
How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

Son in Kawakami: The deceased is like Sihu?

Chuan, is the rolling Yangtze River east flowing water, day and night rushing east. so

Sichuan Province is named "Sichuan", is there really four rivers? Electric lamp ignition - in fact, it does not burn (of course).

The central city of the Sichuan region, formerly known as "Yizhou" in the Tang Dynasty. Located in the basin, the water network in the region is longitudinal. But

The "Chuan" of Sichuan refers to the "Chuan" of the Yima Pingchuan River.

How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

During the Song Dynasty

The administrative divisions of the country are not called "provinces", but "roads". The world is divided into fifteen roads. Later


, including "Xichuan" and "Xiaxi" two roads, therefore

Also known as "Chuanxia Road".

In the fourth year of the Xianping Dynasty of the Northern Song Dynasty, (1001 AD).

"Chuanxia Road" is divided into: Yizhou Road, Lizhou Road, Zizhou Road and Kuizhou Road. This was the later "Sichuan".

Parts of Lizhou were incorporated into Shaanxi during the Yuan Dynasty. The prefecture originally belonged to Chongqing Fengjie, and after Chongqing was directly under its jurisdiction, it also separated from Sichuan.


Today's Sichuan is only "Yizhou" (Chengdu area) and "Zizhou" (Mianyang, Santai area) two rivers. However, many people do not understand this, and even mistakenly think that it is the "river" in the river!

I. The "Two Rivers" of Sichuan 'Disappearing'

Sichuan was called Yizhou in ancient times. From the qin dynasty's Li Bing father and son to build the capital Jiangyan,

For more than 2,000 years, Yizhou (Chengdu) has been the economic, political and cultural center of the Sichuan Basin.

However, before the Yuan Dynasty, there was no mention of provinces in China's administrative divisions.

How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

During the Qin Dynasty, Sichuan was called Yizhou; during the Tang Dynasty, Sichuan was called Jiannan Province. However, at that time, the jurisdiction of Jiannan Province was larger than it is now. In addition to some areas in Sichuan, it also includes Wen County in Gansu Province, Ailao Mountain and Lancang River in Yunnan, and some areas in northern Guizhou.

After hundreds of years of changes, it roughly formed what was later called "Chuanxia Road", which was officially named Sichuan Province during the Yuan Dynasty.

During the Ming Dynasty, the total area of Sichuan Province once reached 570,000 square kilometers, which was the largest period of administrative jurisdiction in Sichuan.

In ancient China,

Hanzhong is the only way to enter the Sichuan Basin, and the military strategic position is very important.

Throughout the ages, all kinds of forces must pass through "Hanzhong" to enter the Shu land.

Therefore, in order to balance the local forces in Sichuan, from the Yuan Dynasty to the 23rd year of the Yuan Dynasty (1286), the Yuan Dynasty divided the Hanzhong region into Shaanxi Province.

Until then, Hanzhong had always belonged to "Lizhou". Therefore, during the Yuan Dynasty, Lizhou Road was divided into most of them.

The last one to be separated was Kuizhou, which refers to the Fengjie area of Chongqing.

Sichuan Province is a large city, only Chengdu is a central city, it is difficult to fully radiate to the surrounding areas. Since the Yuan Dynasty or earlier, Chongqing has become an important water transportation hub in Sichuan because of its proximity to the Yangtze River.

How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chongqing, as the capital of the War, accepted a large number of factories, schools and political institutions transferred from the central cities in the north. Slowly formed its own scale.


The state wanted to divert water from the south to the north and build the Three Gorges Dam, so in June 1997 Chongqing was designated as a municipality directly under the central government for the purpose of resettlement and other issues.

Since then, Sichuan has been missing another river.

Second, the humanistic customs of Sichuan

Some people say that Bashu is actually two ethnic groups, with different origins since ancient times. The Sichuan people, represented by the people of Yizhou (Chengdu area), belonged to the "Shu Kingdom" in ancient times, while the Chongqing people belonged to the "BaGuo" in ancient times.

The Shu people relied on the impact plain formed by Dujiangyan to develop production, while the Ba people were relatively backward and were the descendants of mountain peoples. Therefore, there is also a certain difference in the personality of the people in the two places. Like what

Chengdu people are thoughtful and emotional, while Chongqing people are hot-tempered and straightforward.

But if you look at it from the looks alone, there is no difference between the people of the two places.

When outsiders see several people from Sichuan and Chongqing standing together, they generally do not feel that there is much difference in their personality behavior and living habits. Why?

How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

That's because:

Today, more than 80% or 90% of the people in the Sichuan-Chongqing region are descendants of immigrants in the early Qing Dynasty. Chongqing is even more special, with as many as eight emigrants in history.

The first migration occurred in 314 BC, after the Qin state destroyed the state of Ba, and sent Zhang Ruo to garrison Badi. Later, in the Three Kingdoms, the Two Jin Dynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty Jingkang Period, and the Yuan Dynasty Red Turban Army Uprising, the national migration. Later, two more lakes filled Sichuan, plus during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chongqing was the rear area of China with a large number of immigrants.

Nowadays, the people of sichuan and Chongqing,

Counting three generations of ancestors, it is basically impossible to find "indigenous".

It is only the difference between the plain culture and the dock culture that has caused a slight difference in the personality of the people in the two regions.


In general, the personality of the Sichuan people was reshaped after the great migration. Language is a national smorgasbord of dialects, and living habits are also a national smorgasbord,

It all looks pretty much the same.


How can outsiders judge whether a person is a Sichuanese or not?

Of course, it is judged by listening to their speeches, because Sichuan dialect has some unique places.

If you listen to him talk like Sichuan, he is Sichuan!

How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

Previously, there was a friend in Yichang, who was often on a business trip, and as soon as she spoke, she was said to be from Sichuan, so she said that she should assign her hometown Ofichang to Sichuan.

Of course, there is another reason why she says this, that is, she likes Sichuan, and she finds Sichuan's history, geography, humanities and customs very attractive.

In ancient times, when transportation was not developed,

Because of its topography, Sichuan has become a country of its own. The basin is rich in plant, animal and mineral resources. The air is humid and the water is abundant, which is very suitable for seclusion.

Of course, it is also suitable for people with ulterior motives to raise soldiers, Liu Bang fought out from here, and Liu Bei was also, but he did not succeed.

In some socially turbulent times, ordinary people can't live on, so they like to run to Sichuan to open up the wilderness.

In the early Ming And early Qing dynasties, the imperial court encouraged "displaced people" to enter the river to reclaim the land. Once the wasteland is reclaimed, the ownership of the land belongs to the peasants.

In Sichuan, where the natural conditions are superior, cultivate the land,

Access to living resources is also far easier than in the Central Plains and Northwest China. As long as you have a little brain, casually work as a small trader here, it is easy to be self-sufficient in life.

Moreover, Sichuan people are the descendants of immigrants, have experienced many changes, and have become "happy to know their destiny" and pay attention to enjoyment.

The pace of life in the whole area is half a beat slower than outside.

Young people stay a long time, and there will be many changes

How did the name Sichuan come about, and what regions did the four "Chuan" refer to?

Sichuan natives also feel that this is "undesirable". thereupon

Sichuan has become two rivers, and the people of the two rivers who went out have brought the warning of "less to enter Sichuan" to the whole country.


The sichuan in Sichuan province actually refers to mountains, not rivers.

Sichuan used to have four "roads": Yizhou Road (Chengdu), Lizhou Road (Hanzhong area), Zizhou Road (Santai) and Kuizhou Road (Chongqing Fengjie). The four regions are collectively called "Chuanxia Road", so it is also called Sichuan.

In the Yuan Dynasty, part of Lizhou was carved out. In 1997, the Kuizhou area was also demarcated. As a result, today's Sichuan is only left with "Yizhou" and "Zizhou" two rivers.

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