
The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

author:Dreamy Crimson


The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

她‬在剧中饰演主人公光源氏,桐壶帝的儿子。 She wears a wide robe with wide sleeves and a long jade body, and plays the world's unparalleled Guanghua Gongzi to the extreme.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

The sun was slanting, the dust was falling on her sideburns, and when she walked with a smile on the cherry blossom petals, the divine light was clutched, and the merciless grass and trees were poured out.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52


The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Because of her handsome appearance, Tenkai Yuki was once called a queen by Japanese female fans, and many girls said that they lost interest in men after seeing Tenkai Yuki.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Stills from Yuki Tenkai's The Tale of Genji

There is a saying in Japan that "there are only two kinds of women in the world who want to marry her and who want to be her."

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

The reason why I say this is because on the face of Tianhai Youxi, there are both the pure and lovely women and the heroic toughness of men, and the male and female are indistinguishable.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

但就是这样的一个女人,在节目中被主持人问“你‬如此优秀,为什么不结婚? ”的时候,她‬郑重地当着全国人民的面说:“请大家放心,我不会结婚的。 ”

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Due to The handsome appearance of Tenkai Yuki and her youthfulness, some people doubt that she will not marry because of sexual orientation problems. But in fact, her sexual orientation is normal, she admits, not that she is not married, but it is too difficult to meet the right person.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Yuki Tenkai has had a boyfriend, and she has been in a relationship with Kiichi Nakai, Ryo Asuka, Andaki Sasaki, and others.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

At the end of 2006, he began to report dragging with Sasaki Kura, and was repeatedly witnessed sneaking around in Tokyo. At that time, the firm denied the relationship, saying that it was a fact that they met for dinner, and it was definitely not a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. 事后她弟弟曾在节目中表示天海祐希带佐佐木藏见过家里人,就在大家都以为她们‬会结婚时,他们俩却分手了。

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

The reason is that Sasakizo was exposed to be in love with a female pharmacist, and the media also filmed him going to the woman's home as a guest, but when the reporter asked him about it, he did not respond positively. 天海祐希发现佐佐木藏‬一脚踏两船,所以盛怒下挥剑斩情丝。

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

This incident hit Tenkai Yuki very hard, and after the breakup, Tenkai Yuki never fell in love again, and repeatedly publicly stated that he would not get married. She once said on the show that when she thought of someone waiting for her at home, she felt very irritable and did not want to go home. So she "saw through" the feelings and chose not to get married and has been a single person.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Tenkai Yuki is not afraid of being treated as a "leftover woman", and the value she creates for herself far exceeds everything.

She loves acting and career, and also actively embraces life, enjoys the secret of being single and mastering solitude, how can such a life be defined as "not married" to define her failure?

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Fortunately, the years have not left any marks on her face, and the older she gets, the more beautiful she is, and her long cheeks are softer and more beautiful, very beautiful!

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

Finally, I wish the queen to continue to be active in the screen, bring us more wonderful works, and write the myths that belong to her life.

The male protagonist of "Millennium Love: The Tale of Genji" is actually a woman! He is still unmarried and single at the age of 52

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