
Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

The occurrence of transactions has promoted social development, made the connection between people more close, and made the flow of social materials smoother. Money, as the medium of exchange, plays a vital role in socio-economic development. From the initial shells to copper coins to gold, silver and paper money, money has become more and more convenient as people's demand for trading continues to expand.

Since its development, with the further development of Internet technology, mobile payment has been born and rapidly popularized, and now it has become one of the most commonly used transaction methods in people's daily lives. After all, as long as you carry a mobile phone, you can easily complete the payment by scanning the code, and you don't have to worry about your cash being easily stolen. Of course, this is not to say that mobile payments have no risk of theft at all, but they are relatively small. However, the central bank recently issued a new regulation on mobile payment, making many people think that the era of mobile payment is not going to become a thing of the past, and human beings are returning to the era of cash?

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

New central bank rules

Not long ago, the central bank issued new regulations, indicating that starting from March 1, 2022, merchants will be prohibited from using personal collection codes. Seeing this, many people think that it does not mean that you can not scan the code to pay in the future? How can society not progress but regress? In fact, the new regulations issued by the central bank only prohibit merchants from using personal collection codes, not prohibiting merchants from using collection codes. That is to say, in the future, merchants can continue to use the collection code to allow users to scan the code to pay.

What we need to know is that the current payment code is divided into two types, one is a personal static collection code, as the name suggests, the money received by the collection code will go directly into the personal account, and everyone can easily complete the collection of money, with almost no requirements and restrictions. The other is called the merchant collection code, which must rely on the corresponding business qualifications and other information to be able to receive and use, and is better regulated by the market.

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

However, some small traders in order to facilitate the situation, they directly print down the personal collection code for customers to scan the code to pay. But this obviously makes it more difficult for the government to manage the market. Relevant information shows that with the emergence and popularity of the collection code, some criminals have been given the opportunity, and many illegal teams will use personal payment codes to carry out illegal acts. Although Alipay and WeChat have set certain upper limits, they still make many people take advantage of it. In this case, in order to strengthen the management of the market and reduce the occurrence of related illegal acts, this ordinance came into being.

So we don't have to worry about using mobile phones to pay anymore, which has almost no big impact on our daily consumption behavior. The real impact of this new rule is that those who are accustomed to using personal collection codes, especially small traders; the other is naturally to violate the criminals, and we will not repeat it too much here. So how will these small traders deal with the new central bank's regulations?

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

What should petty traders do?

One of the easiest ways to do this is to apply for a merchant payout code. Of course, for some small traders, what needs to be done is not only to apply for the merchant collection code, but also to do business qualification certification and other documents before that. After the corresponding operation, it is easy to apply for a payment code and operate within the reasonable and legal scope of the country.

The other is to make consumers complete the payment by adding friends or searching. But this way is obviously extremely complicated, WeChat needs to add friends, Alipay to search for the user's mobile phone number, obviously will have a great impact on their own business. After all, this is sometimes not as convenient as cash.

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

And with the release of the new regulations, we can also foresee that in the future, the aggregate collection code will further prevail and become the most commonly used existence of merchants. The so-called aggregate collection code is the merchant collection code that integrates WeChat, Alipay, cloud flash payment and other payment channels. That is to say, as long as the merchant applies for this kind of collection code, it can be done once and for all.

Of course, there is still a certain time before the official implementation of the new regulations of the central bank, and the relevant departments are also improving and issuing guidance on the solutions for merchants, so that all legal and compliant merchants can easily complete the conversion between collection codes.


In fact, we don't have to worry about mobile payment will become a thing of the past, you know, now that the state has issued a trial digital yuan, how can it ban mobile payment? In the future, mobile payment will only be more convenient and secure, with more perfect legal and regulatory protection.

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

Personal collection codes are banned, under the new regulations, where should small traders go?

Back in the era of cash? The central bank issued new rules on collection codes, where will small traders go?

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