
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Previous "Happiness Duo"

It is about strong women and weak men and strong men and weak women

The story of two families

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Didn't expect Mango to start this year

A similar urban emotional drama was also launched

The Perfect Companion

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

See here

The big moan couldn't help but think

Are these two dramas fighting?

Considering that there are actors on both sides who are liked by the great bard

As a master of water

That must be two dramas chasing together

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Then the great groan found out

Although the settings of the two dramas are similar

But there is a complete difference between families

It is true that character determines life

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

In The Perfect Companion

Although Gao Yuanyuan plays the heroine Chen Shan

Strong personality

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

A super workaholic

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

But The male protagonist Sun Lei, played by Zhang Luyi

It didn't become a loud wife's answerer

Maybe he doesn't work as intensely as his wife

Maybe he's going to take care of the housework

Educating children

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

But it's all about respect and tolerance

He has his own ideas and persistence

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

The same as the male protagonist in "Happiness Duo"

In the face of a strong wife

Just put it as you want

You decide

And then there's nothing to compare to the enterprising

Simply a wonderful man

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

In fact, seeing the big chant here subtly discovered

The husband of "The Perfect Partner" is Sun Lei

It's more like a lot of good wives and mothers in reality

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

They have to work

Take care of the elderly and children

To be in charge of the teachings

I also have to help my husband solve his problems

Like Supergirl

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

And too much family chores

It will also directly affect their work status and promotion opportunities

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

And the wife Chen Shan took the script of her husband in reality

They're in addition to work

Nothing at home

Yi Lai reached for food to open his mouth

Rare opportunity to spend time with your family

It will also be interrupted by various social work

Home to them is almost like a free guesthouse

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!
Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

In reality, families within the male and female protagonists abound

No one cares

Even take it for granted

When the wife complained slightly, she was called a pretentious person

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

When it comes to the TV series, it turns around

The husband's shining point was immediately discovered

It was as if I had entered the Quaqua Group

Big piles of rainbow farts blowing up

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Even if the male protagonist in the play complains

It will also be understood by the audience

He was so tired

Complain about what's wrong

You taste it

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Some netizens summed it up well

Fewer good men

So the appearance of one is touted

There are too many good wives and mothers

A bit of a rotten street

Naturally no one takes it seriously

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Then we might as well change our perspective

Scroll up according to the male and female main model in the play

Women study like Chen Shan

Men learn like Sun Lei

Everybody rolls together

Roll it to death

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

Maybe only then

It won't be just women who are asked

How do you balance your family with your career?

Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi", "Perfect Partner", some things can be seen at a turn!

The | part of the picture comes from the web

Edit | Pork Belly Cat

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