
The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

author:Phoenix Art
The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

"2024 Douyin Academy of Fine Arts Graduation Season"

This summer is destined to be particularly memorable for many graduating art students. During this year's graduation season, they received a special gift from Douyin Art:

Douyin Art and 11 authoritative art academies jointly launched the "2024 Douyin Academy of Fine Arts Graduation Season" activity, which is aimed at students, fresh graduates, and former graduates of all art-related majors in domestic and foreign colleges and universities, and together with top artists and professional art institutions, to help potential young artists clarify the direction of future progress.

Up to now, the number of views on topics related to Douyin activities has reached 6 billion+, and during the event, 16 hot lists have been harvested on the site, accurately covering 20,000+ graduates of professional art academies, and 15+ media reports inside and outside the station such as China Youth Network and China Daily Network.

For these "seen" future artists, this gift not only fills the sense of graduation ceremony, but also brings them one step closer to their artistic dreams.

The following is a comprehensive report brought to you by "Phoenix Art".

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ "2024 Douyin Academy of Fine Arts Graduation Season" poster

Many parties help to firm love,

They are given a stage to express themselves bravely

Starting at the end of April, Douyin Art launched the 2024 Douyin Academy of Fine Arts Graduation Season activity, inviting young Academy of Fine Arts graduates to actively participate in the "Douyin Young Artist Program" to seize the opportunity to show their artistic talents and keep good works from being buried.

Many industry leaders also participated in the graduation season activities, patiently "guiding the way" for young artists, and encouraging them to pursue their dreams bravely and focus on creation with their experience. @洪晃HungHuang. @画家史国良 Become a project facilitator, and by telling their own personal experiences, let the young artists feel that even if the current situation is not completely satisfactory, there are still these people who know themselves in front of them who care for them.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @画家史国良, @洪晃HungHuang抖音界面

During the graduation season, the well-known actor and the director of the art interview column "Art Braincase" @Yuanhong planned a special topic, with the theme of "Gome Graduation Exhibition Research", in-depth introduction of a number of excellent works in the Gome Graduation Exhibition, and a dialogue with the well-known contemporary artist Ye Linghan to understand their voices and the stories behind their creations, and at the same time interpret the development status of the art industry from a professional perspective, and show the enthusiastic dreams and youthful atmosphere of the artists with interesting clips.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @阿特脑壳抖音界面

Leading artists such as Lu Rongzhi, Lin Wanshan, Xiong Liang and Ge Yulu sent messages to the graduates, encouraging them to strengthen their love for art. Picture book writer @Xiongliang, who has been shortlisted for the Hans Christian Andersen Award, said: "Listen to your inner feelings and take creation as a lifelong career, you may encounter a lot of difficulties, but if you still choose to stick to it in this case, it must be right." ”

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts


Many times people have a natural stereotype about artworks and worry that they will not be able to empathize with artists, but the graduation season of Douyin Academy of Fine Arts has broken this wall: many outstanding graduates' works have been seen and understood through participating in online exhibitions, and the details and artistic concepts of their works have transcended the limitations of time and space.

Open the online exhibition page, "Art Rising Star Pavilion" and "Art Special Exhibition Hall" are the works of potential young artists and young artists who have gained more user attention on Douyin, click on different works to listen to the detailed introduction of the creation of the works, and you can also go directly to the artist's homepage with one click to gain an in-depth understanding of the artist's creative style.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ Douyin online exhibition page

"Will it still rain in the sky of adults?", @光耀的雕塑工作室 "It's Raining", the compression of the top-down angle and the placement of the suspended sculpture make the angle of view of the sculpture change, so that the audience and the children in the sculpture have a kind of eye contact, and the audience can look back at the past and feel the future during the viewing process;

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @光耀的雕塑工作室抖音页面

@山子雪源 work "A Thousand Faces Are Too Void" is based on the fifth episode of Dream of Red Mansions, "Jia Baoyu's Journey to the Void Realm and the Drama of the Dream of Red Mansions". Through the surreal chaotic space to express the "too illusory world", the characters, gardens, landscapes and other elements in the picture use the chaotic space layout to convey the chaos and confusion in the dream.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @山子雪源抖音页面

In addition to receiving support from all walks of life online, there are also outstanding art creators who have come to the campus to communicate face-to-face and share their experiences with the graduates. Up to now, more than 60 art students have been selected for the Douyin Young Artist Program, which has opened up the horizon from the campus to the society, and further clarified the direction of future efforts.

The beauty lasts infinitely,

Every "sharing" is closer to the dream

Artistic creation represents the endless pursuit of beauty.

Douyin Art is also further breaking boundaries, discovering as many young artists as deep as possible who have full potential in the trend art and painting tracks. Nowadays, on Douyin, we can see the continuous cultivation of fresh personal IPs.

The dedication of many potential young artists proves that the art of painting is not only a show-off, but also a universal emotion.

For example, under the brush of @陈汉煜, nearly 1,700 little characters in "Qingming Riverside Picture" have the opportunity to be re-recorded in life, and he has also gained more and more appreciation from users through brain-opening and historical stories.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @陈汉煜抖音页面

And when the trend meets digital technology, the visual feast under the impact of color is also very surprising.

@V!va, the creator of "Gome's Most Damn Graduation Design", showed the town scene with CG animation, causing users to sigh: "Send you to optimize my game interface!" ”

With the theme of "The copy is about to collapse, press the F key to escape the world", @马与佟 Shoot a virtual blockbuster to show surreal scenes with exquisite details and sci-fi texture.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @V!va、@马与佟抖音页面

This summer, these young artists made the "strongest sound" of their dreams on Douyin, and at the same time, it also sparked a new wave of people's perception of artworks. During the event, the personal accounts of many outstanding artists on Douyin increased by hundreds of thousands, and among the 10 young artists selected for the "Douyin Young Artist Award", @陈汉煜 gained 300,000+ followers and @夏弃疾 gained 240,000+ followers, and their personal account style continued to develop. Their growth process on Douyin has further strengthened the belief that artistic dreams are not only dreams, but can also create a better life.

Some graduates who have just stepped out of campus have also won sincere recognition from the outside world on Douyin with their professional skills and artistic talents.

For example, the work of art students of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, "The Daughter-in-law Who Hit the Kneaded Noodles", uses proverbs as a metaphor to speak out bravely from a female perspective, and has received 30 million+ views on Douyin;

The inspiration for the work of the art students of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, "It is Love, Moving the Sun and the Moon and Moving the Stars" comes from the author's mother's sentence "You are alive, I am also alive" after suffering from cancer, and the creator concretely presented the blood relationship, which received 20 million+ views, and many viewers were moved after understanding the background of the creation.

The graduation season with future artists is happening on Douyin! - Phoenix Arts

▲ @邱桃子, @你快跑吧抖音页面

During the 2024 Douyin Academy of Fine Arts graduation season event, the topic will remain hot, with a total of many topics on the top 1 of the hot list, and users will take the initiative to participate in the topic discussion and call for the artist after gaining deep emotional resonance. For example, after seeing the digital works of young artists, some viewers sighed: "People's works always contain a sparkling soul." ”

Every moment of graduation is recorded and shared at this moment and becomes eternal, and about the road of artistic dreams, these future great artists have just begun. With the graduation season of Douyin Academy of Fine Arts as a new starting point, we will join hands with the "Douyin Young Artist Program" to find more companions and express their love for a better life through artistic creation. And new aesthetic trends, new artistic concepts and more art forms have also taken root and grown freely on Douyin this summer.

(Phoenix Art Comprehensive Report Editor/Cui Fangxin Editor/Sophie)

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