
Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

A little girl who loves life and wants to live her life into poetry, books, and tea.

By Chef Geng Vip


Three yellow chickens, one

Salt 2 g

Rapeseed oil to taste

Salt baked chicken powder 30g

Pretzel powder to taste

Yellow gardenia 2 pcs

1 green onion

Ginger 1 piece

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

1. Step 1: Preparation 1. Wash the chicken and rinse the chicken skin with boiling hot water until the chicken skin shrinks. 2. Pat the yellow gardenia into a bowl and soak in hot water until it turns yellow and set aside. 3. Put the salt baked chicken powder into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of rapeseed oil, put 1 small spoon of salt, an appropriate amount of pretzel (you can also leave it alone), a little soy sauce, stir well to set aside. 4. Cut the green onion into pieces and the ginger into slices and set aside.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

2, the second step: marinade 1. Spread the green onion and ginger throughout the chicken body. 2. Spread the soaked yellow gardenia water evenly over the chicken skin. 3. Mix the prepared salt baked chicken powder well and spread it evenly on the chicken, and apply it inside. 4. Give the chicken a full body massage. 5. Stuff the onion and ginger into the belly of the chicken and marinate. 6. After completing the above operation, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

3. Step 3: 1. Remove the refrigerated chicken and spread the rapeseed oil evenly on the chicken body. 2. Turn on the rice cooker and apply a little rapeseed oil to the rice cooker liner. 3. Spread the onion and ginger on the bottom of the pan, add the chicken, cover and start steaming rice mode.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

4. Step 4: 1. Cook after 25 minutes, open the pot carefully and be hot.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

5, the fifth step: take out the spare, perfect out of the pot.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

6. Step 6: Tear into shreds by hand and add an appropriate amount of side dishes according to personal taste.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

7. Step 7: Put onion, green onion, millet pepper, coriander, sesame oil, soy sauce, white sesame seeds, peanut rice, mix well and use.

Cantonese salt-baked hand-torn chicken – this way the meat is more tender

8. Step 8: Plate


Tips: 1: The voltage pot is adjusted to porridge mode 2: The rice cooker is adjusted to steamed rice mode 3: Put the chicken in the pot until it matures for 25 minutes

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