
Cixi escaped all the way from the Forbidden City without an accompanying guard, so why didn't anyone dare to stop her?

As the last feudal dynasty in China's history, every mention of the Qing Dynasty reminds people of a humiliating history, and the barbaric aggression of Western powers has opened our eyes. At that time, under such circumstances, non-governmental patriotic groups sprung up one after another, becoming an important force in resisting the aggression of the Western powers. However, in the face of the national crisis, Cixi, who held the power of the country, did not hurry to discuss countermeasures with the ministers, but chose to escape from the Forbidden City. It is also strange to say that Cixi escaped all the way from the Forbidden City without escorts, and no one dared to stop her.

Cixi escaped all the way from the Forbidden City without an accompanying guard, so why didn't anyone dare to stop her?

Cixi's escape at that time was a reaction to the urgency, so there were not too many escorts to escort Cixi away. At that time, the boxers, a civil society, were gaining momentum, and Cixi was informed by the great powers in this situation, and the Eight-Nation Alliance expressed the hope that Cixi would support the Guangxu Emperor to ascend to the throne and not interfere too much in political affairs. The Eight-Power Alliance wanted to try to control the Guangxu Emperor in order to achieve the goal of ruling China.

Cixi escaped all the way from the Forbidden City without an accompanying guard, so why didn't anyone dare to stop her?

Cixi, who has always been at the top of the power, naturally would not be willing to give up her long-accumulated power easily, at this time she thought of the Boxer Rebellion as a life-saving straw, hoping to mobilize the power of the civil community to jointly resist the aggression of the Western powers. Cixi felt that the Western powers were already challenging her authority and insulting the dignity of the royal family, so she immediately issued a declaration of war agreement to the Eight-Power Alliance, expressing her willingness to start a head-on confrontation with the invaders.

After the declaration of war, Cixi still lived her own happy life in the palace as usual, not knowing that the outside had fallen into the depths of the water. When the Eight-Nation Alliance gradually approached the palace, Cixi panicked when she heard the sound of gunfire and directly chose to flee. Before escaping, Cixi knew that she could not take many people with her, so there were not many people accompanying her, and Cixi ignored the concubines of the harem and gave the slightly outstanding-looking Zhenfei to death, because she felt that it was inconvenient to take Zhenfei with her, in case she was caught by the great powers, Zhenfei would definitely insult the dignity of the royal family, but Zhenfei did not comply, so she forced people to push her into the well and drown, which was enough to reflect Cixi's viciousness.

Cixi escaped all the way from the Forbidden City without an accompanying guard, so why didn't anyone dare to stop her?

Due to the idea that came to mind when the escape plan was made, Cixi and Guangxu and other important members of the royal family hurriedly changed into civilian clothes and prepared to leave for Xi'an for refuge. At that time, the eunuchs around Cixi, after facing this situation, after careful consideration, chose a dart board to escort Cixi and others. This dart bureau was the famous Li Family Dart Bureau at that time, because the dart guardians were all regularly blooded royals, the dart bureau attached special importance to this single business, and used a huge amount of material manpower to ensure the smooth completion of this operation.

After three days, the Li Family Bureau successfully sent Cixi and his party to their destination, and completed the task of escorting Cixi. But then again, in the era when society was experiencing severe turmoil, people were all saving their lives for each other, and maybe they met Cixi in disguise on the road, or maybe they didn't know it!

Cixi escaped all the way from the Forbidden City without an accompanying guard, so why didn't anyone dare to stop her?

For Cixi, it may not have a more sober understanding of the current situation of the Qing Dynasty, only to care about their own faces, although the Boxer Rebellion was in full swing at that time, but in the face of a powerful Western invasion alliance, the Boxers and scattered remnants of the Qing army were not opponents of the invaders at all, and it was inevitable that the fate of the country was gambled on the civil society and the remnants of the Qing army, which was too hasty.

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