
Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

author:China Net Shandong


On the afternoon of June 29, Professor Jia Xinguang, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, and a famous artist, walked into the cultural horizon and accepted an exclusive interview with Shandong & Cultural

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

Liang Hongwen, chairman of Shandong & Cultural Vision Network, made tea and drank it with Professor Jia Xinguang. Sipping tea at the entrance, back to Ganshengjin, the fragrance of tea lingers in every corner of the living room, and also brings a touch of coolness to the hot summer. They shared their feelings about the different tea drinking habits and tea culture of the north and the south, and talked about tea ceremony, life and art in the process of tea tasting.

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon
Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

After drinking tea, Chairman Liang Hongwen invited Professor Jia Xinguang to visit the Chinese Art Space, and they enjoyed the famous calligraphy and painting works on display. Chairman Liang Hongwen enthusiastically shared the creation stories behind some of the paintings. Subsequently, the two enjoyed Professor Jia Xinguang's excellent works on the "cloud" platform of the editorial department.

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

After "Cloud View", Professor Jia Xinguang came to the Cloud Studio and began to create ink. Professor Jia Xinguang usually observes objects and phenomena meticulously and is familiar with them by heart. He uses his pen neatly, and the lotus rod he writes is natural and vivid, which is quite charming.

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon
Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

Jia Xinguang, Heavenly Fragrance in the Old Garden, 66cmx50cm, June 2024

Connecting ancient and modern thoughts, communicating Chinese and Western cultures

In the context of the integration of Eastern and Western humanities and arts, Professor Jia Xinguang tries to integrate different cultural elements and styles into his creations. This attempt not only enriches the expression and connotation of his works, but also promotes the exchange and integration of Eastern and Western cultures. In addition, Professor Jia Xinguang also integrates and superimposes various factors such as his exploration and pursuit of artistic ideals, his own life experience, the ultimate spiritual attachment of human beings, as well as nature and the universe, and expresses them in his works, making his works more profound and meaningful.

In today's era of rapid change of artistic language, Professor Jia Xinguang has always been firm in his creative philosophy, he has always taken contemporary global culture as the background, local traditional culture as the main vein, and inherited the Chinese humanistic spirit and communicated Chinese and Western cultures as his mission, showing his unique creative outlook. "Every era has its own special way of expressing emotions and thoughts," he said. We must find the present moment and find ourselves. "Take the middle as the body, and the west as the use; Take the past as the body, and use the present as the present. My creative thinking over the years is that I have used both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign countries. For so many years, I have been wandering and wandering between the 'abstraction' of the West and the 'freehand' of the East. Professor Jia Xinguang's first exhibition hall "Zen Style" in the "Song of the Ancient Garden" exhibition is a combination of Western "abstraction" and Eastern "freehand", his painting appearance is ethereal and vivid, full of Western philosophical meaning, but also has the charm of Eastern Zen.

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

Jia Xinguang, "Supreme Coolness", 138cmx70cm, June 2024

The realm of the "old garden" is also the natural expression of the heart

The homeland is poetic and picturesque, every grass and tree is full of affection, and every mountain and water is a poem. Professor Jia Xinguang's artistic path has always run through his attachment and love for his homeland. Most of his paintings depict his homeland, and each stroke seems to be his affectionate call to his hometown. Mountains, rivers, fields, and cottages have all been endowed with life and soul by him. His paintings not only show the beauty and customs of his hometown, but also convey his longing and nostalgia for his hometown. This sincere and fiery emotion makes his works extremely infectious and vigorous. In the interview, Professor Jia Xinguang said, "The theme of 'old garden' has accompanied my creative experience for more than 40 years and runs through several different stages of my creation. Since Professor Jia Xinguang started his art, he has successively launched creative units such as Dream Back to the Hometown, Moonlight of the Hometown, Yunshui Hometown, Yellow River Hometown, Skylight of the Hometown, Sunshine of the Hometown, and Song of the Ancient Garden. He said, "I've been working around the theme of 'hometown', which has something to do with my upbringing. I grew up in the countryside since I was a child, so I have a special complex for my hometown that I can never get rid of, like the head of the village, the head of the kang, and the head of the wall...... As soon as I saw the scene of the countryside, I felt very intimate. This kind of fascination with hometown is inseparable. The 'old garden' has gradually become a symbol of my soul and spirit, and it has also accompanied my process of self-cultivation and self-improvement. ”

Return to the heart, return to nature

Professor Jia Xinguang's artistic achievements are profound and lofty, but he has always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, he calls himself "stupid and clumsy", and maintains a sense of reverence for art. When talking about his painting creation, Professor Jia Xinguang had clear and pure eyes, and enthusiastically shared his creative experience and creative philosophy. He sighed, "Art has given me a pure land, given me a vast sky, and given me unlimited freedom!" I am very fortunate to be able to continuously improve and cultivate myself in the field of art in this life. In the interview, he said, "Creation must be hard-working, sincere, and return to the original heart and nature." Every thought in our life represents every period of our life, and the realization of thinking and expression of life through art will be confirmed by time. "Professor Jia Xinguang's long artistic journey is full of endless exploration, challenges and tempering, and has also won wide praise from the audience. Today, with a more peaceful mind, he continues to move forward on the road of artistic creation.

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

Finally, Chairman Liang Hongwen and Professor Jia Xinguang took a group photo, and the "Entering the Cultural Vision Activity" came to an end. There will be a farewell when we get together, so let's look forward to the next reunion.

Expressing nostalgia through painting, integrating China and the West, connecting the ancient and the modern, the famous artist Jia Xinguang walked into the cultural horizon

Source/Cultural Vision Network Author/Sun Yuting

Videography and photography / Wang Yajing Li Jianlong

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