
Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate

Furious hair rushes to the crown, and rests in the rain. Look up at the eyes, look up at the sky and scream, and be fierce. Thirty meritorious deeds of dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. Don't wait idle, white teenager's head, empty and sad!

Jing Kang shame, Still Snow. When will the courtiers hate, when will they be extinguished! Drive a long car and step through the Helan Mountain. Zhuangzhi was hungry for meat and laughed about thirsting for The blood of the Huns. Wait to start from the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky.

This poem "ManJiang Hong" was composed by Yue Fei, a famous anti-Jin general of the Song Dynasty, and reads with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, showing the sadness and indignation of the central plains re-entrapment into the hands of the enemy and the regret of the abandonment of previous achievements.

Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate

In the early days of Yue Fei's army against Jin, his military prowess was deeply appreciated by Emperor Gaozong of Song, and the cooperation between the two was a model for kings and subjects. In 1133, the 31-year-old Yue Fei was promoted to the command of the Shenwu Hou Army, and Zhao Zhuo personally gave him the imperial letter "JingzhongYue Fei" pennant, and transferred Niu Gao, Dong Xian, Li Dao and other troops to the Yue family army, which greatly expanded the strength of the Yue family army.

In 1137, Yue Fei was sent to see him, and together with Zhao Zhao composed the "Liang Ma Pair", and his official position was also promoted to the ambassador of Jinghu North Road and Jingnan Southwest Road Xuanfu and the ambassador of Yingtian. Zhao Zhuo even summoned Yue Fei to the "Sleeping Pavilion" and gave the order: "In the matter of ZTE, It is the secretary of state. However, he did not expect that the honeymoon stage of the two people would then cool down rapidly, and three years later, yue Fei was hanged in the Wind Wave Pavilion and ended dismally. The reason for this can actually be seen from Yue Fei's famous work "Man Jiang Hong":

Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate

Remembering Xuejing Kang's shame, it affected the stability of Emperor Gaozong's throne

In 1127 AD, after the Jin soldiers captured Hui and the Second Emperor of Qin went north, the history called it the "Change of Jing kang". Yue Fei, based on his inherent Confucian scholar-master's integrity, never forgot to wash away the shame of Xue Jingkang and welcome back Hui, the Second Emperor of Qin, and the thousands of people who were plundered to the north by the Jin soldiers, which was not wrong with itself, and also in line with the interests of the Song Dynasty, but it was a huge threat to the throne of Emperor Gaozong of Song.

Although Zhao Zhuo took advantage of the panic of the "Jingkang Change", he preemptively took the throne at Yingtianfu in Nanjing (present-day Shangqiu City, Henan Province), established the Southern Song Dynasty, and ascended to the throne of Tianzi. However, according to the feudal primogeniture inheritance system, his ninth son of Emperor Qinzong of Song was not in the right place, and he did not have the right to inherit legally. What's more, although his father Song Qinzong and brother Song Huizong were captured by the Jin people, they were still alive and still had the identity of the Emperor Taishang and Emperor of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, and once they returned, it would cause the embarrassment of having two days in heaven and two kings in the country.

Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate

The courtiers are hateful and have superior abilities, so it is inevitable to play the "yellow robe plus body" again.

The hatred in "When the Courtiers Hate, When to Extinguish", although more hatred for Jin Bing, does contain dissatisfaction with Emperor Gaozong of Song. In fact, Emperor Gaozong of Song's concerns about the struggle for the throne were already aware of by the time the Second Northern Expedition was proposed in 1137. Therefore, he no longer mentioned the matter of welcoming back Song Qinzong, but only included it in the "Heavenly Dependents", in exchange for Zhao Shuo's reluctant consent. Nevertheless, when Yue Fei's army was marching in triumph, Zhao Zhuo suddenly changed his mind and rebelled several times, which made Yue Fei dissatisfied.

In addition, in addition to the question of the throne, Zhao Zhuo thought far more complicatedly than Yue Fei. From a military point of view, Yue Fei was always prepared for war, personally supervised the army, trained strictly, and his prestige in the army was getting higher and higher, and his military power was also getting bigger and bigger. In Zhao Shuo's view, such a general, allowing it to develop, will inevitably come back to the yellow robe again? Therefore, as Yue Jiajun became stronger and stronger, Zhao Shuo's suspicions became more and more serious. In particular, the news of the great victory of Zhu XianZhen came, and thousands of Yue family troops defeated tens of thousands of Jin Dynasty iron horses, and the strength of the combat strength made Zhao Zhuo feel like a man on his back at all times.

Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate

Therefore, Zhao Zhuo not only recalled the Yue family army with twelve gold medals in a row, but also relieved Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and other generals of their military power after the Yue family army was trained, so that they completely separated from the army, and later simply staged a scene of storm pavilion.

Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate
Why Yue Fei was wrongfully killed, there are two sentences in "Man Jiang Hong": Jing Kang shame, courtier hate

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