
One Piece: Luffy is far more powerful than Roy and Kidd combined? The real strength is already on par with Kaido

After the one piece manga 1036 episode update, many fans for Luffy's current strength, expressed great surprise, did not expect that in just a few months, Luffy's strength, has reached the real realm of the four emperors, not only with Kaido equal, even the same supernova Luo and Kidd, who were the same as Luffy before, were also far behind him, his strength completely exceeded the sum of the two, this kind of rocket-like strength growth, in the eyes of everyone, have to sigh, worthy of Oda's own son at the same time, It also makes people look forward to his subsequent performances!

Luffy's strength has reached the realm of the Four Emperors, far exceeding the sum of Luo and Kidd

One Piece: Luffy is far more powerful than Roy and Kidd combined? The real strength is already on par with Kaido

Speaking of Luffy's strength, to the feeling of many sea fans, he should be on an equal footing with Luo and Kidd, after all, the battle between the two emperors against the five giants is still vividly remembered, when Luffy was laid down by Kaido, it was impossible to see that Luffy's strength was already comparable to Kaido, and now big mother alone fights Luo and Kidd, so that the two are tired of coping, and Luffy and Kaido's one-on-one duel, Luffy's more than enough look, let people suddenly realize, it turns out that now Luffy's strength has approached Kaido, reaching the realm of the four emperors! At the same time, it also suppresses Luo and Kidd, becoming the strongest presence among the big three at present!

Luffy's strength has moisture? Kaido's self-improvement title cannot be ignored

Although Luffy's strength has been greatly improved today, many sea fans believe that Luffy's real strength has injected a lot of water, after all, Kaido consumes a lot of physical strength due to manipulating the ghost island, coupled with the repeated consumption of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath, the Five Giants and Yamato, even Kaido, as Yamato said, he showed a lack of physical strength.

One Piece: Luffy is far more powerful than Roy and Kidd combined? The real strength is already on par with Kaido

Having said that, but after all, Kaido is also a monster-like existence, although Kaido's physical strength is not enough, it will affect Kaido's overall strength, not as good as the peak state, but after all, Kaido is also known as the existence of the strongest creature, I don't know how much physical exertion is extremely serious, so it is impossible to continue to fight in physical strength, but with Kaido's rich combat experience, quick battle and quick decision, for him, it is not difficult, still able to maintain the peak of the four emperors' combat power output, so many sea fans believe that kaido's physical strength consumption, For the weakening of strength, it can only be said to be limited and cannot play a key role!

One Piece: Luffy is far more powerful than Roy and Kidd combined? The real strength is already on par with Kaido

On the other hand, Luffy, although it seems to be a picture like the wind, but every time the strength of Luffy will be increased, this kind of protagonist aura, is the envy of the strength of the blessing, before the defeat with Kaido many times, although the second defeat, but the strength does not drop but rises, but also in line with Luffy's role setting, so now with the lack of physical strength kaido, briefly fight into a five-five open situation, it is also reasonable, if Luffy can pull the battle time long enough, consume Kaido's last physical strength, there is no doubt, Victory belongs to Luffy and is inevitable!

One Piece: Luffy is far more powerful than Roy and Kidd combined? The real strength is already on par with Kaido

On the other hand, Luo and Kidd, although the two joined together, they directly beat up big mother, but after all, it was a joint force, which could not stabilize the output of the four emperors level, and the big mother saved more physical strength after all, plus now entered the violent mode, there is no doubt that this continuous output, although not necessarily how powerful, but the output combat strength of the four emperors peak level, coupled with physical strength, the oppression and continuity brought to Luo and Kidd are extremely large, there is no doubt that the difference in volume level is too large, which they cannot deal with at present. If you want to win, you can only hope that after the output of Big Mama's fury becomes weaker, there will be a turnaround!

One Piece: Luffy is far more powerful than Roy and Kidd combined? The real strength is already on par with Kaido

Between this and the other, the strength of Luffy and Kidd and Luo, naturally at a glance, although Luo and Kidd's single strength is also strong enough, but after all, the two of them can reach the level of the four emperors, and Luffy has been in the battle, has stepped into the realm of the four emperors, so the strength of the high and low is obvious, saying that Luffy strength is the sum of the strength of the two, it is not too much, what kind of views do you have, welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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