
Suffering from mental illness, but the luckiest emperor of Japan, why is he called a mascot?

In most people's impressions, it seems that under the influence of palace fighting dramas, as long as they are related to the throne, they will consciously stage a palace fighting drama, of course, sometimes, reality is often more exciting than novels. For the Japanese emperor, everyone may remember the current Japanese emperor and the Meiji Emperor during the Meiji Restoration. And today I want to talk about Emperor Meiji's son, Emperor Taisho. His ascension to the throne can be said to have no conspiracy, but he is weak and sickly. So why did Emperor Taisho gain public respect during his reign?

Weak but emperor

As we all know, Emperor Meiji did indeed promote the development of Japan. Emperor Meiji had an empress and five concubines. I don't know if it is the marriage of close relatives that Japan pursues in its own hands and then promotes.

Emperor Meiji had five sons, but only Prince Kahito, later Emperor Taisho, survived.

Therefore, Emperor Meiji had high hopes for this only remaining seedling.

Suffering from mental illness, but the luckiest emperor of Japan, why is he called a mascot?

However, Jia Ren also inherited his father's problems, and he could not leave the medicine since he was a child. When he was a child, almost all his time was spent drinking medicine to treat diseases, and Jia ren's academic performance was not very good, and he was even in the bottom of the penultimate. Treatment takes up most of the time, and even when he gets better as an adult, his studies still have not improved. However, Kahito's status dictates that even if he does not perform well, he must become the next emperor.

After the death of Emperor Meiji, Crown Prince Kahito ascended the throne at Zichen Palace in November 1915 and became Emperor Taisho.

During his reign, democratic ideas developed rapidly

For the Taisho Emperor, who had not experienced any political struggle since he was a child, he did not have much experience to follow in the turbulent politics. Yamagata Aritomo was an old courtier who followed Emperor Meiji during the Meiji period, and still had a lot of power when Emperor Taisho first ascended the throne.

In the face of this emperor who really has no ability, and there is still a little "mental illness", Yamada Yutomo's ambitions are gradually revealed.

Suffering from mental illness, but the luckiest emperor of Japan, why is he called a mascot?

Power has always been under checks and balances, and then Prime Minister Shigenobu Okuma was Yamagata Arita's biggest stumbling block. But Okuma Shigenobu was very clever, and he knew that only by firmly relying on the emperor was the king's way. He often told Emperor Taisho about his grievances and had the intention of returning to his hometown, which made Emperor Taisho frightened, so he immediately took action to keep it, and then became a beautiful talk.

Emperor Taisho once went to his hometown with his empress to worship his ancestors, but on the way, he was photographed by a newspaper reporter who took many pictures, and the imperial family thought that this was detrimental to the external image of the imperial family, and the emperor severely punished him.

But Emperor Taisho only said that he would take this newspaper and look at it. The reason is to see if he himself is not on the camera.

As soon as this remark and the incident came out, the mysterious Emperor became approachable.

Suffering from mental illness, but the luckiest emperor of Japan, why is he called a mascot?

During the reign of Emperor Taisho, democratic ideas began to flourish and the social environment underwent some changes. Although the reign of Emperor Taisho was mediocre, it was a rare period of prosperity in Japan.

The opening up of the democratic atmosphere and the continuous spread of various ideological trends have become the period with the strongest cultural atmosphere in Japanese history.

Yasunari Kawabata, Japan's first Nobel laureate in literature, grew up during this period. Japan's civilian politics also developed rapidly during this period, and of course, the politics of politicians under the shogunate also suffered a certain disintegration.

I have to say that Emperor Taisho did not deliberately do anything, but some of the actions he made made a certain change in Japan, and it is really a Japanese mascot that generally exists.

The only major decision is monogamy

The Taisho Emperor was the first monogamous emperor in modern Japan.

He only married the only empress dowager, Empress Dowager Kujo. This is in stark contrast to his father, Emperor Meiji. At this point, Japan officially bid farewell to polygamy, the whole country is monogamous, and the status of women has been generally improved.

Suffering from mental illness, but the luckiest emperor of Japan, why is he called a mascot?

Emperor Taisho, who had been plagued by a fecal illness since childhood, also suffered from cerebral thrombosis at the age of forty.

According to rumors, Emperor Taisho was present at a state event, but he made an incredible move. Emperor Taisho suddenly smirked in his seat and made the speech into a scroll through which he looked at the foreign envoys. This act has disgraced Japan.

Later, he was restricted from any diplomatic activities, leaving the eldest son of Emperor Taisho to rule, and Emperor Taisho was equivalent to being crowned Emperor Taishang.

Suffering from mental illness, but the luckiest emperor of Japan, why is he called a mascot?

I don't know if stupid people have foolish fortunes, but although democratic ideas developed rapidly during the reign of Emperor Taisho, they all had two sides, which also laid hidden dangers for the prevalence of imperialism.

Perhaps in his later years there were more problems that followed, and the excessive pressure on Emperor Taisho led to insanity. On December 25, 1926, Emperor Taisho died of a heart attack. His life seems to be lucky but full of misfortune, but during his reign he gained the recognition of the people.

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