
Classic | Human Footprint Banqiao Cream: Zheng Xie

Classic | Human Footprint Banqiao Cream: Zheng Xie

△ Zheng Xie's "Ink Bamboo Diagram"

Yanhuang Art Collection

Footprint Banqiao Frost: Zheng Xie

Classic | Human Footprint Banqiao Cream: Zheng Xie

△ Portrait of Zheng Xie

For the first half of his life, he was poor and even witnessed his father and wife and children die of hunger and cold, and in order to relieve the bitterness in his heart, he wandered between liquor stores and brothels. After middle age, he entered the career, but he was a clean official and difficult to make a living, fortunately he painted well, so that he could barely make ends meet when he was trapped. He was a strange person, his life was wild and uninhibited, and he was listed as one of the "Eight Monsters of Yangzhou", he was Zheng Xie, who was famous for his books, paintings and poems in the Qing Dynasty.

The famous Qing dynasty painter Zheng Xie, zi Ke rou, the number of Banqiao, ancestral home of Suzhou. His family was originally a scholarly monk, but unfortunately by the time he was born, his family had already fallen in the middle of the road, and his father was engaged in teaching, and the family road was clear. Zheng Xie was talented and intelligent, he was able to read at the age of three, and at the age of twenty-five, he was admitted to Xiucai, and went to Yangzhou to sell paintings in order to maintain his livelihood, during which he met many famous calligraphers and painters. In the tenth year of Yongzheng (1732), the forty-year-old Zheng Xie was raised in the examination, and ten years later, he officially entered the career path, first for Fan County and then transferred to Wei County. During his term of office, he cared about the peasants' lives, attached importance to nongsang, opened a warehouse to provide grain in the disaster year, and had considerable political achievements, coupled with his diligent and honest administration, he was deeply loved by the people, because the people could not ask for orders and resigned from the government, and went to Yangzhou again to sell paintings for a living, and then died in Xinghua, at the age of 73.

Classic | Human Footprint Banqiao Cream: Zheng Xie

△ Zheng Xiexing's poetry scroll, collected by the Palace Museum.

This work is a self-composed poem written by Banqiao for his fourth uncle, and was created in the sixth year of Qianlong.

Zheng Xie continued to trek in his career throughout his life but never achieved anything, and the unique temperament of Chinese literati made him achieve brilliant achievements in art, which can be called the three best books, paintings and poems at that time. Bamboo, orchid, chrysanthemum, in the minds of ancient literati is a holy thing, is the literati's spiritual sustenance, Zheng Xie is no exception, his paintings are mainly bamboo, orchid, stone, pine, chrysanthemum, but also orchid bamboo is the best at, can be eclectic. He also formed his own art theory in continuous exploration: "before painting, not standing a grid, after painting, leaving no grid", and this theory has been well proved in his practice. He drew on the traditions of Xu Wei, Shi Tao and others, but he also adhered to the principle of "learning seven out of ten and throwing away three", and did not adhere to the ancient law. The orchid bamboo he painted, the pen is tall and vigorous, the spirit is lively, the swing is free, the physical appearance is sparse, and it is both physical and lifelike, but it is by no means similar, showing his otherworldly temperament.

As one of the three masterpieces of Itabashi' calligraphy, it is completely compatible with his paintings, and the compatibility here refers to the integration of brush meaning: the technique of painting orchid bamboo is combined with the brushwork of grass, seal, li, line, and kai, and is freely sprinkled, and the pen method is ever-changing, so that the character has both the meaning of calligraphy and the beauty of painting, Zheng Xie called it "six and a half minutes book", which was later called "Itabashi body". This kind of book has both the elegance of orchids and the vigor of bamboo, and is informal: dense and upright, large and small, long and flat, and obliquely staggered, which is called "rocky paving street" by the world, which is the stroke of god from no ancients. Zheng Xie inscribed these crooked characters in the painting, making the whole painting look extremely chic, even a little weird, and it is no wonder that posterity will list him as one of the "eight monsters".

Classic | Human Footprint Banqiao Cream: Zheng Xie

△ Zheng Xie's "Mo Lan Tu"

Collection of the Palace Museum

Inscribing poems in the paintings to enhance the artistic conception of the painting is a major feature of Zheng Xie's paintings, and his poems use popular vernacular to express a profound artistic conception, with a simple style and humor. In addition to writing poems for painting, he also wrote many poems expressing folk suffering to express his ambition and anger, of which "rare confusion" was widely circulated.

The famous painter Xu Beihong's evaluation of Zheng Banqiao is extremely appropriate: "Mr. Banqiao is one of the most outstanding figures in China in the past three hundred years, and his thinking is strange, literary and strange, and his calligraphy and painting are particularly strange. Looking at his poetry and paintings, he not only wants to see the high, but also his benevolence and wonder, especially the rare genius of ancient and modern times. ”

Classic | Human Footprint Banqiao Cream: Zheng Xie

△ Zheng Xie's "Four Screens of Flowers"

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Written by | Shunping

Editors| Hanhua, Qingyi

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