old. And in order to live a long life, people often come up with many ways to prolong their life, such as the ancient emperors in order to seek immortality, they will not hesitate to invite some Daoist monks to refine Dan for themselves, in order to achieve the effect of immortality. However, in the process of studying longevity for thousands of years, no major progress has been made, and various reasons for longevity are almost similar to the "Goldbach" conjecture.

Today we want to talk about this long-lived person, not only the famous bridesmaid show of the Ten Mile Ocean Field, but also the flower of Fudan University, a century-old famous school, who lived until the age of 112 before dying, which is really enviable. This woman is a female diplomat in China in the first half of the 20th century, Ms. Yan Youyun, who served as China's envoy to Britain, France, the United States and other countries, and is also the wife of the famous diplomat Mr. Gu Weijun. As a celebrity on the beach in the past, Yan Youyun is a star-like figure, who has eaten, re-worn, loved jewelry all his life, and wore high heels and perfume in his hundred years. However, everyone was intrigued by her approach to longevity, and she finally revealed her longevity secret in her autobiography in her later years, but it was only 4 words.

She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

In 1905, Yan Youyun was born in a wealthy family, his grandfather Yan Xinhou was a famous industrialist in modern China, who served as an aide to Li Hongzhang, a powerful minister in the late Qing Dynasty, devoted his life to industry, commerce and finance, and was the first president of the China Commerce and Commerce Bank. His father, Yan Zijunzi, inherited his father's business, presided over The Yuanfengrun Ticket Number and The Yuanji Qianzhuang in Shanghai, and was also a successful businessman. Yan Youyun has lived in such a warm and cultural family since childhood, and has loved to learn since childhood, and is brilliant. Later, the family also invited two university teachers to teach her and her siblings knowledge.

In the 1920s, China's higher education was still in its infancy, and it was even rarer for female students to enter university. However, Yan Youyun was admitted to Hujiang University with a good education, and then transferred to Fudan University to study business with excellent results, becoming the first batch of female students in Fudan University. During the Fudan period, Yan Youyun can be described as particularly eye-catching, she drove her own car to class every day, plus she was originally beautiful, and the various fabrics in the old nine chapter silk cloth village opened by her father were picked by her, so the clothes she changed every day were the most fashionable, and they became the most beautiful school flowers of Fudan University at that time.

She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

Because Yan Youyun has a cheerful personality and likes to make friends, she met her first husband, Mr. Yang Guangxing, at a dance party organized by Fudan. Yang Guangxin was born into a famous family (the son of a large silk merchant in Huzhou) and was also a very good young man, who studied at Tsinghua University and later went to the United States to study, becoming a working attaché of the Chinese Embassy in the United States. It can be said that Yang Guangxuan is talented, a table of talents, the two met immediately won Yan Youyun's affection. A year later, the two were married, and their wedding photos, which were published in the newspapers, became a fashion for fashionable young men and women in Shanghai.

Soon after the marriage, Yang Guangxin went to the United Kingdom as the consul general in London, and Yan Youyun, as the wife of a diplomat, naturally also went with her, and in this way, Yan Youyun, who accompanied her, also opened the life mode of her diplomatic wife. In 1938, Yang Guangxin was appointed consul general in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, actively publicizing the anti-Japanese struggle and saving the dead, and collecting donations from overseas Chinese to support the War of Resistance. Almost at the same time, Yan Youyun also began to participate in social activities, and she was elected as the honorary president of the Philippine branch of the Chinese Women's Consolation and Self-Defense Anti-Japanese War Soldiers Association, helping to open up new channels of fundraising and making her own contribution. Under the leadership of Yan Youyun and others, a total of tens of thousands of pesos were raised, all of which were remitted to the motherland to support the War of Resistance.

She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

Unfortunately, after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese captured Manila in early 1942. Subsequently, the Japanese deputy consul in Manila, Jitaro Kihara, threatened Yang Guangxi to gather the leaders of overseas Chinese in the Philippines, but Yang Guangxiu refused on the spot, so the Japanese army imprisoned Yang Guangxi. On April 17, 1942, the indomitable Yang Guangxing and seven other diplomats who remained at the Consulate General sacrificed their lives for the country. At this time, Yan Youyun is already the mother of 3 daughters, in the face of the sudden change of fate, this rich family who has lived a carefree and carefree life since childhood, and has hardly suffered hardships in Shanghai Beach, she calmly bears everything and is not crushed by reality.

Later, when Yan Youyun, who was more than 100 years old, talked about her time in Manila, she said with emotion: "Looking back now, we were really brave at that time. ...... Although we do not know the fate of our husbands, are very worried about our children, and our own fate is completely uncertain, we face life and move forward. "At that time, Yang Guangxing was arrested with 7 colleagues, and the wives and children of these 7 colleagues also came to live with Yan Youyun, and Yan Youyun became the principal of this special 'family'', leading everyone to grow vegetables and make shoes... It is said that chickens and pigs are also raised in the yard.

She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

After the victory of World War II, with the help of friends, Yan Youyun went to the United States with her 3 daughters and served as a protocol officer at the United Nations, which was her first official job. In her position as a protocol officer, she did a great job, growing into a good female diplomat who has earned a world reputation. Until 1959, the 54-year-old Yan Youyun chose to retire and reorganized the family with Gu Weijun, a famous diplomat of the Republic of China. After marrying Gu Weijun, Yan Youyun repositioned her role in life, and she took good care of Gu Weijun, 100% playing the role of "good housekeeper, good nurse, good secretary".

Mr. Gu Weijun was a well-known Chinese diplomat in the first half of the 20th century, attending the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference as a member of the Chinese delegation in 1919 and 1921, making great contributions to safeguarding the rights and interests of the Chinese nation. Subsequently, he served as an envoy to the United States, Britain, and France, and as a representative to the League of Nations and the United Nations General Assembly. Under the meticulous care of Yan Youyun, Gu Weijun's later life was very regular, and he spent 17 years to complete an oral memoir of up to 5 million words, leaving behind the story of China's nearly half a century of diplomatic turmoil for future generations. In 1985, Mr. Gu Weijun died in his New York apartment at the age of 97, and the two lived together for 26 years.

She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

In her later years, Yan Youyun still settled in the United States and continued to live an elegant life. No matter how old she is, she wears high heels, uses perfume, and lives a very exquisite life, which is a very exquisite old lady in people's eyes. In her later years, Yan Youyun's two favorite things to do were playing cards and dancing. Even when he was a hundred years old, he was still like this, playing cards with his poker friends from time to time, or asking some dance partners to dance. She holds an annual dance party and, at the age of 111, can dance gracefully under the eyes of guests. Finally, 32 years after Gu Weijun's death, Yan Youyun also died peacefully at her home in New York at the age of 112.

In the face of Yan Youyun, a famous lady of the Republic of China who lived to the age of 112 and died, many people at that time were very interested in the secret of maintaining her longevity, after all, there are very few people who can live to the age of 100 now. Later, in her autobiography in her later years, she said her longevity method, in fact, her longevity method can be done by everyone, that is, to remain optimistic. For her, there is basically nothing that can bother her, and she loves to laugh, she said that only a good state of mind can be good.

She is the most beautiful school flower of Fudan University: she lived to the age of 112 before she died, but the secret of longevity is only 4 words

It may sound incredible, but Yan Youyun proves that mentality is really important. When her first husband died in the War of Resistance, she was not crushed, raising three daughters and other children who had lost their parents alone, yan Youyun always maintained an optimistic attitude towards life, and she often sat in front of the piano to play a song in her free time. Later, after learning of the death of her eldest daughter, she comforted her other children. She told herself that although it was painful for the white-haired person to send the black-haired person, the deceased was gone, and the living should be stronger.

Nowadays, scientists have found that the main reason for human longevity is dietary balance, followed by exercise. But through the old man Yan Youyun, we should draw some truths: in daily life, everything is optimistic, and maintaining a healthy attitude is the basis of longevity. Finally, we would like to say that as the school flower of Fudan University, Ms. Yan Youyun also celebrated the centenary celebration of Fudan University, and at the age of 101, she presented two photos of her 100th birthday (imaginary age) in 2004 to her alma mater to wish her alma mater a bright future. For Yan Youyun to become one of the first batch of Chinese employees of the United Nations and make contributions to the country, in 2015, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that her historical merits will not be forgotten!

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