
Bighead fish anti-wave fish "brush presence" Nebula white fish is always "difficult to find"

author:Jintai information
Bighead fish anti-wave fish "brush presence" Nebula white fish is always "difficult to find"

Zhang Sichun and his research team

business card

Nebula whitefish, bighead fish

Nebula whitefish, bighead fish distribution area is narrow, poor adaptability, this plateau narrow fish is adapted to the plateau small and medium-sized lakes of special taxa, their biological characteristics, reflect the history of lake change, has a high research value and economic value.

Anti-wave fish

The anti-wave fish belongs to the order Cyprinidae, subfamily Bream, white fish genus, shaped like a short shuttle, adult fish grow to about 15 cm, its flesh is thin, soft and fragrant. Of all the rivers and lakes in the world, only Fuxian Lake has wild wave-resistant fish.

The Yuxi Jiangchuan Fishing Festival has just passed, and in those days, the Big Bay, Haimen, Laohezui, Xinhezui and Luosi paving around Xingyun Lake have become temporary fish markets, making this beautiful countryside stretch out a picture of harvest and peaceful life. White flowers and fat fish have become Chinese food on the plate, which has made many citizens who come to feast, coupled with the cup changing cups, the sense of satisfaction is bursting, and the aftertaste is endless.

Some attentive citizens have also found that the great white silver carp, silver carp and other harvests have been harvested, and the large head fish that has been drastically reduced in production has begun to increase. In recent years, the endangered anti-wave fish has returned to the people's vision from time to time through artificial release of anti-wave fry and artificial breeding, while the nebula white fish is difficult to find, is it extinct? This reporter visited with questions.

Bighead fish anti-wave fish "brush presence" Nebula white fish is always "difficult to find"

Bighead fish

"Roller coaster-like" bighead fish

Through annual breeding and stocking, the annual output is now 50 to 60 tons

The annual fishing festival has become a unique cultural business card of Jiangchuan. Silver carp, crucian carp, carp... Whenever the Yuxi River Fishing Festival is held, fishermen salvaging the fresh food from Xingyun Lake always attracts wave after wave of tourists to taste it. At this time, the enthusiastic Jiangchuan people will call friends to their homes to meet, and the guests will come to entertain them with fish. Hotels and restaurants are full, every household buys fish, tastes fish, pushes cups on the table, and talks about wine.

Jiangchuan, where the fishing festival is held, is a paradise for eating fish. Among them, the most valuable is the big head fish, which is known for its high fat content and protein, tender and delicious meat, and is the top of the fish. Historically, bighead fish have had high production times, and the annual catch accounts for more than 50% of the total catch of Nebula Lake, and the production has decreased sharply because of the ecological environment.

In 2000, a 20-acre Jiangchuan bighead fish original seed station was established on the east bank of Nebula Lake, and through breeding and stocking, the bighead fish returned to the eyes of ordinary people. From 2009 to 2018, the Jiangchuan District Aquatic Technology Extension Station stocked a total of 9.453 million fingerlings of large-headed fish and 25.4 tons of large-scale large-headed fish fingerlings of 0.1-0.4 kg/tail into Nebula Lake in the past 10 years.

From 2011 to 2018, 6728 kg of large-sized fingerlings of large-scale carp were provided free of charge to farmers, increasing the coverage of large-headed carp in ponds, dams and reservoirs, and achieving full coverage of suitable waters in rivers and rivers for large-headed fish farming.

According to reports, in 2015, the Jiangchuan District Aquatic Technology Promotion Station and the Kunming Fisheries Research Institute jointly investigated and showed that by stocking 3 tons of big head fish fry and 1 million 5 cm or so big head fish fry into Xingyun Lake every year, the annual output of big head fish can reach 50 to 60 tons. Nowadays, it is no longer uncommon to eat big head fish in Jiangchuan.

"Expensive" anti-wave fish

Initiatives such as artificial stocking have been initially restored

Fuxian Lake, which is closely connected to Nebula Lake, the story of the intersection of the two lakes and the disjointing of the big head fish and the anti-wave fish is still circulating. Like the "neighbor" bighead fish and the nebula white fish, the main fish of Fuxian Lake, the anti-wave fish, has also reached the brink of endangerment. In 2001, the number of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake fell to 0.9 tons, and the resources were on the verge of depletion, and the market price once climbed to 500 to 2000 yuan per kilogram.

The reporter learned from the Fuxian Lake Administration Bureau of Yuxi City that since 2007, the Yuxi Municipal People's Government has carried out indigenous fish fingerling breeding and stocking activities in Fuxian Lake through the annual "June 6 National Release Day", "8.26 Fuxian Lake Protection Day", "Winter Fuxian Lake Breeding and Stocking Activity", etc., through artificial release of anti-wave fry, to promote the natural breeding of anti-wave fish and gradually restore their population resources.

The data show that as of December 2018, in the past 12 years, a total of 27,339 anti-wave fish 10431949 tails, Yunnan barbed catfish (bluefish) 102627 tails, and Fuxian four-whiskered catfish (sea heart horsefish) have been released, accounting for 88.6% of the release rate of anti-wave fish.

For 12 consecutive years, indigenous seed species such as anti-wave fish have been released, so that the production of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake has increased year by year, and the population has been initially restored. In addition, Yiliang and other places have realized artificial breeding of anti-wave fish, and anti-wave fish have gradually returned to the people's table, but due to low production, the price in the market has remained high. In recent years, the price of anti-wave fish in the lake area is generally between 500-700 yuan / kg.

"Hard to find" nebula whitefish

Where did the nebula whitefish go?

Nebula whitefish is only produced in Nebula Lake, which is very similar in appearance to fuxian Lake anti-wave fish, and was historically the main economic fish of Nebula Lake, accounting for 20% of the fishing production of Nebula Lake when the yield was high.

Since the 1950s, due to changes in the surrounding environment of lakes, invasion of alien species, overfishing and other human factors, fish spawning grounds, bait farms and other habitats have been destroyed, and the number of nebula whitefish has decreased sharply.

In 2005, the local county party committee and government of Jiangchuan built a pond of 3 acres in the big concave jumping fish ditch on the east bank of Xingyun Lake, where the scientific and technological personnel of the fishery department carried out experimental research on the artificial domestication, artificial breeding, seed breeding and adult fish breeding technology of the pond, and built the Nebula White Fish Population Recovery Experimental Station. In 2005, scientific and technological personnel of the fishery department caught and purchased 1,400 wild nebula white fish from fishermen at a high price, and carried out artificial simulation of natural ecological domestication in ponds, and finally 960 of them survived. Through more than ten years of breeding by scientific and technological personnel, the base now preserves 1 ton of breeding fish that can be used for artificial breeding.

In 2014 and 2015, the Jiangchuan Aquatic Technology Extension Station released 56,000 nebula white fish to Nebula Lake, but due to changes in the ecological environment of the lake, the indigenous fish in Nebula Lake only rely on long-term breeding and stocking to maintain a certain stock. Nowadays, it is difficult to find it in Nebula Lake, and it has entered the ranks of endangered fish.

Bighead fish anti-wave fish "brush presence" Nebula white fish is always "difficult to find"

Nebula Whitefish

Technologies such as breeding and stocking have matured

Zhang Sichun, a staff member of Jiangchuan Aquatic Technology Extension Station, has been committed to the research, development and protection of rare and endangered fish species endemic to Yunnan. For more than 20 years, under the painstaking research and protection of him and his colleagues, rare indigenous fish such as bighead fish, nebula white fish, anti-wave fish, foot carp, starfish horsefish and other rare indigenous fish in Nebula Lake and Fuxian Lake have changed their fate and stepped out of the predicament of extinction, and some have temporarily retained their root seedlings.

Zhang Sichun told reporters that building bases, carrying out experimental research, artificial protection, and providing seed and technical support for breeding and stocking, promoting breeding, and developing and utilizing in protection are the only way for indigenous fish protection. Nebula whitefish is only produced in Nebula Lake, which plays an important role in maintaining the aquatic ecological balance of the lake and is an important species for the restoration of the aquatic ecology of Nebula Lake. At present, it is difficult to see nebula whitefish in the lake.

After years of careful exploration and research, Zhang Sichun and his colleagues have summarized the technologies of artificial breeding, adult fish farming, disease prevention and control, breeding and stocking of nebula whitefish, which have matured, providing technical support for the protection and promotion of aquaculture, and protecting indigenous fish species resources under artificial conditions in ponds. For example, in the 3-acre pond of the Nebula Whitefish Population Restoration Experimental Station, not only nearly one ton of nebula whitefish "root veins" have been preserved, but also the precious indigenous fish species bighead fish in Nebula Lake, the rare indigenous fish species of Fuxian Lake, Yunnan barbed catfish, Fuxian four-whiskered catfish, flower perch carp, Fuxian golden line bream, Fuxian golden thread carp and other 6 fish species.

"The protection of aquatic organisms has a long way to go, and it requires strong support from all levels and departments and society. Nowadays, Nebula Lake is difficult to find nebula white fish, entering the ranks of endangered fish, if not artificial protection, will eventually be unable to escape the doom of extinction. Zhang Sichun said that during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Nebula whitefish has been included in the national breeding and stocking plan, and in 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture allocated 100,000 yuan of Nebula whitefish release funds for the first time. (Reporter Li Chunli)

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