
"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Wen |

With the development of the plot, "Ace Troops" is becoming more and more exciting with the tacit cooperation of Xiao Zhan, Huang Jingyu and the new actors of the old drama bones.

Xiao Zhan's interpretation of Gu Yiye, these 5 scenes, are enough for him to seal the gods.

01. Running without an end

The division will soon launch long-distance armed attack training, and before the formal assessment project, everyone will train desperately, one after another, not disabled or injured.

Especially below the knee, there is no good meat, and all ten toes are worn out.

As a new subject for the company, the company commanders reacted too hard and too difficult, resulting in many soldiers causing some non-negligible injuries in the training process, and everyone suggested canceling the project.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

However, the division commander Zheng Yuan has a different view, he believes that only this project can better detect the willpower of soldiers, as well as the unique fighting spirit of soldiers.

There were two places in the project test, which were given to the Night Tiger Company of the 700 Regiment and the Old Ninth Company of the 720 Regiment.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the official assessment project, mainly two companies competing.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

The stringent requirements drastically reduced the number of personnel, with a pass rate of only four percent. At the first confluence point, the ninth class of Zhao Hong was eliminated, and the weight of the sorghum was unqualified, so angry that he added an extra backpack to himself, causing him to lag a lot behind others.

Until the sky turned completely dark, Gu Yiye and the others successively reached the second confluence point, and the whole person was about to be tired to the point of collapse.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

In the early morning of the next day, everyone rushed to the third meeting point, which was different from the first two meeting points, where buns and water were specially prepared, as long as someone voluntarily gave up, they no longer had to endure hunger and thirst, which was also a test for the soldiers.

When a soldier encounters a desperate situation on the battlefield, his physical condition will first collapse, the military quality will be lost for various reasons, and the usual training will be betrayed because of fatigue and environment, at this time there will only be animal instincts, and personal willpower.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Gu Yiye and his companions saw the end point that was close at hand, but unexpectedly Song Jianshe immediately started the car and drove forward with the "end point". Gu Yiye, who was supposed to reap the dawn of victory, was already powerless and angry about this situation, laughing desperately and helplessly, running with his hands and feet.

The end point is pulled away again and again, but the road has no end.

In the exercise training, if you reach the finish line, you can win. But on the real battlefield, there is no end.

You don't know when the victory will be, you don't know what will happen in the next moment.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

I don't know how long it will take to hold out before we can get reinforcements.

Good soldiers, be good at waiting, don't let faith slip away in waiting.

Song Jianshe gave Gu Yiye a run without an end, is it difficult for him?


It was admiring him that he knew this soldier.

It is the soldier who can hold out on the battlefield to the end. Even if there is only one shot and one bullet left in a city. One person.

So Gu Yiye smiled, and that smile was full of stubbornness that was exhausted to the limit, and pride that would never compromise.

Song Jianjian looked through the rearview mirror and saw Gu Yiye fall.

Kneeling down on one knee, this action tells the audience that it is not over. He Gu Yiye could fall, but he would never concede defeat.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

No one can crush him.

So he stood up again and moved forward like a beast.

It doesn't matter what running skills are correct or not, whether the posture is good or not.

The old body is fading, and the willpower is tempered as it pushes the limit step by step.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

To this point, every step taken, is a new self. Is a soldier's new life. Gu Yiye was undoubtedly a good soldier.

Song Jianjian is undoubtedly also a good instructor.

The sword blade came out of the grinding, and the beautiful jade also needed Bo Le.

02. The sacrifice of Zhang Fei's platoon leader, Gu Yiye's crying scene

Zhang Fei was very good to Gu Yiye, when Gu Yiye was dismissed, it was he who dragged his old cold legs and carried Gu Yiye on a bicycle to find the division commander.

Before going to the battlefield, he said to Gu Yiye: In the army, I am the platoon leader, you are the squad leader, but in private, you are my brother, dear brother, if you really go to the battlefield, I will stop you without falling, but you have to promise me one thing, you must not die in front of me.

He said that, and really did.

Zhang Fei, who was already injured, when Gu Yiye lifted a piece of wood, he found that there were mines buried under the wood, and he rushed up at the first time and used his body to block gu Yiye's front.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Gu Yiye was seriously injured, but he did not leave anyone behind and brought them all back.

He shrugged his head and sat outside the field hospital, and when he asked the doctor about Zhang Fei, who told him that Zhang Fei was dead, his eyes were full of sadness, anger and guilt.

The long-suppressed grief cried out from Gu Yiye's chest.

Comrade-in-arms Jiang Weixing firmly hugged him from behind, but he struggled bitterly, and even pushed away Jiangnan Zheng, who had come to comfort him at all costs, completely forgetting the pain on his body and the feelings of everyone around him.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

His heartache trumped everything, he had returned from the battlefield, but what about his platoon leader? But he remained on the battlefield forever.

A man who loved him, protected him, and understood him just disappeared, or to save him.

He could never forget the warmth of the platoon leader pressing against him, and he cried out with tears in his heart, but the platoon leader could not hear anything.

03. Break up with your first love in order to take care of the widow of the platoon leader

Because Gu Yiye was a combat hero, he was sent to the military academy.

Not only him, but also many first-class meritorious soldiers and some self-examination soldiers had the opportunity to go to the military academy to study. When the train was about to depart, Gu Yiye received a letter from Yuedong.

It was the hometown of the platoon leader Zhang Fei, and the letter mentioned: Zhang Fei's family had an accident, Gu Yiye sent Ah Xiu back to his hometown not long after leaving, Zhang's mother was ill, and the village also found a village doctor to see, saying that he could not stay up for a few days.

Ah Xiu did not want to bother the troops anymore, saying that he was unwilling to write letters. The letter said that he hoped that the troops could help contact the hospital to see Zhang's mother and also help Ah Xiu.

Gu Yiye got the letter, he did not get on the train, but went to eastern Guangdong.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Gu Yiye carried the critically ill Mother Zhang on his back and rushed to the hospital over the mountains, Mother Zhang was saved, and the gratitude in Ah Xiu's eyes made Gu Yiye feel guilty.

Others did not know that Ah Xiu had Zhang Fei's child, only Gu Yiye had been to Zhang Fei's house and seen what kind of life Ah Xiu was living, and only he knew how difficult It was for Ah Xiu.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

When he was in the hospital, he suddenly couldn't find Ah Xiu. It turned out that Ah Xiu was sitting alone at the end of the corridor of the hospital, whispering to Zhang Fei's platoon leader, saying that he was really afraid of Zhang's mother's accident, saying that he didn't know what to do...

Gu Yiye hid aside, his heart torn to the point of pain. He knew that the other people in the army were also kind, and they would also give Ah Xiu the money they could, and they would be sad about the sacrifice of Zhang Fei's platoon leader. But what's the use of being sad? After being sad, others continue to live, only Ah Xiu has to face the hardships of life after being sad.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

He felt that good people must have sacrifices, good things must have a price, Zhang Fei platoon leader, he is the price, is Zhang Fei with his life in exchange for his life.

Therefore, when he saw Zhang Fei's childish eyes, looked at Zhang Fei's mother lying on the bed, and looked at the lonely Figure of Ah Xiu at the end of the corridor. He made a decision: to live with Ah Xiu, to raise the child for Zhang Fei's platoon leader, and to do filial piety for the elderly for Zhang Fei.

In his heart, it was he who caused Ah Xiu's predicament, and he couldn't ignore it.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

After this decision, he returned to the military academy and has been avoiding Jiang Nanzheng, because Jiang Nanzheng is his beloved woman, and his decision is too cruel to her, and he does not know how to face it.

He did not answer Jiang Nanzheng's phone call, nor did he reply to Jiangnan Zheng's letter.

He was already saying goodbye to Jiang Nanzheng for his decision, he sent her roses, took her to the movie, and thought about the time when he would have 2 hours to return to the team after watching the movie, and told Jiang Nanzheng about his decision.

But he still couldn't open his mouth.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

When he and Jiang Nanzheng were dating by the river, he said that Jiangnan Zheng's kindness would hit the hearts of all men, saying that he felt that he owed Jiang Nanzheng.

When he was ready to tell her about his decision, Jiang Nanzheng's words "Then you owe me a lifetime" and Jiang Nanzheng looked into his eyes, and when he reached his mouth, he swallowed it back.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Therefore, he could only choose to avoid the Jiangnan Expedition all the time. It wasn't until Jiang Nanzheng asked him if he liked someone else and whether he wanted to break off his friendship with her, that he made up his mind to say the words that came to his lips but were not spoken many times: Let's break up.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

When he said this, his fists clenched and his fingernails dug into his flesh, but he didn't feel any pain at all, because his heart was already suffocating with pain.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Because his fist was clenched so tightly that the tendons on his shoulders were obviously bursting, his pain was visible, and his reluctance to give up Jiangnan Zheng was even more obvious.

How he wished he could accompany her to work hard, to improve together, to see the world together. However, he had to abandon the Jiangnan Expedition.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god
"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

04. Confinement room meditation

In the next confinement house, Song Jianjian was crooked for a pig, while Gu Yiye's side, the clear light hit the young soldier through the window.

He sat on his side, two chairs in the room, one of which was a small maza. The other one has a backrest, which is where the leader sits.

But Gu Yiye chose to sit on a high chair, he sat in the center of the picture, and the sun shrouded the young and handsome face of the soldier.

The light was too clean, and Xiao Zhan's face was too clear.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

He listened to the faint sound of denigration and hummed a song.

This scene is like a silent torture.

The torturer was Gu Yiye, and the answerer was himself.

This picture tells me that what he needs is not external recognition, but inner harmony.

Gu Yiye's goal is very clear is to enter the Night Tiger Company and become an elite. To do the right thing, not necessarily decent, when the higher the highest, the little mistake of the superior person, it is likely to bury the lives of tens of millions of people, resulting in irreparable losses.

To be a general Gu Yiye, he can't take a wrong step.

In the eyes of the world, the so-called great things, love, friendship, righteousness, and affection, are these Gu Yiye unwilling to want?

He is also a human being and needs to be.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

But in the eyes of strategists, these can be dropped when needed, when necessary.

For what? In order to win, then what is winning?

Different situations, different times, there are different answers.

The responsibilities shouldered by each soldier are also different.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

I believe that sacrificing yourself when needed improves your odds of winning.

Gu Yiye would also nod his head without thinking.

When a soldier begins to think about trade-offs and looks at the problem from the overall situation, he has the possibility of being a general.

Shut down, shut out of life, never afraid of what others do, how to say. Just don't do it wrong, you can't go wrong. This is Gu Yiye's high realm, and it is also his big pattern.

05. Pure heart

Gu Yiye was a very good soldier, and his goal was also very clear.

On the day he joined the army, he was still looking at the basis of military theory, that is, a proper scholar.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

Every good man, he is lonely. Because no one understands him.

People who are generally accustomed to life and death may be numb, and will treat life as cold numbers, which will not shake him.

This is dangerous for soldiers.

Gu Yiye was excellent, but there was softness in his heart. He said: I am Petrel! No one can stop the petrels!

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

"Petrel" is the softness of his heart. He leaves no room for love of the world, not afraid to give, not afraid to be hurt, he is the kind of person who takes out his heart and gives it to you.

He was a soldier who could write down in his suicide note that the country needed today and did not dare to keep half a drop for himself.

He fought bloody battles on the battlefield for thirteen unknown soldiers, and gave up his first love in order to take care of the widow of the platoon leader.

Gu Yiye has always put everyone before the small family, put life and death aside, and is ready to dedicate his life to the country at any time. His first thought was never himself.

"Ace Troops": Gu Yiye, played by Xiao Zhan, these 5 scenes are enough to make him a god

The ability is outstanding, and the heart is full of everyone, that is the soul of China's army.

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