
Beijing's local cases of this round of epidemic have been cleared, and the fight against the epidemic will achieve "zero deaths" in 2021

In this round of epidemic patients are older and have many comorbidities, in this treatment, Beijing Ditan Hospital intervened in advance in the clinic and used new scientific and technological means to block patients from light to heavy.

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Beijing News reporter Dai Xuan Editor Bai Shuang proofreader Wang Xin

On January 2, the last patient in Beijing's local COVID-19 case was cured and discharged from hospital. The little girl was shy and waved at the camera, but she was already very familiar with the nurses and said "Sister, goodbye".

Compared with the past, this round of epidemics has many elderly patients and multiple comorbidities, and the treatment is facing no small challenges. However, under the timely and meticulous diagnosis and treatment, most of the patients' condition did not worsen, and finally there were only 3 severe and critically ill patients.

Chen Xiaoyou, vice president of Beijing Ditan Hospital, introduced that in 2021, Beijing Ditan Hospital admitted 384 people with positive infections for the new crown virus at home and abroad, achieving zero deaths, and all local cases were cured and discharged. He said that in the past two years, the hospital has accumulated rich experience in clinical treatment, hospital infection prevention and control, etc., and he has scored a full score for the anti-epidemic work in 2021, and he is confident to face the prevention and control challenges in the new year.

Beijing's local cases of this round of epidemic have been cleared, and the fight against the epidemic will achieve "zero deaths" in 2021

▲ On January 2, the last patient in Beijing's local new crown pneumonia cases was cured and discharged from the hospital. Courtesy of Beijing Ditan Hospital


The current round of local cases in Beijing was zero

On January 2, the last of the local COVID-19 cases in Beijing was cured and discharged from Beijing Ditan Hospital, and the local cases were dynamically cleared again.

The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Health Commission that in this round of the epidemic, there are 51 local cases, including 2 cases of critical illness, 1 case of severe disease, 46 cases of mild and ordinary type, and 2 cases of asymptomatic infection. There were 22 males and 29 females, the oldest age was 89 years old, the youngest age was 3 years old, and the average age was 50 years old.

As a designated hospital for new crown pneumonia in Beijing, Beijing Ditan Hospital has been carrying out the treatment of new crown pneumonia patients for nearly two years. In the face of this round of epidemic situation, the hospital promptly initiated the opening of additional wards and beds and the adjustment of emergency plans for personnel according to the admission and treatment of cases.

There are 2 cases of critical illness and 1 case of severe patients in this round of the epidemic, and the Municipal Health Commission has coordinated the city's expert resources and established a municipal severe disease expert group to participate in the treatment, and the municipal expert group has consulted 20 times and participated in 108 consultation experts. Each case of severe patients by a hospital leader to take the lead in organization and coordination, the establishment of "one person, one team" diagnosis and treatment team, the municipal expert group daily remote consultation of critically ill patients, in accordance with the "one person, one policy" principle, the expert group of more than 10 experts in severe disease, respiratory, cardiology, endocrinology, traditional Chinese medicine and other experts after collective discussion, the most accurate personalized treatment plan.

For mild and general patients, early detection and interruption of the progression of the disease to severe cases is the first step in reducing mortality.

In this round of the epidemic, the proportion of elderly patients is high, 25 patients over 60 years old, the oldest is 89 years old, the proportion of patients with chronic underlying diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and other chronic underlying diseases and high risk factors of severe disease is as high as 70%, and some cases also have malignant tumors, cirrhosis and other diseases. In view of this situation, Beijing Ditan Hospital has set up a multidisciplinary team of experts such as the Department of Infection, Critical Care Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Integrative Medicine, Imaging and Laboratory To analyze the patient's condition every day, consult collectively, analyze the characteristics of each case and formulate a "one person, one policy" treatment plan to ensure that the patient's comprehensive disease is comprehensively treated. In addition, the TCM team was stationed in the isolation ward, and the psychiatrists were stationed in the wards, concentrating all parties to jointly treat patients.

Nurses in isolation tell patient stories

Zheng Xinmei, head nurse of the emergency area of Beijing Ditan Hospital, participated in the nursing work of this round of epidemic, and many patients impressed her.

The last patient discharged from the hospital on January 2 was received by Zheng Xinmei and her colleagues when he was first admitted to the hospital.

A female student of about 20 years old, shy personality, the first time she experienced the epidemic, the whole person was in a state of helplessness and panic, when she first came, the nurses talked to her, she could only answer with "ah" and "um", her hands clenched into fists, and her body trembled slightly. In order to make the little girl feel better, the nurses stayed by her side that night, acquainting her with her environment and helping her to talk to her family.

In addition to being afraid of the disease, the little girl is most worried about whether the people around her will be infected by themselves, the nurses are relieved that she will be infected if she is not in contact, everyone has done protection, don't worry too much. The accompaniment and "talk therapy" lasted until one or two o'clock in the morning, and the little girl gradually calmed down and was willing to fall asleep, and the nurses left the ward.

When she was discharged from the hospital, the little girl and the nurses were already very acquainted, calling Zheng Xinmei "sister". Zheng Xinmei wanted to hug her, but she was wearing a protective suit and finally waved goodbye to her.

Zheng Xinmei told reporters that during the admission of patients, in addition to professional clinical treatment, the medical team must also carry out humanistic care to soothe their fears and anxieties. Every morning, nurses would enter the ward to inquire about the patient's situation and listen to them talk about the trivial matters of life; under the cover of masks and goggles, the patient could not see the expression of the medical staff, and when they spoke, they would squint their eyes and let the patient feel a smile. At check-in, the nurses write down the patients' birthdays and prepare birthday cakes for them, and on the winter solstice, the patients eat hot dumplings.

Patients have been discharged one after another, a patient with early recovery, these two days to the hospital for review, but also brought a huge pennant, thank you for the medical team's careful care.

Beijing's local cases of this round of epidemic have been cleared, and the fight against the epidemic will achieve "zero deaths" in 2021

▲During this round of the epidemic, medical staff provided care for patients. Courtesy of Beijing Ditan Hospital

■ Dialogue

Chen Xiaoyou, vice president of Beijing Ditan Hospital: Give a full score for the "anti-epidemic" in 2021

Speaking of the evaluation of last year's anti-epidemic work, Chen Xiaoyou believes that it can score a full score, "We have overcome many difficulties, achieved zero infections and zero deaths, and accumulated a lot of experience in epidemic response. In response to the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, Chen Xiaoyou said that the hospital has formulated a complete guarantee plan, set up a leading group, and set up 10 professional groups. During the Winter Olympics, they will be responsible for treating all confirmed COVID-19 patients, screening close contacts within the ring, and treating patients with infectious diseases other than COVID-19.

Monoclonal antibody drugs were used in 36 patients

Beijing News: In 2021, Beijing experienced several rounds of local epidemics, what are the characteristics of this round of cases?

Chen Xiaoyou: Compared with previous epidemics, the characteristics of this round of epidemics are that patients are older, have more comorbidities, and have more high-risk factors, which bring certain challenges to treatment.

Beijing News: Among the 51 patients this time, there are 3 severe and critically ill patients, and from the quantitative point of view, there are actually not many serious diseases.

Chen Xiaoyou: Yes, from the final total, this is the result, but this number is the result of a lot of work, which is relatively small.

Control in this number benefits from several aspects. The first is our improvement of our understanding of the new crown and the accumulation of clinical experience, we are more sensitive to the early recognition of the tendency to severe disease, and clinically we can intervene in advance to block the patient from mild to heavy. Secondly, some new scientific and technological means also play a great role in this blockade, and multi-channel applications have been carried out, so that although there are many elderly patients and comorbidities in this epidemic, the number of severe and critically ill patients has finally been controlled at a relatively low level.

Beijing News: What do the new scientific and technological means refer to?

Chen Xiaoyou: This time we received urgent approval and clinically used the domestic self-developed monoclonal antibody drug (GXP604). This method was originally used in severe and critically ill patients to clear the new crown virus in the patient's body, this time we assessed the patients who were at risk of turning heavy, and 36 people were given medication in advance, blocking their condition from mild to severe, which played a very good effect.

Beijing News: How to treat patients who are already seriously ill?

Chen Xiaoyou: For 3 severe and critically ill patients, we assessed the condition in a timely manner, gave respiratory support, and the municipal critical care experts consulted every day. In addition to the treatment plan "one person, one policy", this time also adopted the "one person, one team" approach, led by the hospital leaders with business backgrounds, and organized special doctors, nursing teams, and hospital sense experts to carry out more refined treatment and care. Eventually, their condition gradually improved, and they were all successfully discharged from the hospital.

Beijing News: Delta mutant strains have strong transmission power, what are the responses in the entire diagnosis and treatment work?

Chen Xiaoyou: We have always attached great importance to the prevention and control of hospital infection, and zero infection is our bottom line requirement. This time, according to the latest requirements of the country, we have further increased the number of full-time hospital staff. In terms of personal protection of medical personnel, leaving the contaminated area and taking off protective clothing is at a high risk, we have set up cameras in the buffer zone and provided special guidance to avoid problems and ensure that medical personnel such as accidental exposure, the first time to report and deal with, has not yet found such a situation.

For all new admissions, the first consultation is with at least 3 specialists

Beijing News: What changes do you think will be made in handling the epidemic in 2021 compared to 2020?

Chen Xiaoyou: In the past two years, the strains have been constantly mutating, the infectivity and pathogenicity of the new crown virus have been changing, and the clinical symptoms of the new crown virus have also been changing, making it more difficult for us to identify the disease clinically. With the strengthening of our understanding of the new crown and the continuous accumulation of experience in disposal, in the process of summarizing and reflecting, all aspects of the work have been improved.

In terms of preventing cross-infection, we have made a scientific arrangement for the new crown ward. Ditan Hospital has a total of 300 beds in the independent area for treating new crown patients, divided into 8 wards, 1-6 wards to treat confirmed patients, and 7-8 wards to treat patients who have not yet been diagnosed and are being screened. In the ward of the confirmed case, it will be divided according to the severity of the disease and the place of infection of the patient, such as some patients from the United States, some from Europe, and different strains may be circulated, so they will be divided into different regions to avoid cross-infection. In the case of a small number of cases and conditions permitting, we isolated patients in a single room, and this is how this outbreak was arranged.

In terms of clinical diagnosis and treatment, in the process of continuously summarizing the experience of diagnosis and treatment, we have formed a clinical path for the treatment of new crown pneumonia to achieve the standardization and homogenization of diagnosis and treatment, and improve the efficiency and quality of diagnosis and treatment. As screening for COVID-19 patients becomes more widespread, we can identify patients early and therefore intervene early. For admitted patients, we adhere to the hospital expert consultation mechanism, as long as it is a new admission case, the first diagnosis is consulted by at least 3 experts to give diagnostic opinions; the use of antibiotics is also more standardized, patients with severe intubation are prone to secondary infection, previously found lung shadow, fever, in order to prevent delay in the disease, generally will be given antibiotics, and now with the deepening of research and the strengthening of hospital infection prevention and control, there is no evidence of etiology, we can not use antibiotics. In these ways, we are more accurate and effective in treating COVID-19 patients.

In terms of hospital infection prevention and control, fully implement the "doctor-patient prevention", "character prevention" and "environmental testing". For non-new coronavirus pneumonia patients who come to seek medical treatment, implement non-emergency comprehensive appointments, strictly implement three-level pre-examination triage, timely update the content of the in-hospital circulation system, strictly check all admitted patients, and strictly implement hospital infection prevention and control management measures for patients in medium- and high-risk areas. Strict management of inpatients, the establishment of transitional wards, inpatients three times a day to measure the body temperature, each ward set up emergency isolation wards, found risk cases immediately transferred to the emergency isolation ward for nucleic acid testing and screening. Implement full-process code scanning, temperature measurement and monitoring for people and vehicles entering and leaving hospitals, and strengthen control and control. Clarify the clean, polluted, and semi-polluted areas in each area of the hospital, and strengthen the cleaning, ventilation and disinfection of each area. Strengthen environmental nucleic acid testing, testing at least 80-100 environmental points per week.

Last year, 384 cases of positive infection of the new crown virus were treated, achieving "zero deaths"

Beijing News: How many patients were treated in 2021, and did they achieve zero deaths?

Chen Xiaoyou: From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, at 24:00, Beijing Ditan Hospital treated 384 cases of positive covid-19 infection, including 272 imported cases, 112 local cases, and 224 confirmed cases, including 61 mild cases, 158 ordinary cases, 1 severe case, 4 critical cases, and 160 asymptomatic cases. All cases have achieved "zero deaths", and all local cases have been cured and discharged from hospital.

Beijing News: The new crown virus continues to mutate, what is the difference between the Delta mutation strain this time and the previous strain? What are the observations on the new variant, Aomikron?

Chen Xiaoyou: Of course, there are still differences in the Delta variant strain, but there is little adjustment in clinical treatment, and it follows the diagnosis and treatment principles of the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Eighth Revised Edition)".

Delta variant strains have stronger transmissibility, fast proliferation in vivo, increased replication adaptability, high virulence load, and short incubation period, so clinical symptoms are more pronounced. The Omikeron variant is currently thought to spread faster than the Delta variant due to its larger mutation sites and stronger immune escape. When we face Delta, the prevention and control of hospital infection will be more cautious; for Omi kerong, from the current imported cases, there are fewer serious cases, mainly to increase the requirements of hospital infection prevention and control, including updating the operation specifications for prevention and control in hospitals.

Beijing News: The Beijing Winter Olympics are about to be held, what tasks do you have to undertake, and how are you preparing?

Chen Xiaoyou: We have formulated a complete guarantee plan for the Winter Olympics, set up a leading group, and set up 10 professional groups, including comprehensive coordination, hospital infection prevention and control, medical treatment, nursing, etc. During the Winter Olympics, our mission is to treat all confirmed COVID-19 patients, screen for intracyclical close contacts, and treat patients with infectious diseases other than COVID-19.

Beijing News: How many points do you give the hospital's anti-epidemic work in 2021? What to expect in the new year?

Chen Xiaoyou: I don't think there is a problem with giving a perfect score. We have overcome many difficulties, achieved zero infections, zero deaths, and accumulated a lot of experience in epidemic response.

The most important thing in 2022 is, of course, the prevention and control of the epidemic, while strengthening the protection of major activities such as the Winter Olympics, the Two Sessions, and the 20th National Congress. We are full of confidence, of course, the pressure is also very large, on the one hand, the spread of new mutant strains continues to increase, and more work needs to be done for the prevention and control of hospital infection; on the other hand, there are many activities and heavy tasks, but we will still strive to get full scores. On the basis of completing these, we also expect the hospital to do a better job of resuming work and production and better serving the majority of patients.

Duty Editor Kang Hee-hee

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