
For the first time, sales of eco-friendly vehicles in South Korea are expected to surpass those of diesel vehicles

Hello everyone, today Xiaobian has come to share the latest information with you. According to reports, due to the impact of subsidies and other environmental benefits on South Korean consumers to choose more environmentally friendly cars, the sales of environmentally friendly vehicles such as electric vehicles in South Korea are expected to exceed diesel vehicles for the first time.

For the first time, sales of eco-friendly vehicles in South Korea are expected to surpass those of diesel vehicles

According to relevant data, in the first 11 months of this year, the sales of diesel vehicles in South Korea were 397916, accounting for 25% of the total sales of korean cars; the sales of environmentally friendly vehicles were 357406, accounting for 22% of the total sales of korean cars.

If you count Hyundai's hydrogen fuel cell vehicle Nexo sales (8206 units), the proportion of eco-friendly vehicle sales will reach 22.4%, only 2.6 percentage points lower than diesel vehicles.

For the first time, sales of eco-friendly vehicles in South Korea are expected to surpass those of diesel vehicles

In order to stimulate the economy affected by the new crown epidemic, south Korea and other countries have strengthened their support for the environmentally friendly automobile industry and provided high subsidies to consumers who buy environmentally friendly cars, so environmentally friendly cars are becoming more and more popular with consumers.

Consumers are also becoming more environmentally conscious. Consumers are beginning to value the benefits of eco-friendly cars for their daily lives and prefer electric vehicles over diesel cars that emit pollutants.

For the first time, sales of eco-friendly vehicles in South Korea are expected to surpass those of diesel vehicles

Sales of hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles and LPG vehicles have increased significantly in recent years, with these eco-friendly vehicles accounting for 13.3% of sales in 2018, 15% in 2019 and 17.1% in 2020.

Well, that's all there is to it, so you're welcome to leave a message in the comments section below.

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