
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"

author:Guangxi CDC
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"
"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"

On the morning of December 31, 2021, the Autonomous Region CENTER for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform". Lu Wei, secretary of the party committee of the center, mobilized and deployed the center to rectify corruption and work style in the medical and health field and put forward clear requirements for the special action of "using cases to promote reform", and Li Hong, secretary of the central discipline inspection committee, gave a briefing on the "Typical Cases of Unhealthy Trends in the Field of Pharmaceutical Purchase and Sale and Medical Services in recent times" by the General Office of the National Health Commission. The meeting was presided over by Li Guangshan, deputy secretary of the party committee of the center, and all cadres and workers of the center attended the meeting.

"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"

Lu Wei, secretary of the central party committee, made a mobilization speech

"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"

Li Guangshan, deputy secretary of the central party committee, presided over the meeting

"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"

Li Hong, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Central Committee, gave a briefing on the "Typical Cases of Unhealthy Trends in the Recent Field of Pharmaceutical Purchase and Sale and Medical Services in the General Office of the National Health Commission"

Lu Wei pointed out that according to the deployment of the health system of the whole region, a one-year special action will be carried out to deeply rectify corruption and work style in the medical and health field. The party committee of the center attaches great importance to it, studies the deployment and implementation at the first time, sets up a special action work leading group, and at the same time, in light of the needs of the special action of "rectifying and reforming by case" in several recent corruption cases in the center, it has decided to combine the two actions of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform" to promote the integration of rectification and discipline and anti-corruption with deepening reform, improving the system, and promoting governance. The center will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the higher levels, adhere to the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, take the "case" as the basis, take "promotion" as the key, and take "reform" as the goal, draw lessons from the depths, investigate the problems clearly, put rectification and reform in place, plug loopholes in a solid manner, build a long-term mechanism system, create a clean and healthy central political ecology, and build a new pattern of development.

Lu Wei stressed: All party branches and sections (institutes) should carry out in-depth self-examination and self-correction; with regard to conspicuous problems such as key areas, key posts, and large-scale capital procurement, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate and establish a problem ledger, analyze the source of the problem, and determine rectification and reform measures; it is necessary to strengthen the restraint on power, keep an eye on the "number one" and the "key minority," strictly regulate the operation of power, formulate a "list of powers," comprehensively improve and revise the rules and regulations of the center, and improve and perfect the internal mechanism for honest prevention and control; it is necessary to carry out in-depth use of cases to promote reform. It is necessary to integrate the study and education of party history with the warning education, strive to enhance the ability of party members and cadres to take the lead in preventing corruption and resisting degeneration, and build a solid ideological defense line; it is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection, discipline inspection and supervision departments should strengthen supervision and guidance over the work of special actions, dynamically grasp relevant problems that exist, and go all out to do a good job in rectifying corruption and work style problems in the medical and health fields and the special action of "using cases to promote reform" to ensure that the special actions achieve practical results.

"Using cases to promote reform" sees the true chapter, and the right wind and discipline are on the road. The Party Committee of the Autonomous Region CDC will take party building as the command, cultivate the excellent style of "strictness, newness and meticulousness", not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, forge ahead, have the courage to take responsibility, and carry out all the work of rectifying corruption and work style problems in the medical and health field and the special action of "using cases to promote reform" to contribute a stronger disease control force to the high-quality development of the disease control cause in our region.

"Using Cases to Promote Reform" See True Chapter, | on the Road to Rectifying Discipline and Discipline The Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a mobilization meeting for the special action of rectifying corruption and work style in the medical and health field and "using cases to promote reform"

Contributed by: Office of the Party Committee

Editor: Department of Health Education and Media

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