
"Time and Space – China-Australia Contemporary Art Exhibition" opened successfully in Sydney

Source: Overseas Network

On December 16th, the "Time and Space - China-Australia Contemporary Art Exhibition" co-sponsored by the Chinese Cultural Centre in Sydney and the Australian Alumni Association of the China Academy of Art and CWM Galleries in Australia opened at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Sydney. Zhou Limin, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Sydney, delivered a video message. More than 70 representatives of the art community and media, including Xiao Xiayong, Director of the Chinese Cultural Center and Director of the Chinese Tourism Office in Sydney, Claudia Chan Shaw, famous Australian designer, curator, writer and artist, Chris May, President of CWM Gallery, and Curator Li Gang attended the opening event.

"Time and Space – China-Australia Contemporary Art Exhibition" opened successfully in Sydney

Group photo of guests at the event.

Xiao Xiayong said that China has never stopped on the road of exploring contemporary art. The exhibition invited 14 Chinese artists from Chinese mainland, Australia and Macao to participate in the exhibition, and the 32 exquisite works exhibited focused on the emotional perception and connection of contemporary art in the temporal and spatial dimensions, presenting the audience with rich connotations of art works, which not only well demonstrated the diversity of culture and art between China and Australia, but also promoted the people of the two countries to appreciate each other's cultural differences and tolerance and diversity.

Claudia Chen Shaw, Chris May and other guests congratulated the opening of the exhibition and praised the exhibition for its reflections on the past, present and future of Chinese and Australian artists in the current era of the new crown epidemic, which undoubtedly effectively promoted cultural exchanges between China and Australia. Chris May called attention to the difficult situation of artists during the epidemic and gave positive support to their creations. On behalf of the Australian Alumni Association of china academy of art, Li Gang thanked all parties for their support and hoped that everyone would enjoy this hard-won China-Australia contemporary art exhibition. The audience was deeply interested in the exhibited artworks with a strong contemporary atmosphere.

"Time and Space – China-Australia Contemporary Art Exhibition" opened successfully in Sydney

Guests visit the exhibition at the event site.

The exhibition invites 14 Chinese artists from Chinese mainland, Australia and China in Australia to participate in the exhibition, and 32 exquisite works with the theme of "Time and Space" reveal the rethinking of Chinese and Australian artists in the current era and the pursuit of the inner world. The art forms of these exhibited works cover a wide range of works, which not only reflect the aesthetic heritage of the East, but also highlight the aesthetic taste of the West.

Overcoming various difficulties such as the impact of the new crown epidemic, the Sydney Chinese Cultural Centre will not only actively promote China's outstanding culture and art, but will also continue to hold a series of China-Australia art dialogue activities to provide a more extensive and in-depth exchange platform for Chinese and Australian artists. "Time and Space – China-Australia Contemporary Art Exhibition" will be on display at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Sydney until 10 January 2022. (Text/Overseas Network -Australia-Li Zhi Photo/Overseas Network-Australia-Wang Jingcheng)

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