
The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

In 2015, "The Pretender" premiered on TELEVISION, the role of the actor Jin Dong played by Ming Lou is refreshing, I am afraid that no one has ever thought that a person can work with so many identities at such a dangerous moment, it is really surprising, and Xiaobian wants to tell you that in the history of our army, the role of Ming Lou does exist, and moreover, this person's identity is two more than the identity of Ming Lou, he is the most legendary "spy" Yuan Shu in the history of my army, centralized communist, central unification, military unification, Japanese pseudo, The five identities of the Green Gang are in one, and they are able to play a role in all sides of the force, and make a miraculous contribution to the country.

The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

In 1911, Yuan Shu was born in a declining ScholarLyndi, at the age of 14, Yuan Shu participated in the "May Thirtieth" Movement, after the Northern Expedition began, he became a soldier of the Northern Expedition, during his study in Japan, Yuan Shu came into contact with progressive ideas and gradually became a mature revolutionary, at the age of 20, Yuan Shu officially joined the CCP Under the introduction of Pan Hannian and became a member of the hidden front, from then on, he began his gray career.

To be able to become a person on the hidden front, it takes more effort and wisdom than ordinary people, obviously, Yuan Shu did it, under the instructions of Pan Hannian, Yuan Shu entered the Central Unification and became a red man of the Central Unification, and later, he also got acquainted with the deputy consul of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, Iwai Eiichi, at this time, Yuan Shu broke into the Japanese pseudo-internal in accordance with the requirements of the Central Unification, in fact, this is also the requirement of our army, at this time, Yuan Shu has concentrated the communist, the Central Unification, the Japanese pseudo triple identity in one,

The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

In 1935, Yuan Shu was arrested and imprisoned for the case of the Strange West, the identity of the CCP was exposed, he was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison, although arrested, but Yuan Shu did not confess to the underground party personnel, which is also the reason why he was able to return later, in 1937, the Japanese army began to frequently increase troops to China, in order to better grasp the intelligence, Yuan Shu joined the Youth Gang and became a "Tong" character gang on an equal footing with Jin Jinrong and Du Yuesheng.

In 1937, Yuan Shu found Pan Hannian and said that he hoped to return and continue to serve the CCP, Pan Hannian believed that it was already a critical period, China and Japan were bound to have a war, and Yuan Shu's special status could give our army great intelligence help, so he agreed to his request.

The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yuan Shu was in contact with the Central Command, the Japanese Pseudo, the Green Gang, etc., Dai Kasa wanted to eliminate the Japanese secret agent problem at that time, under the advice of Du Yuesheng, he found Yuan Shu, just like this, Yuan Shu transformed himself, and became a special agent of the military command, was appointed as the main member of the international intelligence group of the shanghai area of the military command, and later promoted to station chief, Yuan Shu's special and complicated identity, let him work in Shanghai like a fish, worked in Shanghai for 6 years, Yuan Shu's identity was not leaked at all, this in addition to Pan Hannian's instructions to him, It also stems from his own excellent work.

The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yuan Shu was arranged to go to the Liberated Areas, and at this time the military commander knew that he was a member of our army, and he could not help but be furious, but at that time, Yuan Shu had been safely evacuated and had been saddled with the name of a traitor for several years, and finally had a conclusion, he was still happy, and changed his name to Zeng Dazhai, which was the name he used for decades to come.

In 1949, Yuan Shu transferred to Li Kenong's intelligence department to do research on the movements of Japan and the United States, and five years later, he was implicated in the Pan Hannian case, arrested and imprisoned for 12 years, in 1967, not long after he came out, he was imprisoned again, and it was not until 1975 that he was officially released.

In 1987, Yuan Shu's health was not as good as before, and he often cried for no reason, and this year, he died of illness in Beijing at the age of 78.

The most legendary "spy" in the history of our army has also performed a five-fold identity and made miraculous achievements with all forces

Throughout His life, He is worthy of the most legendary "spy" in the history of our army, who has provided our army with a lot of valuable and effective intelligence, perhaps to this day, few people remember him, but in the history of our country's anti-Japanese resistance, Yuan Shu has left a strong and colorful stroke, and it will not disappear with the migration of time.

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