
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

"When you see these old objects, you will remember my life of leaving my hometown and working hard 30 years ago, and the scene is like yesterday." Chen Yubo, a returned overseas Chinese from Jamaica, was overwhelmed with emotion when he visited the Guanlan Overseas Chinese Museum.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Rubber knives and glasses used by overseas Chinese rubber cutting in the old days

A sewing machine bought from the other side of the ocean

An old bookcase full of historical vicissitudes

And it was full of books


They come from history

Now it will once again lead people into the depths of history

Relive the history of Guanlan's struggle of overseas Chinese for more than 160 years

This is the scene of the Guanlan Overseas Chinese Museum

"There will continue to be objects donated by overseas Chinese and their descendants, and the content of the museum will become more and more abundant." Weng Yanfang, a member of the CppcC Longhua District COMMITTEE and one of the leaders of the Guanlan Overseas Chinese Literature Museum, said.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

This is the first museum in Longhua District and even Shenzhen related to overseas Chinese culture. As a place to find the roots of overseas Chinese compatriots in the sea, a new carrier of patriotic education for young people, and a cultural platform to fill the cultural gap in the history of overseas Chinese in Shenzhen, it will become a new cultural business card.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

From overseas Chinese, used for overseas Chinese

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Look out from afar

Built among the houses, the Chinese Language Museum is unique

It has the local characteristics of Guanlan - watchtower

There are also Western construction features

The gate is carved in the air and in Chinese red

Highlights the combination of East and West

And Chinese cultural self-confidence

Mention the building to which the museum belongs

I have to talk about Guanlan's overseas Chinese culture

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Guanlan overseas Chinese are located in more than 50 countries and regions around the world. According to the "Bao'an County Chronicle" in the 1950s, Guanlan already had 39,000 overseas Chinese and Compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Since the early 1980s, overseas Chinese who have gone out from Guanlan have begun to return to China one after another to support the construction of their hometowns, including a number of overseas Chinese and Hong Kong compatriots such as Chen Shun'an, Huang Weixiong, and Chen Fo'an. In 1982, these enthusiastic people who cared about the construction of their hometown spontaneously donated 190,000 yuan to build a three-story guest house building of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, that is, the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Building, and then mobilized overseas Chinese to continue to invest in the construction of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Industrial Park.

"From overseas Chinese, used for overseas Chinese." This sentence Weng Yanfang mentioned no less than 5 times in the interview. The Overseas Chinese Museum is transformed from one of the 1600-square-meter buildings in the Overseas Chinese Industrial Park, and the historical materials and objects collected in the museum are also from overseas Chinese.

Step inside the museum

Industrious and brave, self-improvement, family and country feelings

Three chapters

Separated on the first and second floors, the elements displayed inside are diverse

Strive to show Guanlan vividly and vividly

Landscapes and cultural characteristics

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Inside the main exhibition hall on the first floor of the museum

Watchtower, Guanlan Bridge, Guanlan River

Printmaking, Guangpei School, etc

Showcase a culture of root-seeking

Reviewed the past of overseas Chinese

and the historical contribution of returning to the hometown to build Guanlan

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Guangpei School

Letters and objects sent from all over the world

Full of emotion and positive energy

It shows the overseas Chinese who have gone out from Guanlan

A history of hard-working, courageous, self-improvement and unremitting struggle around the world

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Letters sent back to their hometowns by overseas Chinese from different regions

There are also various medals, yellowing certificates, etc

It was Guanlan Who threw themselves into the revolution

A symbol of the heart of the naked child who participated in the anti-Japanese resistance

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

A hundred years of overseas Chinese, recording the history of overseas Chinese

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

As soon as she talked about the history of overseas Chinese, Weng Yanfang could not stop, and she had inextricable relations with overseas Chinese since she was a child. "I was born in Guanlan Guihua, and my grandfather's brother was a member of the team who went to Nanyang to work, but unfortunately he never came back after going out for decades. Grandpa's sister also married far away in Malaysia, and it was not until 60 years later that she returned to her homeland for the first time, and she was already a 78-year-old grandmother when she returned to her mother's house for the first time. ”

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

When I was a child, I listened to my parents talk about this history

Weng Yanfang was full of curiosity about these elders in Nanyang

What kind of life are they living outside?

What story has been experienced?

Later, she worked in overseas Chinese affairs

A series of overseas Chinese stories that remain in memory

Only then did it slowly have a clear vein

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

As early as the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, the Guanlan people sat on a sailing boat, left their hometown, and traveled far and wide to change their destiny. After the difficult foundation of the first and second generations, Guanlan overseas Chinese have gradually made achievements in trade, culture, education and other industries. "In the past, every household in our village was very poor, and almost all of them relied on the financial support of overseas Chinese who went out to make money, and they barely had enough to meet their food and clothing." Weng Yanfang said.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Daily necessities brought back home by returnees from India

"When we built this museum, we were also touched by the spirit of overseas Chinese. More than 100 years ago, they went out to struggle with this patriotic feeling of patriotism and love for the country, and they were not very surplus in food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and they also wanted to send money back to their hometown to build bridges and roads, develop education, teach the next generation to love the country and the hometown, and expand their cultural horizons. According to the relevant person in charge of Guanlan Street, the well-known Guangpei Primary School, Zhenneng Primary School, Guanlan Middle School, Guanlan Second Middle School, And Kukeng Primary School, etc., are all donated by overseas Chinese and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Activate memories and continue to pass on

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

"I have been in charge of the work of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese for more than 10 years, and the connection with overseas Chinese has never been broken. When we heard that we were going to prepare for the Overseas Chinese Museum, some said that they would help translate the preface and explanatory text, and some sent objects that they had treasured for many years. Weng Yanfang said.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

Chen Yubo is one of them. He has lived in Jamaica for more than 30 years, founded the Chinese Association in Kingston, Jamaica, and learned that the Guanlan Overseas Chinese Museum is in need, and he has repeatedly collected and collected historical materials and objects related to the struggle and life of overseas Chinese from the Chinese Association of Jamaica. "If the situation allows, I would like to select some more meaningful collections from the Chung Hua Association and put them in the Guanlan Museum." Chen Yubo said.

Chen Meiying, an overseas Chinese compatriot, was one of the Guanlan overseas Chinese who threw themselves into the revolution at that time. In 1948, Chen Meiying, a young Jamaican overseas Chinese who was studying, was very angry when she heard that Guanlan's hot-blooded youth had been brutally killed by the Kuomintang, and resolutely defected to the Guanlan Armed Workers' Brigade and was arranged to work in the propaganda group and the assault group. In the war, Chen Meiying repeatedly rubbed shoulders with death, but he did not hesitate. Hearing that Guanlan was going to build an overseas Chinese language museum, the 90-year-old donated some of the medals he had received that year.

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

This is a door to understand the Chinese overseas Chinese

A window into the past, the present, and the future

It is also a bridge connecting the Chinese and overseas Chinese


"The second generation of overseas Chinese" and "the third generation of overseas Chinese"

Come back and feel the development of Guanlan

I also hope to pass on the culture through root-seeking

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

For locals, this is also a continuation and inheritance of the culture and spirit of overseas Chinese. "Take your child to visit a museum elsewhere, so you might as well bring it here first and learn about the history and culture of your hometown." Guanlan Street resident Chen Yu said.

Guanlan Overseas Chinese Museum

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese


(Gui Garden Villa) on the left

【Related Tips】

Admission: Free

Transportation reference: Metro Line 4 Songyuanxia Station walk about 1.3 kilometers

The content source | South + client (reporter Huang Sihua) Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Daily (reporter Xie Qingyun correspondent Weng Yanfang text/photo) Guanlan Cultural Town (public number)

Edit the | Zeng Jiaqi Yang Weiyi

Responsible editor| Tao Qian

Audit | Li Shizhao

Coordinate the production of | Shenzhen Longhua District Rong Media Center

Please indicate the above information when reprinting

The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese
The first in Shenzhen! Guanlan this museum is concerned with overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese

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