
Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

author:Tube Brother TV

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Guan. In the depths of Tibet, a large-scale mysterious castle appeared, which not only contained skeleton masks full of words, but also Christian crosses! So what is this legendary Ghost City? Or is it the ruins of an ancient mysterious kingdom?

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

When it comes to castles, in addition to the romantic and beautiful fairy tales, we can also think of the mysterious legend of the eerie horrors, and there are hundreds of buildings called devil's castles in Europe, many of which no one dares to get close to. In Tibet, it is said that there is also such a devil's castle that makes people talk about discolored, the castle has been abandoned for a long time, after entering, there are not only terrible ghosts howling, but also skeletons with teeth and claws to eat people, a Tibetan Buddhist building is still standing on the top of the Christian cross, and the skeleton mask found under a large number of arrow poles is full of mysterious words.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

Tibetan ghost town!

The story also begins with a story told by a herder. Zhang Jianlin, a researcher at the Xi'an Archaeological Research Institute, has been studying Tibetan history and artifacts, so he spends most of the year on the Tibetan Plateau. In 1985, Zhang Jianlin came to Tibet again to explore various historical sites, came to the rare Ali area, explored for several days without any gain, unfortunately, in the middle of the road back to the house, the car broke down, but not far away there was a Tibetan herdsman, so they decided to go to the herdsmen's tent to rest. During small talk, the herdsman named Tashi recounted one of his magical and terrifying experiences. It was one day in 1984, when Tashi went out to graze, he found that there were cattle missing, and in the process of searching for cattle, he saw a dirt mountain in the distance that he had never seen before, and he was shocked to look closer, this is not an earth mountain at all, but a tall and majestic castle.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

Tashi wondered why there was such a castle so deserted, but in order to find the cattle and wonder in his heart, he still had the courage to go inside, and after a few steps, Tashi felt a gust of wind blowing, and at the same time heard a miserable wail, and several skeletons not far away rushed towards him with their teeth and claws, he saw this terrible scene and quickly turned around and ran out of the castle, and the skeletons did not seem to have the intention of pursuing them. Tashi threw off the monsters and returned home, telling the old people of the clan about this terrible experience. When the old man heard this, he was shocked, indicating that he had mistakenly entered the devil's city, there was a very powerful country in the Ali region, and hundreds of years ago, the king of this country did not know why he had offended the gods, and the gods put down many demons to punish the people in the city, killed the king and the people, and since then this castle has become a gathering place for the devil.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

Legend has it that this castle is full of devils, and Mo said that livestock can't come out of it, even if people go in, they will become the devil's meal, and it is a fluke that he can come back. Zhang Jianlin's eyes lit up when he heard this story, as an archaeologist, he naturally did not believe in the legend of this strange and chaotic god, but he grasped the clues of this castle shown in the story, is this not the historical site of Tibet that he has been studying? But what puzzled him was that there was such an ancient castle in Tibet that he had never heard of, so Zhang Jianlin and others began to search and investigate this mysterious and terrifying devil's city. And it is this investigation that makes an event that has not even been recorded in the Tibetan history books for a hundred years, what kind of story is it?

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

The exploration of the story

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Jianlin and his party were ready to explore this mysterious castle, and they set off after a bit of rectification. They drove to the depths of Ali and saw a strange hill, so they drove toward the top of the hill and looked closer to see that it was the castle in the mouth of the herdsman. The castle can still be seen hundreds of years ago. Before coming to the castle, they did not see skeletons with teeth and claws, nor did they hear the terrifying howls of ghosts, but all they saw were buildings and caves. So what lies in this densely packed building and cave? Entering the castle, they saw a terrifying scene, in these caves are full of dry corpses and human bones, Brother Guan can't help but sigh when he hears this, ordinary people may have been scared to flee in a hurry when they saw this scene, and Zhang Jianlin as an archaeologist is accustomed to seeing these dry corpses.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

Researcher Zhang Jianlin conducted an investigation on this. They found hundreds of armor, shields, and arrows of various shapes in these caves, as well as various military instruments and military tunnels, and fragments scattered throughout the castle proved that the decline of the castle may be related to military warfare. Looking around, a magical building caught Zhang Jianlin's attention, this building is a stupa at the bottom of the ancient castle, and a cross is actually erected on the tip of the stupa. We all know that the cross is a symbol of Christianity, and this stupa is obviously a symbol of Tibetan Buddhism, why there is such a building, Zhang Jianlin's confusion is increasing. In later explorations, they found some bamboo poles, which were supposed to be used to make arrows, and there was a skeleton mask under the bamboo poles.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

The skull mask is full of mysterious words, which do not look Chinese nor Tibetan, similar to English but not English. In order to unveil the mystery of this mask, Zhang Jianlin returned to Beijing with this mask to ask relevant experts to interpret the text. The results of the study showed that the above text was in Portuguese, except for part of the Bible, the other content was a Portuguese missionary named Andrade who wrote a story about himself, and the text finally indicated the address of his church in Portugal, and it was also by this address that Zhang Jianlin really found and found anddrade's church, and the church said that Andrade did exist. Through some information, Zhang Jianlin found a memoir of Andrad's life, and this memoir also records everything he experienced in the tibetan castle, and it is also this memoir that allows us to unveil the mystery of the Tibetan devil's city.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

The truth of the story

Zhang Jianlin discovers Andrad's memoirs, which record a legendary story of Andrad in Tibet. There was a very famous tribe in Tibet called Tubo, and in 864 AD, the Tubo king Dharma died in an assassination incident, and various forces took advantage of this to compete for the throne, and Dama's younger son and his men fled to the Ali region after a failed struggle for the throne, where they established a new homeland and named the Kingdom of Guge, which is what we see today as the Devil's City. Andrad was a missionary in India at the time, and because he had offended some people, he fled to Tibet and inadvertently entered the Gug kingdom. The king's soldiers captured him, and the king learned that he was a Christian missionary, a status that made the king at the time very happy.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

Because the king's brother was the leader of the country's religious group at that time, The religious beliefs of Tibet have always had a very important political position, which can be described as the spiritual leader of a country. The local custom is that adults must be lamas for several years, so there are more and more monks. The king feared that this would not only be detrimental to the development of the country's economy and other aspects, but also threaten his own dominance. So the king thought of having Andrad preach Christianity in the country. The purpose was to gradually change the faith of the people over time and to break the status of the younger brother's spiritual rule. However, the younger brother also saw through the king's plan, and joined forces with the kingdom of Ladakh to capture the castle of the gug kingdom, and the younger brother and the king of Ladakh agreed to support him as the leader of the gug kingdom after the victory, and gave half of his territory to the kingdom of Ladakh.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

However, the kingdom of Ladakh wiped out the monastic group dominated by his brother and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to occupy the kingdom of Gug. In this way, the Gug Kingdom for more than 700 years led to the destruction. In this war, Andrade was fortunate to survive and recorded this experience in his memoirs. Over time, due to the poor environment in the Ali region, where the Gug Kingdom is located, there was no water near a large number of terraces, and the natural environment was not friendly. As the environment deteriorated, the oasis that fed thousands of people became a desert. Zhang Jianlin believes that this is the real reason why the Guge Kingdom was abandoned. At this point, the secret of the ghost town in Tibet has also been revealed.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

There are no so-called skeleton ghosts with teeth and claws, and there are no horror cries of ghosts crying wolves. More often, Tibet's historical deeds have disappeared in the long river of history. We can always gain some insight in the trajectory of history, in the process of the development of any thing, do not forget that the environment is the basis of our survival, to know how to protect our common home. Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall, Guan Ge believes that ah, the golden mountains and silver mountains are not as good as the green water and green mountains, I hope that our city today will not become the so-called ghost city, but the green water babbling, ten thousand birds singing, for the mountains and rivers to install splendid embroidery, embroidery for the motherland Danqing.

Tibet dug up the devil's castle, the skeleton mask was full of mysterious writing, and the archaeological team dug up an amazing history

Well, today's story is about this, you still know those legends about Tibet, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, and finally like the guan brother article remember to leave your likes and attention.

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