
"Jay Chou" started a tour and was boycotted!

author:896 car FM
"Jay Chou" started a tour and was boycotted!

Jay Chou smiled, "copycat Jay Chou" can imitate?

Since June 2024, "Hei Lun" has carried out in-depth cooperation with a chain of bars and toured in many stores, and the songs "All the Way North" and "Stranded" are all Jay Chou's works, causing dissatisfaction among Jay Chou fans.

"Jay Chou" started a tour and was boycotted!

In recent years, there have been many phenomena of "bumping into the face" of celebrities, wanton imitation, and profiting from them, and there has been considerable social controversy. This time, he performed in the Taiyuan store of a chain bar, and his ticket price exceeded the ticket price of Jay Chou's own concert. For example, the price of the Taiyuan store is "up to 3,500 yuan", which has previously been sold at a sky-high price of 6,000 yuan, while the highest ticket price for Jay Chou's 2024 concert is only 2,000 yuan.

It can be seen that the ticket price of the "Copycat Jay Chou" performance does exceed the ticket price of Jay Chou himself. However, this fare is not the other fare. The so-called ticket price of the "copycat Jay Chou" performance is actually the consumption standard of the bar store, such as "the minimum consumption on the day is 880 yuan, the highest is 3500 yuan", and the ticket price of Jay Chou's concert is the real ticket price. Even so, it can be seen that "copycat Jay Chou" has risen sharply by imitating Jay Chou, and he has made a lot of money with the bar.

Comment: Jay Chou laughed and passed by "copycat Jay Chou" can be imitated?

This kind of behavior of imitating Jay Chou for commercial benefits has been suspected of infringing on Jay Chou's portrait rights, name rights, and even copyrights. For example, before the start of the tour, "Hei Lun" recorded a short film in the image of Jay Chou for promotion, but did not see Jay Chou's authorization, which is a blatant infringement. And for this kind of imitators, Jay Chou himself has always laughed off, which is actually conniving at the infringement of imitators.

may be in the view of "copycat Jay Chou", as long as Jay Chou himself is allowed to be imitated, he can sit back and relax and continue to earn the dividends of imitation. However, the infringement of "copycat Jay Chou" is real, and if our society tolerates this kind of infringement, it is a contempt for the rule of law and infringement, then anyone can ignore the legal provisions and the rights and interests of others. And the performance market can also become chaotic as a result. This requires the attention of the parties concerned.

Take the performance of "copycat Jay Chou" in a bar as an example, even if Jay Chou will not be held accountable, the relevant local departments should also put an end to it. Both the Regulations on the Administration of For-profit Performances and the Regulations on the Administration of Entertainment Venues stipulate that relevant activities must not violate "social morality" and must not "violate other content prohibited by laws and regulations". On the other hand, "copycat Jay Chou" imitated Jay Chou's performance in a bar, which did not comply with relevant laws and regulations, and the local department should correct it.

Moreover, this kind of imitation performance of "copycat Jay Chou", if it is not announced in advance as an imitation of Jay Chou, it may mislead some consumers. In addition to the fact that victims can protect their rights in accordance with the law, the relevant parties should also regulate the imitation of performances, and cannot allow such illegal and infringing acts to prevail. From this point of view, in today's prevalent imitation of celebrities, whether the imitated celebrity is allowed is only one aspect, and the behavior of the imitator must also comply with relevant laws and regulations.

It is necessary to realize that although today is in the era of national entertainment, and parody shows are also one of the ways of entertainment, there is a boundary for others to imitate celebrities, and it must be based on the premise of not violating the law and infringing on the law. Parody is feasible if it is for a public interest purpose or if it is authorized by the impersonated celebrity. However, if such imitation violates the Civil Code and other laws and regulations, it should be corrected in accordance with the law, and the imitation of celebrities cannot be turned into public illegal activities.

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily Editor: Hu Yiyi Editor: Lai Ting Review: Lu Hongmei

"Jay Chou" started a tour and was boycotted!
"Jay Chou" started a tour and was boycotted!

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