
OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

This is a legendary version of iQOO8 Pro, but it is not just a mobile phone, from the box to the back of the fuselage, the logo design of the "original system" proves that it is just a window to show vivo's new system.

Yes, vivo's OriginOS is updated, not OriginOS2, but called OriginOS Ocean, whether it is named or actually experienced, it is more like a new system.

Today Xiaobian will introduce you to this magical "thing".

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

From the lock screen, you can feel the unique expression of this new system in terms of appearance beautification: young, vivid, small and fresh.

The slowly flowing blue ocean and golden sand make me watch this video every time I light up the screen, in addition to the top status bar and clock numbers, the lower half of the entire screen is Ocean's fingerprint module, not only has a camera, atomic reading icons, but also shows today's steps, and the small black dot in the lower left corner is the atomic player demonstrated at the beginning of the video.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

In the shortcut operation of the lock screen, OriginOS Ocean strives to create its own logic, drag the function icon of the lock screen to the fingerprint unlock area, you can quickly open, you can also customize the style of the entire unlock area in the lock screen settings in the system and set the shortcut application as needed.

Although the operation of dragging and dropping is highly interactive, it violates the principle of "shortcut", and the icon position is lower, and it is difficult to complete the operation with one hand.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

Enter the desktop, inherited from OriginOS Huarong grid arrangement to make the entire desktop more concise and orderly, and this time vivo finally canceled the "parallel world" setting, a set of desktop system can manually adjust the size of the icon, but also freely add their favorite widgets.

The way to adjust is also the same as before, long press the app icon to click the lower right arrow to adjust the icon style and size.

Regarding the setting of desktop widgets, I believe that everyone has everyone's opinion, some people feel that subdividing certain functions and displaying them in the form of cards can better improve the efficiency of use, and some people think that widgets are useless except for fancy, and on OriginOS Ocean, this contradiction still exists.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

On the one hand, vivo is indeed constantly opening up its component capabilities and cooperating with many excellent applications, so now information such as vibrato search, Weibo hot search, QQ music daily recommendation and so on can be displayed on the desktop in the form of components, which is indeed convenient for everyone to use;

But on the other hand, most of the components display limited content, after clicking or entering the app to view the content, so in the experience these components are like a magnified icon, convenient for you to find the app, nothing more.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?
OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

As far as my use is concerned, the best widget to experience on Ocean is still the Atomic Walkman, not only in the lock screen to quickly view the playlist, but also in the widget to switch between different players and play different music.

For example, using QQ music to listen to Jay Chou, using NetEase Cloud to listen to folk songs, using Himalayas to listen to Deyun Society, etc., and these operations do not need to open the corresponding software, which is indeed quite convenient.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

Although the setting of the two desktops has been cancelled, the deformer has still been retained, and now you can still quickly set the entire desktop here, such as adjusting the icon style, icon size, switching desktop wallpaper, switching themes and unifying the global style, etc., through the effect indication, so that everyone can more intuitively adjust their favorite system style.

In addition, the behavior wallpaper that I like very much from OriginOS 1.0 has also been retained, setting a sports goal, and the whole wallpaper will continue to change with the continuous completion of the goal, which plays a good motivating role.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

In general, Ocean is very in line with my aesthetic in the overall appearance design, whether it is a bold color collocation, or a symbolic design language, simple and very modern, but as a mobile phone system, it is certainly not good to look good, and it is the highest evaluation of it.

At this point, Ocean may be going to disappoint everyone.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

It is not that the function is not perfect and the system is unstable, but that its learning cost is too high:

Swipe up to call out the atomic component, slide down into the global search; swipe left from the lower right side of the screen to open the card pack for quick payment, and then swipe left to call out the camera card;

In the application from the left and right sides of the slide and hold down the call out of the interactive pool, here you can choose to quickly open the phone text message and other applications, in the bottom navigation bar left swipe can also enter the privacy space, in addition to what one-handed mode, application name display and other gestures, such a set of combination gestures down, no matter how many you remember, I am the head of the confused.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

And this confusion also continued to the new version of the camera interface, in addition to the choice of modes such as taking pictures and videos, the icon of the entire camera interface does not have a text logo, if you say that the flash of the camera page, HDR and macro function I can barely identify, to the night mode, all the functions of the interface need to be groped to familiarize themselves.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?

Admittedly, the addition of the level, the upgrade of the zoom scale and the focus ring that locks the focus have made Ocean's cameras look good and professional, but the difficulty of getting started is still enough to dissuade many people.

OriginOS Ocean official announcement, brisk and energetic new interface, what new tricks?


The so-called "convenience" defined by OriginOS Ocean is inaccessible to most users, and even if they are touched, they are too lazy to use. Therefore, after removing the good-looking skin bag, can OriginOS Ocean take into account the easy-to-use and easy-to-use attributes and become a system that is loved by the majority of consumers?

Gfantv / Director said digital

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