
The best home style: smell the fragrance of books, hear the quiet, see the calm

The best home style: smell the fragrance of books, hear the quiet, see the calm

Author: Aju

Source: RuFeng Everyone (ID: rufengdajia)

Family education is the best education a person receives.

Bing Xin once said:

"I don't know what home is, but the boredom and sorrow melt and disappear in it."

Yes, a family together, it does not matter how much money is less, the house is big and the room is small.

Because home is not a house, but a harbor of the soul, you can remove all disguises, do not have to be confused, do not see the wind and frost, even if the outside of the door is cold as snow, the inside of the door is also warm with spring wind.

The best feng shui in a home is to smell the fragrance of books, hear the quiet, and see the calmness.


Smell the smell of books

Su Shi said in the "Three Acacia Hall Inscriptions": "Loyalty has been passed down from family to family for a long time, and poetry books have been passed down from generation to generation."

A family, only loyalty, reading, can develop for a long time.

Historically, there are three talents in a family, no more than the three fathers and sons of the Su family: Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Rui, the most admirable should be Su Xun, cultivated two talents, leaving many classic works for posterity.

At that time, As a father, Su Xun was also sad, the two sons were mischievous and mischievous, not to say, did not love to read, hard to come, and afraid of the reaction.

Therefore, he decided to lead by example to educate children, starting from motivation and actively guiding, so that children are interested in learning and turn harm into profit.

At the beginning, Su Xun hid in the study every day to read books, sneaking around, and when the children saw it, they hid the books and seriously warned them not to enter the study.

This completely stimulated, the curiosity of the two children, you do not let us see, we want to see. So, the two children tried their best to go to the study to steal books.

In this way, the Su family brothers also discovered the joy of reading, and gradually took reading as a habit, creating a twin miracle in cultural history, and the Su family also passed on seven generations.

As Yao Wentian of the Qing Dynasty said:

"Hundreds of years of old homes in the world are nothing but accumulation of virtue, and the first good thing in the world is to read."

For a family, the best heirloom is not to leave the child with a house, a car, money, but to teach the child to read.

You know, family education is to accompany the child's life, and the parents are the child's first teacher, but also the child's lifelong mentor and friend, a family that loves to read, the child will benefit for a lifetime.

Read more books, at first we may be ordinary, but not ignorant, may be busy, but not boring. Because it can not only broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge, but also empathize with great people, cultivate our sentiments, and learn the wisdom of great people and suppress ignorance.

There is no book in life, every page counts, although it cannot make us rich immediately, but it can teach our children to find the answer to life through the knowledge in the book, and to discover the truth, goodness and beauty of life.

The best home style: smell the fragrance of books, hear the quiet, see the calm


Hear the silence

In the Tao Te Ching, there is such a sentence:

"Who can be turbid with silence Xu Qing?" Who can live in peace? ”

A cup of turbid water, put still, will reach the degree of clarity, the family is also, every day precipitation, more communication, not noisy, so as not so irritable.

Zeng Guofan, the "first finisher", took the exam seven times before winning a show talent, and Zeng Guofan's family, who never scolded him, always spoke softly to him, and supported him as always.

When reading, although his father is strict, he will also communicate with him, asking him to take it slowly, not to be in a hurry, not to read the previous sentence, not to read the next sentence, not to finish the book, not to continue to the next book.

Even Zeng Guofan went to Beijing to take the exam, and after failing the list, the money was spent, and Zeng Guofan, who was penniless, also found his father's friend, borrowed a hundred taels of silver, and bought a set of 23 histories.

You know, at that time, the one hundred and two pieces of silver, with the income of his father as a teacher, needed two years without eating or drinking to complete.

For his son's "loser's move", the father did not scold, but said calmly, you read these books with your heart, and I will pay off the debt for you.

Since then, Zeng Guofan has worked hard to become a high-ranking official in Beijing.

No matter how many problems zeng guofan encountered later in his life, he learned to communicate well and use quietness, so that the Zeng family passed down for more than two hundred years, extending to the eighth generation of grandchildren, and there was no "loser".

It is said that communication is the source of world peace.

Indeed, some families, often because of poor communication, often quarrel over some trivial matters, making the family restless.

And a family that can communicate is often quiet and calm. Because they understand that harmony is the way for a family to prosper.

There is no need to be loud, because you can hear, speak softly, but permeate cultivation, highlight quality, do not need to be high-spirited, because you can see, walk gently, but contain a kind of demeanor, contain a charm.

Home is a harbor, it doesn't need to be too big, it's quiet, it's not gorgeous, but it's thriving.

The best home style: smell the fragrance of books, hear the quiet, see the calm


See calmly

Someone said, "Children will never obediently listen to adults, but they will imitate adults." ”

Yes, as a parent, your words and deeds will subtly affect the child, when you have an emotional breakdown, whether you are habitually reasonable, or casually lose your temper, the child is in the eyes.

If you hold your mobile phone every day to brush videos, lazy, not motivated, how can you ask your child, study well, be a hard worker, you know, what kind of person you are, what kind of person your child is!

In China's modern history, the most famous figure, Liang Qichao, is a politician, thinker, and writer, but his greatest strength is not to have these auras, but to be an excellent father.

In the area of educating his children, he has his own experience, especially for the children's scores, the test is not good, and Liang Qichao is never angry.

Once Liang Sizhuang exam, won the sixteenth place, especially sad, Liang Qichao knew, very calmly said: Zhuang Zhuang results are already very good, even if the exam fails, it does not matter, let's take it slowly.

Even when the children chose the major, Liang Qi was calm and calm, and he respected the children's wishes very much.

Unlike today's parents, who only consider whether they can make money or not, can they find a good job? He pays attention to his child's grades and is eager to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry in the first grade of primary school.

It is precisely because of this calm and calm that Liang Qichao's nine children can play according to their own wishes, and finally three academicians are out, all of whom are outstanding.

In the end, family education is the best education for a person, in the face of life, perhaps the child is clumsy at the beginning, but as long as we are calm and unhurried, there is not too much worry, it will create a good growth space for the child.

You know, no one can spend a lifetime, shielding their children from the wind and rain, and good parents are taking a calm, letting children learn, calmly facing the failures in life, and easily navigating the ups and downs of life.

The best feng shui in a home is to be calm and calm, so that children can live out what they like in their own time zone, not rushed, not hurried, not slow.

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