
Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

In the long course of China's history, people admired the loyal courtiers, but they also criticized those traitors who were fickle for profit. Today, let's take a look at the famous rebel generals in history, what kind of fate did they have?

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Yingbu: Yingbu was a general of the late Qin and early Han dynasties, he came from a humble background, and after witnessing the vigorous uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, he defected to Xiangliang without hesitation, supporting King Huai of Chu and turning to Xiang Yu.

Yingbu was brave and fierce, and he made great achievements many times, so he was named the King of Jiujiang by Xiang Yu and won The trust of Xiang Yu. However, when Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were at the time of the Pengcheng War, because Liu Bang sent Sui He to surrender, Yingbu betrayed Xiang Yu between half push and half push, and began to engage in Liu Bang, following the Han army to prepare for the battle.

In the end, the Chu-Han War ended with Xiang Yu committing suicide at Wujiang, and Yingbu was unable to escape the same tragic fate as Han Xin and Peng Yue, and was finally given death by Liu Bang.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Han Xin: Han Xin was originally a subordinate of Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, who fought with him against Qin and advised Xiang Yu but was despised by Xiang Yu.

His talents could not be displayed, so he turned to Liu Bang and fought with Liu Bang against Chu. Han Xin's strategic talent was really rare, and his advice and strategy played a decisive role in the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, and in the end, Liu Bang successfully defeated Xiang Yu and established the Han Dynasty. However, he did not expect that Liu Bang was a fierce man, how could the lord of a country allow such a capable person to develop freely?

Soon, Liu Bang carefully cleaned up all the heroes. He first demoted Han Xin to the title of Marquis of Huaiyin, and then instructed Lü Hou to kill Han Xin in silence.

Poor Han Xin was lonely and brave, and he was buried in the dust.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Lü Bu: Lü Bu was a well-known general of the Three Kingdoms, and his reputation for bravery and good warfare once worried Cao Cao.

Due to the loss of his father at an early age, Lü Bu was sincerely adopted as a righteous son by Jingzhou Assassin Shi Dingyuan. Ding Yuan gave everything he had, and was close to and kind to the master Lü Bu. However, Chanai Lü bu is a despicable little man who sees the wind and steers the rudder. Dong Zhuo made a small plan, using a precious red rabbit horse and countless gold and silver treasures, he completely bribed Lü Bu, so that Lü Bu did not hesitate to kill Ding Yuan and recognize Dong Zhuo as his righteous father.

How can the capricious nature be easily changed?

In the end, Situ Wang Yun used the mink cicada to split Lü Bu's relationship with Dong Zhuo, causing Lü Bu to kill the so-called righteous father in a fit of rage. After that, he defected to the Yuan brothers, Zhang Yang, Liu Bei, and Cao Cao. At this point, his villain's heart was known to the whole world, and in the end, Cao Cao took his life.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Cai Mao: Cai Mao was originally engaged in Liu Biao during the Three Kingdoms period, and after Cao Cao entered Jingzhou, he switched to Cao Cao.

When he was engaged in Cao Cao, he did his best to walk smoothly and smoothly. During the Battle of Chibi, Cai Mao was appointed as the governor of the Cao Army's water army, but what he did not expect was that Zhou Yu of the Wu Kingdom used the anti-plot to design the drama of Jiang Gan's theft of books. After Cao Cao heard Jiang Gan's report, he was furious and ordered Cai Mao to be executed. But after calming down, he realized that this was a counter-plan, and it was too late to cancel the order to execute Cai Mao.

Even though Cao Cao regretted his impulse, there was nothing more to say about the matter, and Cai Mao died innocently.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Fan Jiang: Fan Jiang's original name was Fan Qiang, and his name was changed to Fan Jiang in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Fan Qiangben was a general of Zhang Fei of the Shu state during the Three Kingdoms period, and followed Zhang Fei in a joint campaign against the State of Wu. However, later, he defected with Zhang Da, and after killing Zhang Fei, he took Zhang Fei's first rank and defected to Sun Quan. I wanted to make a great contribution in front of the new master Sun Quan, but I made a mistake in my wishful thinking. Sun Quan was a wise man, and he knew that he would cause trouble, and not only refused to take Fan Qiang and Zhang Da in, but also sent someone to escort them back to the Shu kingdom.

In the end, Fan Qiang was executed by Zhang Fei's son Zhang Bao with a thousand knives to pay tribute to his father Zhang Fei's spirit in heaven. In fact, why bother? These two people really lifted a stone and dropped it on their own feet, stupid to the extreme.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Meng Da: Meng Da was a subordinate of Liu Zhang during the Three Kingdoms period, and later surrendered to Liu Bei after various circumstances.

During the Battle of Jingzhou, Liu Bei was furious because he did not send troops to save Guan Yu. Meng Da knew that he could not survive under Liu Bei,corpus, so he switched to Cao Wei. Later, he was heavily used during the reign of Cao Pi, as a general of The Commandery of The Scattered Horse and Jianwu, and was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Pingyang Pavilion, and Cao Pi also merged the three counties of Fangling, Shangyong, and Xicheng into a new city, with it as the new city Taishou and entrusted to the southwest.

After Cao Pi's death, Huan Jie and Xiahou Shang were already dead at that time, and Meng Da, because of his uneasiness, tried to return to Shu Han under the lure of Zhuge Liang. After that, Sima Yi really did not understand Meng Da's sincerity, so he completely killed him, and finally, lured Meng Da back to Luoyang and beheaded.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Hou Jing: Hou Jing was a well-known rebel general during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and he had divine power since he was a child, whether he rode or shot.

At that time, Gao Huan controlled most of the real power of Northern Wei, and Hou Jing climbed the political road step by step, so he turned to Gao Huan. Unexpectedly, shortly after Gao Huan's death, Hou Jing hurriedly defected to Yuwen Tai in Western Wei. However, Yuwen Tai understood the essence of the matter, and although he agreed to Hou Jinglai's surrender, he intended to relieve him of his military power.

In desperation, Hou Jing could only find another way out, choosing to defect to the Liang Dynasty in the south, and finally, he almost became the emperor on his own initiative, in a vain attempt to control the entire Southern Liang. But greed is ultimately a bamboo basket to draw water, especially in the case of self-control.

Eventually, Hou Jing died at the hands of the Southern Liang chancellor.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Qin Qiong: Qin Qiong was a subordinate of Zhang Sutuo during the Sui Dynasty, and he followed Zhang Sutuo in his conquest to destroy the rebel army.

Later, Zhang Sutuo was heroically killed in battle, and Qin Qiong defected to another Sui general, Pei Renji, and later, following the pace of his new master, began to work for Li Mi of the Wagang Army. Until the Wagang army dispersed, Qin Qiong found a new way out for Wang Shichong, and later, he betrayed Wang Shichong and defected to Li Shimin. Later, he followed Li Shimin, the King of Qin, on his southern expedition to the North, and made many military achievements, was wounded and sick, and worshiped the great general zuo Wuwei and the Duke of Yiguo.

In the ninth year of Wu De, Qin Qiong participated in the Xuanwumen Incident, and with Li Shimin killed Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, and was later worshipped as the general of Zuo Wuwei, and 700 households were sealed.

Later, Qin Qiong often fell ill, and eventually, vomited blood and died.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Xu Da: Xu Da came from a peasant family and shaved food in the soil. He has a strong temperament and is not willing to be subordinated to others. He looked clean, had slightly tall cheekbones, and was of great stature.

Later, when he saw that the rebels everywhere were actively resisting the Yuan, he resolutely turned to Guo Zixing. Zhu Yuanzhang found that Xu Da's talent was beyond everyone else,So he entrusted him with a heavy responsibility to conquer the four sides instead of himself, and from then on, Xu Da was loyal to Zhu Yuanzhang, and eventually, he also became the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty. However, the suspicious Zhu Yuanzhang was very uneasy about him in his heart, so he deliberately wanted to put Xu Da to death.

Zhu Yuanzhang obviously knew that Xu Da had a back disease, and it was forbidden to eat river geese in the ingredients, but he rewarded Xu Da with a table full of river goose feasts. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty also had an unwritten rule, that is, "If the emperor gives a feast, he must eat it immediately." Xu Da was not stupid, he understood Zhu Yuanzhang's intentions, and could only eat this big meal with all his helplessness, and soon after, he was poisoned and died.

Most traitors do not end well, and they are even exterminated, which is the best example

Wu Sangui: Wu Sangui is a great traitor known to everyone in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and it can be said that he showed extraordinary ability when he was young.

Zu Dashou was a noble family living in western Liaoning, Wu Xiang became Zu Dashou's brother-in-law, and Wu Sangui became Zu Dashou's nephew. Later, after one brave battle after another, he was promoted to the rank of chief soldier of Shanhaiguan, which won the trust of the Chongzhen Emperor. However, when Li Zicheng was about to attack the city of Beijing, no matter how much the Chongzhen Emperor urged Wu Sangui to return to Beijing as soon as possible to protect the emperor, Wu Sangui turned a deaf ear, so that the capital quickly fell and Chongzhen committed suicide.

Later, Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng fought many roundabout battles, and finally lost the battle, and had to borrow troops from Dolgun to win shanhaiguan. However, Dorgon was not a stupid person, he knew that Wu Sangui was a man of profit and injustice, so he no longer stood on the same front with him. After that, Wu Sangui still did not change his self-righteous stubbornness. He claimed to be the King of Zhou, and together with Shang Zhixin and Geng Jingzhong, the two kings of the clan rebelled against the Qing, which was the historical San Francisco Rebellion.

However, only lamenting the fate of people, Wu Sangui had a hard time claiming the title of emperor, but he fell ill and died in the same year, and his descendants were exterminated.


["Shi Ji Ji

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