
Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

author:Three small hairs

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > preface:</h1>

Anti-wave fish: Yunnan unique fish species, known as "underwater Mandarin duck", the market only according to the pair of sales

Yunnan, is a place rich in food, here not only a variety of fruits, but also many very distinctive cuisine, I believe many people have heard of the "Yunnan Eighteen Monsters", including some special cuisine.

As we all know, there are "four big fish" in China's folk, and there are also four famous fish in Yunnan, the most famous of which is the anti-wave fish, which has won the favor of the Kangxi Emperor and has become a famous fish for tribute.

Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

This is also a fish unique to the Yunnan region, they like to move in pairs, they are inseparable from the underwater Mandarin duck, so they are sold in the market.

30 years ago, this fish could eat a large pot for 5 yuan, but now it has become a protected animal, and only those who can be farmed can eat it, but the price is also hundreds of yuan a catty, have you eaten it?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > an introduction to the wave fish</h1>

The anti-wave fish is a very famous fish, and for many foodie friends, they should have heard of its big name.

The scientific name of the anti-wave fish is the white fish, which is called small flower fish, white fish, white fish, white fish, anti-wave fish, scaled fish, etc. In the folk, it is a small fish of the genus Carp and white fish.

Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

This fish looks like the white striped fish that many anglers dislike, but it also has its own characteristics. Its body is slender in the shape of a spindle, the mouth is secondary, and the edges of the eyes are red. The body color is mainly silvery white, only the back is darker, and even its fins are grayish white.

Because this fish likes group activities, and still appears in pairs, especially in the water quality cleaning, high oxygen content of the water environment activities, but also often in the open water surface collective haunting, with a strong ability to resist wind and waves, so it got its name.

However, the anti-wave fish is only found in the Yunnan region, and only in the Fuxian Lake of the Chengjiang River in Yunnan, which is a local fish.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > was praised by Kangxi and became a tribute</h1>

Speaking of the anti-wave fish, it has a strong stroke in history, and it has had a highlight moment. During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Shilin, a Heyang jinshi who served as a young zai in Kyoto, held a birthday for his mother, and specially prepared a hometown special for his mother - fried anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake, which was smelled by a passing eunuch and told the Kangxi Emperor.

Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

After Kangxi listened, he was also very interested in this fish. So the next morning, after the dynasty, after also dressing up, I went to the Zhao Mansion to see what kind of fish was so fragrant. However, when it was unfortunate, it was discovered by Zhao Shilin.

After understanding the reason, Kangxi asked him what kind of fish it was and why it was so fragrant. Zhao Shilin replied: This is a small fish unique to my hometown, the locals call it sea maggots, the real name is anti-wave fish. ”

After Kangxi listened, he said that this fish is fragrant, delicious and fragrant, how can it be called a sea maggot, or call it a wave-resistant fish, and it will be sent to Beijing as a tribute in the future. ”

Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

Although this is a folk legend and story, and there are different versions, in history, the anti-wave fish was indeed a tribute to the imperial court, and also won the favor of Kangxi.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > once a large basin of 5 yuan, almost ate extinction</h1>

Although the anti-wave fish is not large, it is very delicious, which is why it has become one of the four famous fish in Yunnan. In the 1980s and 1990s, this fish was still a very common and popular fish on the market, and many people came here to visit, they would come to taste it, or take it back as a specialty.

At that time, it was generally sold as small dried fish, or canned pickled anti-wave fish. More than 30 years ago, the anti-wave fish sold on the market were still very cheap, but because the anti-wave fish appeared in pairs, often a pair of fish could be bought for a dollar, and a pot of anti-wave fish could be bought for 5 yuan.

Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

However, after the 1990s, the number of this fish began to decrease significantly, and later it was almost extinct, and in order to protect it, it became a protected fish, forbidden to be fished and eaten.

Some would certainly say that it wasn't because it was too delicious to be eaten and extinct. In fact, the rapid decline in the number of anti-wave fish, on the one hand, is related to the overfishing at that time, and another important reason is that a local introduction of a silver fish.

Silverfish as an invasive species, its feeding and anti-wave fish is very similar, but the reproductive ability is very strong, a large number of predators in the water food, and some will prey on the eggs of anti-wave fish, so it has led to a sharp decrease in the number of wild anti-wave fish, and with the continuous reduction of the number, the price of the previous few dollars a pound of anti-wave fish is rising, the most powerful time rose to thousands of yuan a catty. Until it later became a protected animal and was forbidden to eat.

Anti-wave fish: once favored by Kangxi as a tribute to the imperial court, almost ate to extinction, and now 150 yuan 1 kg preface: The introduction of anti-wave fish has been praised by Kangxi and has become a large basin of tribute once 5 yuan, almost eating the end of extinction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > concluding remarks</h1>

Fortunately, the local company has been experimenting with artificial breeding techniques for anti-wave fish, and finally succeeded, and the protected fish has returned to the table. However, because of the high cost of breeding and not many people farming, the price of this fish has not been cheap. In the local anti-wave fish generally sell for 150-200 yuan a catty, such a price is indeed a bit high.

Therefore, people in the local area basically do not eat, and only some friends who come to travel from other places will try. After all, the reputation of anti-wave fish is outside, and it cannot be eaten in other places, this fish will die when it leaves the water, and it is only local to eat fresh anti-wave fish.

Friends, have you ever eaten anti-wave fish? It is estimated that few people have seen this fish, if you go to Yunnan local tourism, you have the opportunity to taste it. Although more than 150 yuan a pound is a bit expensive, but a bite of teeth is still affordable to eat. And when you go to buy it, you should remember that this fish is not only sold, it is sold according to the pair, which is also a major feature of it!

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