
Rare calls! What do the U.S. and Russian defense ministers think about the situation in Russia and Ukraine?

author:Fun to talk about the world

In June 2024, the flames of the Russia-Ukraine conflict are still burning, and behind this conflict, the game between the United States and Russia is becoming increasingly fierce. After more than a year and three months, the defense ministers of Russia and the United States had a rare phone call this week, and the incident immediately attracted global attention. Before the call, the U.S.-made missile attack on Sevastopol, the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, caused civilian casualties, and the Russian side believed that the United States had become de facto involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and vowed to retaliate.

Rare calls! What do the U.S. and Russian defense ministers think about the situation in Russia and Ukraine?

Looking back at history, we can find that the contradictions between the United States and Russia did not happen overnight. Since the Cold War, there has been fierce competition and confrontation between the two countries in many fields. In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has continued to add fuel to the fire, making the situation more and more complicated. This call is undoubtedly an important attempt against this backdrop, trying to find an opportunity to ease the tense situation.

After the call of the defense minister, the Russian Ministry of Defense informed that Belousov noted that the United States continues to supply weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the situation is likely to escalate further. The U.S. side stressed the importance of keeping communication channels open between U.S. and Russian defense ministers amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This difference undoubtedly reflects the different demands of the two sides in the call.

For the Russian side, the attack on Sevastopol is undoubtedly a serious provocation. The Russian side believes that the United States has been directly involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and must pay a price for it. Therefore, during the call, the Russian side will undoubtedly emphasize this point and demand a clear response from the American side.

Rare calls! What do the U.S. and Russian defense ministers think about the situation in Russia and Ukraine?

As for the US side, what they hope more is that through this phone call, they can calm Russia's anger and avoid retaliation from Russia. At the same time, they also tried to test the attitude of the Russian side through this phone call and prevent themselves from further involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Although the phone call between the U.S. and Russian defense ministers helped to defuse tensions and prevent the situation from spiraling out of control, there are still huge differences between the two sides on key issues that will be difficult to bridge. It is foreseeable that the United States will continue to "renew" the Russian-Ukrainian conflict through military aid to Ukraine, in order to continuously weaken Russia's strength. This is fundamentally opposed to Russia's interests, and the two sides have very limited room for maneuver in the future game.

However, we can't ignore the positive aspects of this call either. In the current tense international situation, any high-level communication may become an opportunity to de-escalate the situation. Although it is difficult to fundamentally resolve the contradictions between the United States and Russia in a short period of time, through this phone call, the two sides have at least maintained a certain channel of communication, leaving room for possible future dialogue and consultation.

Rare calls! What do the U.S. and Russian defense ministers think about the situation in Russia and Ukraine?

We cannot give a clear prediction about the future direction of the situation in Russia and Ukraine. But what we can be sure of is that no matter how the situation develops, peace is the best option. It is hoped that the United States and Russia will continue to maintain communication and resolve their differences and contradictions through dialogue and consultation. At the same time, we also hope that the international community can work together to find a peaceful solution to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Rare calls! What do the U.S. and Russian defense ministers think about the situation in Russia and Ukraine?

The rare phone call between the US and Russian defense ministers has undoubtedly added a touch of uncertainty to the current situation between Russia and Ukraine. In any case, we should firmly believe that peace and development are the main themes of the times. It is hoped that the United States and Russia can abandon the Cold War mentality, view each other with a more open and inclusive attitude, and jointly contribute to world peace and stability. At the same time, we should also recognize that resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict requires long-term efforts and perseverance, and we cannot rush to achieve results. It is only through dialogue and consultation that a solution that truly serves the interests of all parties can be found. Let us look forward to the arrival of a peaceful, stable and prosperous world!

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