
Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

According to historical records, one day she went to the Cining Palace as usual to ask the empress dowager (Empress Xiaozhuang) for peace, and the empress dowager saw that her clothes were coiled with dragons and brilliant, and it did not take long to give birth to a boy, this boy was the later Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty! The woman that Xiang Meizi wants to talk to you about today is the birth mother of the Kangxi Emperor, and later known as Empress Xiaokangzhang' Tong Jiashi.

Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

Tong Jia, born in the fifth year of Chongde (1640), 2 years younger than the Shunzhi Emperor, entered the palace when she was about 13 years old and became a concubine of the Shunzhi Emperor, with a very low status, but because of her beautiful looks, she could occasionally give the Shunzhi Emperor a bed, close to Longyan, she was the daughter of Tong Tulai, a servant of the Dutong Libu.

Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

Speaking of her father, it is worth mentioning her father's ancestors, her grandfather Tong Yangsheng seized power during the trial, led the family to return to Houjin, then assisted Nurhaci to establish a foundation, the Eastern Expedition to the West, and later created a great military merit, was awarded the third class light vehicle lieutenant, originally subordinate to the Han Army Banner, and later Tong Yang was captured by the enemy in the battlefield, more than 60 members of the whole family were killed, Tong Jia's father escaped a disaster, he inherited Tong Yangzheng's hereditary office, and later because of his outstanding military achievements, he was awarded the title of Capital Commander, Ceremonial Attendant, Jin Third Grade Son, hereditary. Therefore, although Tong Jia's status in the palace is low, his fathers and grandfathers are all the founding heroes and famous generals.

Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

Although Tong Jia was occasionally able to serve the Shunzhi Emperor, his stomach was very angry, and not long after entering the palace, he became pregnant and gave birth to the Kangxi Emperor, who later became famous. In the Qing Dynasty official "Qing Shilu" and the Kangxi Emperor's Jingling Shengde Shengong inscription also made a mythological description of the pregnancy, Tong Jiashi when he gave birth to the Kangxi Emperor, full of incense, enduring, and five-colored light filled the courtyard, with the same glow as the sun. Of course, there is no historical evidence of all this to prove whether it is true or not, but only because the Kangxi Emperor became the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and the official historians wrote it in this way.

Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

It is precisely because Tong Jia gave birth to this extraordinary mixed-race emperor, so she jumped from a lowly concubine to an empress dowager, why should it be said that Kangxi is a mixed-race emperor, because the Kangxi Emperor's grandmother, Emperor Xiaozhuangwen, is a Mongolian, and her mother Tong Jia is Han, and her father, the Shunzhi Emperor, is of Manchu descent, so Kangxi is a mixed-race child. After the Kangxi Emperor ascended the throne, on the third day of the first month of October in the first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1662), he honored his birth mother Tong Jia as Empress Dowager Cihe!

Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

It is reasonable to say that Tong Jia's mother, with her son Gui, can enjoy the glory and wealth in the future, and there is no need to compete with the harem concubines for favors, but she is blessed with a shallow life, Kangxi second year (1663) In February, Tong Jia was bedridden, fell ill, and the tai doctor in the palace could not start, and on February 11 of the second year of Kangxi (1663), Empress Xiao Kangzhang closed her eyes forever in the Cining Palace and died! Died on December 31, 24 years old! She is the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty!

Historical records: She gave birth to the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty at the age of 15, but she was the shortest-lived empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty

Kangxi 2nd year (1663) May 27, 27th line of ceremony, Empress Xiaokang, on June 6, Empress Xiaokang Bao palace with the Shunzhi Emperor Bao Palace buried in the Xiaoling Underground Palace, placed on the left side of the Shunzhi Emperor Bao Palace, that is, the east side, Kangxi Sixteenth Year (1677), with Tong Tulai as Empress Xiaokang's father, Tui En gave the first class duke, and the first to raise the flag, changed it from the Han army flag to the yellow flag, Tong Jia's second brother Tong Guowei served as the minister of the imperial guard, Tong Guowei's two daughters were married to the Kangxi Emperor, one became the empress, One became an imperial concubine, so to speak, Tong Jia changed his life's fate because of the family's Yu En, and the family also changed his fate because she gave birth to an emperor, becoming a veritable imperial relative.

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