
The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Among Kangxi's concubines and sons, there was such a mother and son: the mother was born as a palace maid, and after two years in the palace, she was favored and gave birth to only one son. The son was not only talented and excellent in poetry and books, but also was made a prince and eaten double- and was highly valued by Yongzheng and Qianlong.

They were Kangxi Qin's concubine Chen and her son Yin Li. Chen was later honored as Chunyu Qinfei and became the last Han concubine of the Qing Dynasty to have a courtesy name. Yin Li has become a well-known figure because of a "Biography of Zhen Huan" and a model of infatuation with Wang Ye.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Entered the palace for two years and was favored and had children

Chen was the daughter of the second-class bodyguard Chen Xiyi. Kangxi was drafted into the palace by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for thirty-three years as a palace maid. At that time, she was also thirteen or fourteen years old, and the palatial palaces and pavilions in the Forbidden City were full of novelty and mystery for her.

Kangxi personally conquered Geldan for the second time in the 35th year, when the Fuyuan general Fei Yanggu defeated Gardan at Zhaomoduo (southeast of present-day Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian People's Republic), beheaded 3,000 people, and also beheaded Gardan's wife Anu, and only Gardan escaped with dozens of remnants.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Kangxi, who was on his way back to Beijing, was overjoyed when he heard the news, and specially set up a banquet in the palace to celebrate, and gave a poem:

The war horse was idle at the beginning of the battle, and the swing had already broken the loulan. The stars of the heavens fight and sell weapons, illuminating the cold of May on the side of the mountain."

He returned to Beijing on the ninth day of June.

During this time, the Kangxi Emperor, who was in a good mood, met the little palace lady Chen Shi one day, fifteen or sixteen years old, at the age of youth, beautiful and lovely. Kangxi looked at his heart. At one point in the spring breeze, Chen soon became pregnant and gave birth to a young prince, the seventeenth son of Kangxi, Yin Li, on the second day of March in the 36th year of The Kangxi Dynasty.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Just as the so-called "occasional reason for a review, they will be a superior person", compared to those palace women and even harem concubines who look forward to the moon and have not seen the emperor's side for many years, Chen Shi is only a small palace girl, and has only been in the palace for more than two years, and she is favored and has children in one dynasty, which is very lucky.

Gongshu is good at painting Literary and martial arts all-rounders

In the later Kangxi Dynasty, these young princes were particularly favored, and Yin Li often followed his father from the age of 9 to patrol the outside world. Kangxi attached great importance to the education of the princes, allowing them to learn both Manchurian riding and shooting, and they were familiar with the scriptures.

Yin Li has been very intelligent and studious since childhood, open-minded in temperament, and handled things appropriately. Deeply loved by Kangxi, Kangxi also appointed Ah Ling'a, the son of Shu Bilong and the younger brother of Empress Xiaozhao, to be Yin Li's teacher.

Yin Ligong calligraphy and painting, good poetry, carved book carvings are also very exquisite, his riding and shooting is also very good. It can be said that the all-rounder of literature and martial arts.

Moreover, in his early years, he did not like to participate in the struggle for a wife, preferring to indulge in landscapes and rivers and study in the folk, so he also got acquainted with Fang Bao, Shen Deqian and others who had a high prestige in the literary and poetry circles at that time. He worked tirelessly throughout his life, and later wrote works such as "Chunhetang", "Jingyuan Zhai", and "Collected Poems of the Envoy Ji Xing".

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Yin Li calligraphy and painting

His son was so good, Chen Shi was happy in his heart.

In December of the 57th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the last time the harem was sealed, yin li was 22 years old and grew up to be an adult, so Chen Was lucky enough to catch the last train of this entry into the seal, and was named a concubine, the last of the 6 people to be named.

In the sixty-first year of Kangxi, Kangxi died of illness in Changchun Garden, and the 26-year-old Yin Li judged the situation and expressed great support for Yongzheng's succession. Therefore, Yongzheng also has great trust and preferential treatment for him.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Yongzheng reuses mother and child preferential treatment

In the first year of Yongzheng, Yin Li changed his name to Yun Li and was given the title of King of Guojun ,administering the domain , and soon appointed the commander of the right wing forward. He was also the unified capital of Mongolia under the Yellow Banner and the Han Army under the Blue Banner, managing the affairs of the capital of the two banners, and shortly thereafter, Yongzheng gave him another 10,000 taels of silver.

In the sixth year of Yongzheng, because of his sincerity to serve the country and his honesty, he was promoted to the Prince of Fengguo. Seven years to manage the Ministry of Works, eight years to manage the Prime Minister's Household Department Three Libraries, eleven years to manage the ZongrenFu.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

In the twelfth year, he was ordered to Taining (present-day Daofu County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province) to escort the Seventh Dalai Lama, Kelsang Gyatso, back to Tibet. Kelsang's former Sixth Dalai Lama, the famous legendary Tibetan poet Cangyang Gyatso, was deposed in the 44th year of the Kangxi Dynasty and died while escorting him to Beijing.

In the thirteenth year of Yongzheng, after returning to The Capital Division, he was appointed to handle the affairs of Miaojiang with Prince Hongli of Tongbao and Prince Hongzhi.

This series of operations can be seen that Yongzheng is worthy of the title of Holy Family for the Seventeenth Brother Yin Li, and his kindness is profound. Such treatment was only comparable to that of Yin Xiang, the prince of the old thirteenth Yi, but unfortunately Yin Xiang died in the eighth year of Yongzheng, only 44 years old, while Yin Li lived until the Qianlong period.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Yin Li's mother, Concubine Qin, was honored as imperial concubine in the fourth year of Yongzheng. In September of the twelfth year, Yongzheng also ordered that the descendants of the Qin Concubine Ben clan be allocated by Bao Yi and established a shiguan zuoling, and chen hao, the son of Chen Jinguan, the brother of the concubine, was put in charge. This branch of the Qin concubines was carried by the Han army flag into Manchuria with a yellow flag.

Before Yongzheng's death, he left YunLi and Yunlu the Prince of Zhuang, and the university scholars Ortai and Zhang Tingyu as ministers. Qianlong succeeded to the throne and appointed the seventeenth uncle Yunli and the sixteenth uncle Yunlu as both prime minister of affairs, Yunli in charge of the Punishment Department, and Yunlu in charge of the Ministry of Works. Both of them ate double princely food, and the annual salary was about 20,000 taels.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Yun Li's mother, Qin Concubine Chen, was revered as Emperor Qin's concubine, while Yun Lu's mother, Princess Wang, was revered as Emperor Zu's secret concubine.

Fengyang Palace died of exhaustion and illness

During his lifetime, Kangxi had decreed that after his death, older concubines could live with their sons, and younger concubines could live temporarily in the palace. When Kangxi died and Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, the Chen and Wang clans were more than 40 years old, still young, so they could not go out of the palace to be raised like Concubine Hui, Concubine Yi and others.

When Yongzheng died and Qianlong succeeded to the throne, both the Qin concubines Chen and the secret concubine Wang were nearly 60 years old, so Yun Li and Yun Lu wrote a letter to invite their mothers to their respective mansions as Yongzheng had done when they succeeded to the throne.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

However, the Qianlong Emperor refused the two men's request, but ordered Concubine Qin and Concubine Mi to stay in their son's palace every year during the Spring Festival and the birthday celebrations, and still live in the palace the rest of the time.

From the perspective of human nature, Concubine Qin and others are still willing to live in their son's mansion. It's just that the Qianlong Emperor didn't have the benevolence and courage of his grandfather Kangxi after all. The kangxi regulations of that year are a unique exception in China's court history of more than two thousand years.

However, the so-called companion is like a companion of the tiger, and in the first year of Qianlong, YunLi did not know what offended the nephew emperor and was deposed.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

At this time, Yun Li was 39 years old, weak, and suffering from foot diseases, it was difficult to make the trip, and the Qianlong Emperor specially allowed him to work in his royal palace, and he could enter the palace once every few days, which was also a special preferential treatment for this little uncle.

Years of hard work seriously affected Yunli's health, and in early February of the third year of Qianlong, The Second Dragon looked up, and Yunli died at the age of 42.

The Qianlong Emperor was so grief-stricken that he personally visited his funeral, and ordered his son, The Great Brother Yong huang, to cloth him with a ma dai filial piety and give him the nickname "Yi" and bury him in Shangyue Gezhuang, Yizhou.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

He raised the princess

Yunli's concubine Fu Jin Niu Hulu was the daughter of his childhood teacher GuoYi Gong Aling'a, and Ah Ling'a was married to the sister of Yongzheng's old mother Princess De, so Niu Hulu was both the niece of Empress Kangxi Xiaozhao, the niece of Empress Xiaogongren wuya, and the cousin of Yongzheng's maternal cousin.

It is personally speculated that such a daughter of such a prominent origin was given the gift of Concubine Fujin, and it is speculated that it was probably arranged by Yongzheng, but unfortunately, the Niuhulu clan did not give birth to a son and a half daughter in his lifetime.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

The so-called filial piety has three, and no queen is greater. Yun Li was still very fond of this concubine Fujin, and had never accepted any other women. Probably Yongzheng couldn't bear to look at it, and later gave Meng Shi, the daughter of Da se, as a blessing for The Gift.

Meng gave birth to a son in April of the 10th year of Yongzheng and died in October of the same year. Later, he gave birth to a daughter in December of the twelfth year of Yongzheng, and Died in May of the thirteenth year of Yongzheng. At this time, Yunli was 39 years old, and from then until his death, Yunli had no children. And this Meng Shi is the prototype of the Meng Jingxian in "The Biography of Zhen Huan".

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

Seeing that there was no successor to Prince Guo. Qianlong ordered his younger brother Yongzheng's sixth son, Hongyao, to be the heir of Prince Guo and succeed to the throne of Prince Guo.

On December 20, 18th year of Qianlong, Concubine Qin died, and her nickname was Chunyu, and she was called Chunyu Qinfei. The Qianlong Emperor personally instructed Kou to pick up the silk and sacrifice wine, and on April 20, 199, he was buried in the Kangxi Jing Mausoleum.

According to the "Internal Affairs Office Song Case", Concubine Qin later raised Princess Gulun and Princess Jing, the third daughter of Empress Xiaoxian of the Fucha clan of Qianlong, who was born in the ninth year of Yongzheng and married in the thirteenth year of Qianlong, and was the only princess of Empress Xiaoxian to grow up.

The last concubine of the Qing Dynasty, who was born as a palace woman, gave birth to a prince who was both talented and obsessed

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Chronicle of the History of the Qing Dynasty, Record of the Qing Dynasty

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