
"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

The Tieyuan Blockade, which took place in the post-fifth campaign to resist US aggression and aid Korea, is well known because it was publicized a lot. In fact, the Huachuan Blockade Battle, which was carried out at the same time as the Tieyuan Blockade War, was not inferior to the former in terms of strategic significance and grandeur. But because there is so little publicity, it has been little known.

"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

The unit participating in the Huachuan Blockade Battle was the 58th Division of the 20th Army of the Ninth Corps, and the commander was Huang Chaotian, the commander of the division. They were originally ordered to retire after completing the front-line attack mission, but in the Huachuan area, they found that the US troops had been wedged in, and Huachuan was the logistics center of the Eastern Front Volunteer Army, where there were a large number of combat materials, as well as many hospitals and wounded, if they were attacked by the US troops, the consequences would be extremely serious.

In addition, the 27th, 12th, 47th, and 5th Armies of the Volunteer Army and the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Armies of the People's Army are engaged in a fierce battle with the US 10th Army in the Linjiao area, and Huachuan is the retreat route of the more than 100,000 volunteers, and once cut off, they will be surrounded and annihilated by the US army, and the situation is the same as when Huaye Mill Zhuang surrounded and annihilated Huang Baitao's corps, so if Huachuan loses, the whole war situation will completely collapse.

The 58th Division led by Huang Chaotian was originally huaye's first column and one division, and it was also the first division of the New Fourth Army that Su Yu had been teaching for many years, and this unit was the ace army of Huaye and Sanye.

"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

After analyzing the situation in Huachuan, Huang Chaotian and other division commanders decided to change the retreat order and stay in Huachuan to fight a blockade battle. Because the Volunteer Army fought very passively in the Fifth Campaign, the battlefield left many loopholes, and in addition, the US army advanced too fast, even if the loopholes were found, it was difficult to fill in time.

Under such conditions and circumstances, thanks to Huang Chaotian's 58th Division, they had a keen sense of smell and great flexibility, and they were bold and dared to fight dangerous battles, which were the characteristics of the army brought out by Su Yu.

Huang Chaotian led the 58th Division to resolutely plug this loophole in Huachuan. Although at this time, the situation was not optimistic, the US army occupied many key passes in Huachuan in the blink of an eye, the whole division was originally a tired division that had gone through a bitter battle, less than 10,000 people, there was little rations and ammunition left, the vanguard of the 172nd Regiment and the 173rd Regiment had already passed through Huachuan, Huang Chaotian ordered them to immediately turn back and move closer to the main force.

"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

The 58th Division had three regiments, the 172nd, 173rd and 174th, at this time only the 172nd Regiment was relatively complete, the 173rd Regiment was reduced to 5 infantry companies, the 174th Regiment had only 6 infantry companies (3 battalions had not yet been rebuilt in search of the enemy), and each company was reduced to 2 platoons, with a total strength of 9471 people.

On the US side, on the other hand, on the front line of Daejeon- Thali, Hwacheon, Seongsan, Shin-pu-ri, and Hara Kawa-ri, the US 7th Division was on the front line of Tanganli and New Delhi; and on the frontline of 90,000-li and Yucun was the ROK 6th Division, with a total of 2 divisions and 1 regiment, with a total strength of more than 33,000 troops, about 4 times that of the 58th Division.

What's next? Huang Chaotian believes that if we completely take a defensive position and wait for the US military to besiege it, it is obviously not possible. Because the superiority of the US artillery is too large, there are more than two hundred tanks alone, hundreds of large-caliber artillery, and air support. The 58th Division, on the other hand, was obviously short of weapons and ammunition, and its numbers were small, and it could not withstand continuous consumption, so it could only take the offensive as the defense, take advantage of the night, and constantly counterattack through the position to attack and delay the US troops.

"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

In the process of blocking the attack, the 58th Division used all the methods accumulated over the years of fighting, such as hoarding more and less swinging, digging anti-tank positions, etc., and stubbornly carried the US troops, starting from May 27 to June 3, so that more than 30,000 US troops only advanced 4 kilometers in 8 days. Van Vliet gritted his teeth in anger and personally went to the front to supervise the battle, and the 58th Division fell into an even more difficult situation and began to run out of food! And the hungry Yang Gensi Company was able to annihilate a company of the US army with one company. It can be seen that the 58th Division's desperate fighting spirit is desperate.

Gritting his teeth until June 8, finally, the wounded and sick of the 27th Army, the 12th Army, the 47th Army, and the Huachuan area had been smoothly transferred, and the 58th Division finally completed the task of blocking the attack.

According to the statistics in the book "Decisive Battle of Korea", in the course of the Huachuan Blockade Battle, the 58th Division fought with the enemy for 13 days and nights, stubbornly withstanding the repeated attacks of the enemy's 10 regiments, and finally annihilating more than 7,400 enemy troops and inflicting more than 2,700 casualties on their own.

Now it seems that if there is no Huachuan blockade battle, the hundreds of thousands of volunteer troops on the front line will be surrounded and annihilated by the US coalition forces, and even if they can break through, they will also be broken and broken, and the entire fifth loss will be immeasurable.

With the Tieyuan Blockade Battle and the Jiahuachuan Blockade Battle, the fifth battle was still so passive and the losses were so heavy. If the 58th Division's Huachuan blockade battle, then the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

One will become famous and withered.

The same is true of World War I fame.

In the Battle of Shangganling, the volunteer army participated in the battle, the 12th Army and the 15th Army, a total of more than 43,000 people, and 44 combat heroes represented by Huang Jiguang and Qiu Shaoyun emerged.

In the Huachuan Blockade Battle, 11 combat heroes (including 178 regiment) emerged from the 58th Division's under-staffed division of 9471 men, and this proportion at least equaled Shangganling, so on the entire battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, only it could be comparable to Shangganling.

What about the 63rd Army in the Tieyuan Blockade? According to statistics, the 63rd Army suffered particularly heavy casualties, with more than 20,000 casualties, but only 1 person was awarded the honorary title of combat hero by the volunteer army headquarters. Therefore, the number of battle heroes emerging in the Huachuan Blockade Battle was 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle.

But to say that the popularity, the Tieyuan Blockade Battle far exceeds the Huachuan Blockade Battle, whether it is from the relevant books or the publicity of related films and television, the Tieyuan Resistance Battle has defeated the Huachuan Obstruction War. Huachuan Blockade Battle is really "low-key".

"Low-key" Huachuan Blockade Battle: The number of battle heroes emerging is 11 times that of the Tieyuan Blockade Battle

At the beginning of the year, the popular large-scale revolutionary historical drama "Crossing the Yalu River" publicized the Tieyuan Blockade Battle, but the Huachuan Blockade Battle was almost ignored!

Of course, Yongxuan did not mean that the Tieyuan Blockade War should not be publicized, but that the Huachuan Resistance War should also be publicized, after all, they were all excellent heroes and sons and daughters who defended their families and defended the country, and paid a huge sacrifice.

The volunteer soldiers from the Ninth Corps and other units of Sanye were very tragic. The first battle of the Korean Dynasty was the Battle of Chosin Lake, in the cold of minus thirty or forty degrees, endured cold and starvation, no heavy weapons, created a brilliant record, but also challenged their own limits, broken bones, almost failed to participate in the third and fourth battles (26 army to participate in the battle), until the fifth battle did not ease up.

It was in this situation that the 58th Division of the 20th Army fought another vicious battle. They are worthy of the elite divisions brought out by General Su Yu. In the Battle of Eastern Henan that year, this unit was the regiment that encircled and annihilated the Shounian Regiment of the Complete District, and immediately went to encircle and annihilate Huang Baitao's reorganized 25th Division, one after another fierce battles, and could not rest for a moment, thus cultivating the spiritual strength and iron bones of continuous combat.

When the US army suddenly attacked Huachuan, the commander of the volunteer army, Peng Dehuai, was very worried, and the dispatch of troops was very anxious, but when he learned that the 58th Division had taken the initiative to start an obstruction war without orders, he praised it one after another:

"This unit can fight hard and vicious battles, can make a surprise attack and take into account the overall situation, and is a good unit with a very hard work style!"

And the commander of the Ninth Corps, General Song Shilun, even shouted "Good! Good! Good! ”

(Image from the Internet)

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