
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

author:Hu Yan photography

In particular, although I love photography, due to the scarcity of anti-wave fish, I can no longer take pictures of anti-wave fish, and I only have the opportunity to take it once, so most of the pictures about anti-wave fish in this post are from the network. The beauty of Fuxian Lake has been photographed a lot.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

My only photo of the anti-wave fish (the one on the top right is)

In my hometown, there is a legend about the beauty of Fuxian Lake.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Beautiful view of Fuxian Lake

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Legend has it that a long time ago, there were Xiao and Shi Erxian in the sky, and when they heard that there was a very beautiful lake in the world, they came to visit together. When the second immortal stood on the lakeshore, looking at the pure blue of the lake, the lake light, mountains, shadows and water, the second immortal was amazed!

Although the Heavenly Palace has Yaochi green water, it can only be compared with this earthly beauty, and the two immortals linger. Over time, it turned into a caress stone with a hand and shoulder, standing on the shore of the lake. Since then, this lake has been called "Fuxian Lake".

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Fuxian Lake

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

The Luohan carved stone suspected of being Xiao Shi's second immortal

These two arhats in the Xuanzhu Temple in Kunming were born with very different bones and extraordinary shapes. I think the gods are probably like this! As soon as I saw the carved stones of these two arhats, I thought of Fuxian Lake. Every time I go to Fuxian Lake, I always wonder in which corner there is Xiao Shi Erxian standing, and its shape always thinks of this pair of carved stones. Over time, it became a lingering impression in my mind.

Because I love Fuxian Lake, I deliberately went to the Bamboo Temple and photographed the light and shadow of the Luohan carved stone. Take it to make up the number of Xiao Shi ErXian, it may not be very wrong, anyway, no one has ever seen Xiao Shi Er Xian, let alone taken a picture for them, let's do it!

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Fishing in Fuxian Lake

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

My hometown is separated from Fuxian Lake by a high mountain. Until I was in college, I had to go to Kunming to take a train to Wuhan, the first time I left my hometown, when I was nineteen years old, I also saw a few glimpses of Fuxian Lake on the bus for the first time, and the line from Huaning to Kunming had to walk a long distance on the lake. The clear water of the lake reflects the blue sky, the water and the sky are the same, and the beauty of Fuxian Lake is indeed worthy of the name.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Satellite imagery of Fuxian Lake and Nebula Lake

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Fuxian Lake Geographical Information

Later, I worked on mapping, and on the map I could measure the accurate data of Fuxian Lake, with a circumference of 88.0 km; an area of 214.2 square kilometers; a north-south length of 31.5 km; a maximum width of east and west: 11.4 km; and a narrowest east-west: 3.4 km. According to online information, it is more than 160 meters, the second deepest lake in China, only slightly shallower than The Tianchi of Changbai Mountain, due to its large area, it reserves 20 tons of clean water for 1.4 billion Chinese per person.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Anti-wave fish (source network)

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

In this beautiful Fuxian Lake there are delicious anti-wave fish. Later, I learned that there are many ways to write anti-wave fish, some write "wave fish", and other ways of writing, which are words that cannot be typed in the computer. The scientific name of the anti-wave fish is the white fish of the cyprinid wave, a genus of carps and white fish. The body is thin and rounded without significant lateral flattening, the body is narrow and long spindle-shaped, the back is straight, and the ventral margin is shallowly curved. The snout is pointed, the mouth is sub-superior, the orifice is obliquely upward, the lower jaw is protruding, slightly longer than the upper jaw, and the protrusions at the front of the lower jaw are not very pronounced and do not need to be necessary. The scales are small, with lateral scales bending down slowly above the ventral fin. The body is silvery-white , the back is darker and cyan , and the fins are off-white. The white fish prefers fresh water quality and high oxygen content in the water environment, and is a pelagic fish, and the group is active on the open water. It feeds mainly on branches and copepods, filamentous algae and aquatic insects, and also eats small fish and fish eggs.

It is found only in Fuxian Lake, Chengjiang, Yuxi, Yunnan Province, China.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

When I was in high school in Yuxi, some of my classmates were from Chengjiang, Jiangchuan, Huaning, and several others grew up on the water edge of Fuxian Lake. My grandfather and dad called this endemic fish the "green ridged fish." The students who grew up by the water's edge of Fuxian Lake only called this unique fish "anti-wave fish", and I had an unprovoked feeling in my heart, they lived at the water's edge, and called the fish "anti-wave fish", which should be the most authentic name, belonging to orthodoxy. There was a lively classmate named "Ni Hangyu", and a lively classmate in Chengjiang County pronounced him "reverse sailing fish", resisting the fish sailing by the wind and waves, and finally calling him "anti-wave fish". Cardamom years, the cheers and frolicking of the students seem to be just yesterday. Later, when playing on the edge of Fuxian Lake, I actually met them in the crowd, and I had too much to say for a while, but I felt that it was not appropriate to say too much under such circumstances, simply said some work, children, and family, left a phone number, and hurriedly resigned.

Before the 1980s, the anti-wave fish was one of the main economic fish in Fuxian Lake, accounting for more than 60% of the lake's fish production, and in 1983, the catch of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake was 423 tons, and the breeding period of anti-wave fish was concentrated in June to July. During the fish flood season, there is also a law for anti-wave fish to swim to the shore of the lake, only three days of every ten days swim to the lake, and the other seven days swim back into the deep water, fishermen call it "three to seven", using the significant characteristics of the anti-wave fish and its spawning period "three to seven" characteristics, local fishermen also invented a unique vehicle water fishing method. The water is pumped by a water wheel to the diversion channel, and the anti-wave fish automatically swim into the fishermen's special fish basket.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Turnwater fishing (source network)

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

These are childhood memories and heard about. Fuxian Lake is also undergoing drastic changes.

Xingyun Lake is the sister lake of Fuxian Lake, located 2 kilometers north of Yuxi Jiangchuan County. Nebula Lake is 1-2 meters higher than Fuxian Lake, and the two lakes are separated by only a mountain. There is a 2 km long river connected to it, also known as the Jade Belt River. In 1982, silver fish was first introduced to Nebula Lake, and whenever the water of Nebula Lake rose, silver fish also poured in from the Yudai River, which is connected with Fuxian Lake, and by 1986, dozens of tons of silver fish flowed into Fuxian Lake with the water from Nebula Lake. The reproductive ability of silverfish is amazing, and mature silverfish will breed in large quantities around the beginning of winter, and last for up to three or four months. The breeding method of silverfish is in vitro fertilization, and the eggs released will sink to the bottom of the water body, and the hatching will generally be completed in about 30 days. During each breeding period, silverfish generally lay 2 eggs, about 1,000 eggs at a time, and the reproductive ability of silverfish occupies the living space of native fish.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Silverfish (source network)

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Cash register fish

In 1983, the catch of anti-wave white fish was 423 tons, and by 1998, the annual production of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake was less than 0.2 tons, and the anti-wave fish was on the verge of extinction. The crisis of the anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake is a punishment for human beings. There are three theories that the anti-wave fish is close to the brink of endangerment: (1) The feeding habits of the silver fish are similar to those of the white fish of the white fish, occupying the ecological niche of the white fish of the white fish. (2) Fishermen in order to make a profit, a large number of use of silk net fishing, overfishing, causing a sharp decline in the production of squid, making it close to the edge of endangerment, the market price once climbed to 1500-2000 yuan / kg, some people have paid 3000 yuan but can not buy 1 kg of anti-wave fish. The soaring price makes the anti-wave fish even more exotic. (3) After the introduction of silver fish in Fuxian Lake, the silver fish is really "like a fish in the water", eating most of the eggs of the anti-wave fish, and the anti-wave fish is simply destroyed.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Cashier fish on the edge of Fuxian Lake

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

On the edge of Fuxian Lake, I met two elderly people and talked to them:

"Old man, how old are you?"


"What are you going to do?"

"Let's go to the woods and collect some firewood!"

"How long have you been living by this lake?"

"More than sixty years!"

"At that time, there were groups of anti-wave fish, and my old man had to pick five or six to pick back one night!" It was rainy and I was worried that I couldn't dry it. ”

"Now the shadow of the anti-wave fish is rare to see!"

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Two old men on the edge of Fuxian Lake

"The fields by the lake are not allowed to be planted either. Plant some fruitless trees and grasses! Plant some fruit trees and get a little more harvest! ”

"If you plant fruit trees, fertilize and spray pesticides. Polluted the lake. ”

"How much compensation does the state have for the land where the trees are planted?"

"About three thousand yuan per acre!"

"Protect the lake, you live in this is the best happiness." Your body can be so tough! ”

"If the anti-wave fish are still as much as before, as long as you can sell for one hundred yuan per kilogram, how good your life should be!"


"Goodbye, old man!"

"Come and sit at home when you have time!"

As long as the water is clear, I will come to see this Fuxian Lake every year!

In the past, there were "high birds, good bows hidden", but now it is "few fresh fish, big swing".

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

The big basket that used to catch anti-wave fish

In order to save the anti-wave fish, in 1998, Yuxi City cooperated with the Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to carry out the research on artificial breeding technology and population recovery of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake, and through 3 years of research, in the eyes of fishermen along the lake, the anti-wave fish that "die at the sight of the sky" can finally be passed down in the pond, laying the foundation for artificial breeding and stocking. According to reports, since 2007, Yuxi City has demarcated a germplasm resources protection area for anti-wave fish, continued to carry out artificial breeding and stocking activities, and increased the comprehensive administrative law enforcement of water protection and fish protection. Yuxi City has been implementing artificial breeding and stocking activities in Fuxian Lake for 14 years, and its results have gradually emerged, and the production of anti-wave fish in Fuxian Lake reached 12 tons in 2019. After years of unremitting efforts, the flood-resistant fishing has been returned, and the landscape of "car fishing" and "fragrant fishing" will be reproduced.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Fuxian Lake sea fishing

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

Now the artificially farmed anti-wave fish also costs a few hundred yuan a catty, which is no longer a delicacy that ordinary people can taste. In my impression, the anti-wave fish meat is delicious, the spines are soft, chew it and swallow it, there will be no danger of stuck neck, this beautiful Fuxian Lake, the anti-wave fish is completely for the "foodies" and grow, selfless dedication to be able to swallow the fish thorns, but unfortunately people do not cherish this heavenly object given by god. When I was a child, there were still a lot of anti-wave fish, and the price was not expensive, so I ate it several times, and now I think it is a very luxurious enjoyment.

The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown
The biodiversity of Yunnan can be glimpsed from the "rare animal" anti-wave fish in fuxian Lake, hometown

In Fuxian Lake, anti-wave fish was originally a very common fish, due to the extinction of organisms, it has become a "rare animal", fortunately, it is difficult not to die, there will be a blessing, as long as the beauty of Fuxian Lake is still there, I believe there is still a day when the anti-wave fish come back! This also reflects the biodiversity of Yunnan.

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