
The "most unlucky" emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who served as the crown prince for 20 years, died within a month of ascending the throne

The "most unlucky" emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who served as the crown prince for 20 years, died within a month of ascending the throne

There were many emperors of the Ming Empire, Taizu opened up the territory and expanded the territory, Chengzu Yongle flourished, and later there was the rule of Renxuan and the reign of Hongzhi Zhongxing, which were among the most wise monarchs. There are good and bad, corresponding to this there are also many unreliable emperors, the Zhengde Emperor likes to play, the Apocalypse Emperor likes carpentry work, Jiajing likes to cultivate and refine Dan.

The "most unlucky" emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who served as the crown prince for 20 years, died within a month of ascending the throne

The "most unlucky" emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who served as the crown prince for 20 years, died within a month of ascending the throne. Zhu Changluo was the fourteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, but this unremarkable emperor was related to three of the four strange cases of the Ming Dynasty. When he was still the crown prince, there was a demon book case and a whipping case, and when he became emperor, there was a red pill case.

The "most unlucky" emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who served as the crown prince for 20 years, died within a month of ascending the throne

After Zhu Changluo became emperor, Zheng Guifei, who was deeply favored by the former emperor, was frightened, and in order to save her life, she sent eight beautiful women. Zhu Changluo spent his early years in trembling, there was no chance of pleasure at all, and he could finally be unscrupulous, and as a result, less than 10 days after he ascended the throne, he emptied his body, and even the early dynasty could not go up.

The "most unlucky" emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who served as the crown prince for 20 years, died within a month of ascending the throne

Zhu Changluo knew that his ability was limited, and he also indulged in excessive desire, which according to modern words is death. This was not the end of it, after the emperor fell ill, Consort Zheng's personal eunuch Cui Wensheng gave medicine to the emperor. Zhu Changluo knew that his biggest enemy was Zheng Guifei, and he dared to take Cui Wensheng's medicine, which was also immediate, and immediately made Zhu Changluo diarrhea thirty-four times.

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