
Is war on the verge of breaking out? Iran warns: Attack on Lebanon will lead to a devastating war!

author:Fun to talk about the world

Recently, the situation in the Middle East has once again become the focus of global attention. Israeli Defense Minister Gallant's tough statements and stern warnings from Iran's mission to the United Nations have pushed tensions between Lebanon and Israel to new heights. A possible all-out war not only affects the nerves of regional countries, but also deeply worries the international community.

Is war on the verge of breaking out? Iran warns: Attack on Lebanon will lead to a devastating war!

On June 28, local time, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant made it clear during his inspection of the air defense forces in the north that although Israel does not want to go to war with Allah Lebanon, it is fully prepared. Gallant stressed that if Allah chooses conflict, Israel "knows what to do." This attitude of both restraint and implicit threat is undoubtedly sending a strong signal to the opponent.

Israel's military operations were swift and precise. On the same day, Israeli forces carried out air strikes on a number of Lebanese Allah militant targets in southern Lebanon, particularly against air defense installations that repeatedly fired surface-to-air missiles at Israeli warplanes. This series of actions demonstrates Israel's determination and ability to respond to potential threats.

In the face of Israeli military pressure, Iran's mission to the United Nations issued a stern warning: if Israel launched a full-scale military operation against Lebanon, it would trigger a devastating war. Iran's statement is not only a direct deterrent to Israel, but also a strong appeal for regional peace and stability.

Is war on the verge of breaking out? Iran warns: Attack on Lebanon will lead to a devastating war!

Countries in the region have expressed concern over the tense situation between Lebanon and Israel. The Foreign Ministers of Lebanon and Jordan held telephone calls on Israel to cease its military attacks and to clarify the internationally recognized borders. Iran's Acting Foreign Minister Bagheri's phone call with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal underscored the common desire of regional countries to halt the escalation of the conflict.

Despite the expressed reluctance of both sides to engage in full-scale war, the escalation of tensions remains a cause for concern. The passage of the US Navy's amphibious assault ship USS Wasp through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea was interpreted by the outside world as an attempt by the United States to play a mediating role in the regional situation and prevent the conflict from worsening.

However, the road to peace has never been easy. History tells us that wars bring nothing but destruction and suffering. Both Israel and Allah should be deeply aware of this and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation to avoid making innocent people fall victim to conflict.

Is war on the verge of breaking out? Iran warns: Attack on Lebanon will lead to a devastating war!

Peace and stability in the Middle East have a bearing on the fundamental interests of countries in the region and the common well-being of the international community. In the face of the current tense situation, all parties should remain calm and exercise restraint and seek a peaceful solution through diplomatic channels. Only in this way can lasting peace and prosperity be brought to the people of the region.

From the standpoint of the Communist Party of China, we firmly oppose any form of war and conflict, and call on the international community to work together to promote regional countries to resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation, and jointly maintain peace and stability in the Middle East. History has proven countless times that peace and development are the main themes of the times and the common aspirations of the people of all countries.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!

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