
Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

author:Cloud vision news colorful clouds

Anti-wave fish is a delicious memory of many Yunnan people's childhood, when they were young, they wanted to eat a wave-resistant fish, which was a "tooth sacrifice". Nowadays, with the realization of large-scale artificial breeding of anti-wave fish in the Yonghe Village Committee of Haikou Town, Chengjiang City, more and more people have the opportunity to taste this gift from the plateau waters.

Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

Farmer Li Zhengfang told reporters that the requirements of anti-wave fish for water quality are very high, and the growth cycle is long, from fry breeding to the sale of adult fish, it generally takes three years, in this process, feeding is also very "exquisite", each meal needs to be mixed with eggs and fish feed, and then sprinkled into the fish pond.

Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding
Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

The anti-wave fish is a unique economic fish in Fuxian Lake and was once endangered. With the continuous increase of the protection and management of Fuxian Lake, as well as the enhancement and stocking of anti-wave fish and the development of civil protection of wild anti-wave fish populations, the number of anti-wave fish populations in Fuxian Lake has increased to a certain extent, but the number of wild fish is too small to meet market demand. Taking advantage of the water resources of Longtan, which is located in the valley of the Nanpanjiang River and abundant, some villagers of the Yonghe Village Committee have embarked on a new path of artificial breeding of anti-wave fish.

Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding
Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding
Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

Anti-wave fish farmer Li Zhibin:

"The annual output is about 800 to 1,000 kilograms, and through the experience of groping and breeding in recent years, the annual income is about 150,000 or 160,000 yuan."

Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding
Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

Through one household driving one household and one village driving one village, the scale of anti-wave fish farming in Yonghe Village Committee has gradually expanded, and the economic output value has increased year by year. The development of the anti-wave fish breeding industry has also injected a strong impetus into the revitalization of the yonghe village committee.

Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding
Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

Zhang Fu, leader of the Rural Revitalization Task Force of Yonghe Village Committee of Chengjiang County, Yuxi City:

"Yonghe's anti-wave fish farming has achieved geographical indication certification, and so far the anti-wave fish farming of our entire village committee has reached 25 households, 125 mu, and the annual output value can reach 4.5 million yuan, and there are more than 120 employees." In the process of rural revitalization, this industry has played a very good role in supporting our industrial income and the masses to become rich. ”

Source/Yuxitai Tong Na Cao Mengting

Editor/Fu Lin

Editor-in-Charge/Bo Lian

© Cloud VISION News Colorful Clouds

Delicious don't wait! Rare wave-resistant fish to achieve large-scale artificial breeding

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