
"Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat", what does it mean? In fact, the second half of the sentence is the focus

We know that in the 5,000-year history of China, our ancestors have left us a lot of things, such as leaving a lot of sayings in the countryside today. As the saying goes, although it sounds simple and crude, it contains a lot of philosophy of life, and if you read it carefully, it will be at least slightly useful for a new generation of young people.

For example, we can often hear the phrase "people have no windfall wealth and are not rich, horses have no night grass and no fat", and the philosophy of life has been exhausted, but now many people only remember the first half of this sentence but forget this sentence and the latter sentence "Windfall is not rich and poor, night grass is not fattening and sick horses", so what do these two sentences mean? Let's take a quick look at it today:

"Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat", what does it mean? In fact, the second half of the sentence is the focus

Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat

In fact, today we will take apart these two sentences to briefly explain, first of all, "people have no windfall and are not rich":

What does this sentence mean? Windfall naturally does not refer to gambling or welfare lottery and other sudden windfall, according to the understanding of the editor can be understood as an opportunity, that is, if you encounter an opportunity then you have to seize it then you may turn around and get rich.

In ancient China, the most common thing in daily life was the peasant, but we know that the peasants in ancient times did not have so much science and technology to increase production now, and the peasants in ancient times only relied on the sky to eat, but we know that farmers were industrious all their lives.

In ancient times, the vast number of peasants were the most industrious group, but many of them mostly lived a poor life, although they were busy every day, they could not rely on their own diligence to turn over, so that generation after generation of poverty continued, so if there is no special opportunity, it is really difficult to get rich.

"Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat", what does it mean? In fact, the second half of the sentence is the focus

For example, when Han Xin was young, he was poor, and at this time, everyone around him looked down on him, and even a butcher forced him to crawl from his crotch for this reason.

At that time, there was only one eldest lady who pitied him and often gave him food to eat, and Han Xin later helped Liu Bang unify the world, and later returned to the countryside, at this time Han Xin gave this big lady a lot of gold to let him have no worries about food and clothing for the lower half of his body.

And the act of this big lady to send food to Han Xin can be said to be a windfall, of course, this example may not be image, but the general meaning is that when you encounter an opportunity, you must seize it, or you must be good at finding opportunities or know how to invest yourself.

The same example can also be applied to Lü Yan, when Liu Bang was a disaster in the township, the surrounding people avoided him, once attended The banquet of Lü Yan's father, Liu Bang did not bring any gifts but could sit there cheekily, this move made Lü Father quite impressed with Liu Bang, so he boldly invested in marrying his daughter to him.

It turns out that Father Lü's vision is correct, Liu Bang is indeed a person worth investing in, and Father Lü's move is another windfall for him.

"Horses are not fattened: In fact, it is also very easy to understand, we know that horses are very expensive in ancient times, if a family has a horse, then it is definitely a big family."

However, raising horses is a technical work, definitely not a simple thing, horses in ancient times are mostly used to pull carts or do hard work, but a horse's daily exercise is very large, if you only provide it with food during the day, it will only become more and more emaciated, if you want the horse to become fat, so the night forage can not be saved, because it is only full at night, then it has the strength to work during the day.

"Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat", what does it mean? In fact, the second half of the sentence is the focus

So when we watch costume dramas, we can often see that those who invest in the inn want the shopkeeper to feed him some hay, which is what it means, and they just want their horses to grow stronger.

The second half of this sentence, "Windfall is not rich and poor, night grass is not fattening and sick horses" is helpless

Earlier we said that people need a "windfall" if they want to get rich, but this involves a question, so how many people can firmly grasp the opportunity? Or how many people watch opportunity slip away before their eyes? So sometimes the poor know that the opportunity is coming, but he does not know that it is an opportunity, so he can only watch it slip away, which is "windfall is not rich and poor lives."

For example, Han Xin, when he was young, who could have known that giving him a few bowls of rice would be rewarded so much later? At that time, only the eldest lady saw that he was pitiful, so she gave him food to eat, but how could ordinary people know that this was also a great opportunity for them? In the end, I knew that the windfall was gone, and I was still living a poor life.

"Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat", what does it mean? In fact, the second half of the sentence is the focus

So sometimes the windfall comes, and the poor don't know that it's a "windfall" or can't catch it, and eventually watch it run away and end up living a poor life.

And the same is true for feeding horses, the above mentioned feeding horses need to be fed at night, which is the most likely time for horses to grow up, but how can a sick horse not be fed fat, because horses have anorexia How can they be fed fat?

"Man has no windfall and is not rich, and horses have no night grass and no fat", what does it mean? In fact, the second half of the sentence is the focus

Therefore, the words of the ancestors are connected to the fact that people need to seize opportunities or know how to invest in order to turn around and get rich, but how many people can seize the opportunity or know how to invest? In the end, it still can't change fate.

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