
My three deaths

author:Guizhou tall old man

Last night, I had a strange dream where a group of us walked on foot on a steep mountain road. Sometimes climbing, sometimes down the hill, suddenly there is no way ahead, only one can accommodate the next person to climb past the cave, I am slightly fat, climbed to the middle, the head passed, the stomach and waist stuck, the person in front of me dragged my head, the person behind me pushed my leg, can not pass, can not enter, can not retreat, so painful! It hurts! ...... I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't sleep.

One by one, I suddenly thought that when my mother gave birth to me, when my wife gave birth to our children, when many mothers gave birth to their children, it seemed that their painful moans and heart-rending cries sounded in their ears;

One by one, I suddenly thought of the hardships and tribulations that human life, from conception to birth, to adulthood, has to go through;

One by one, I suddenly thought of the American novelist Jack London that I had read in "Love of Life", those thrilling descriptions of life;

One by one, I suddenly remembered that in the course of my 70 years of life, I had encountered three deaths. Every time I am unforgettable, there are different life perceptions and harvests, are the accumulation of life, are the content of life, but also the wealth of life, but also the mark of history, these marks whether sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, will always evoke a lot of valuable and meaningful memories.

The memories of these experiences make me respect life more, love life, and cherish my life now. So I wrote it down:

First, to be born is to face death

It was the turn of autumn and winter in 1952, when I was less than half a year old and had a sudden high fever at night. At that time, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, our family lived in a remote mountain township dozens of kilometers away from the county seat, there was no local medical institution, and my father was a tax cadre in the township. My mother held me in her arms, helpless, and crying in a hurry.

A kind old lady in the neighbor, smelling the sound of comforting the mother, took me in the arms of the mother, at that time I had a high fever and was unconscious, the old woman saw that the child did not cry, did not make trouble, would not move, and said to the young mother: "Your child has run out of breath." ”

My mother hurriedly carried me back, kissed me, slapped me, and I was unconscious, unresponsive, still not moving at all.

My mother really thought I was dead and hugged me tightly and cried uncontrollably.

When the neighbor's old lady saw the situation, she sympathized with compassion and compassion, and cried and advised her mother: "People cannot be resurrected from the dead, you are still young, let's be reborn!" Don't keep hugging, you've been crying all night, tired, rest! ”

So, the old woman took me from the groggy mother's hand, hugged me in a coma, wrapped me in a straw mat, put it outside the door, turned back to her mother and said, "Now in the middle of the night, there are many jackals on the mountain, and when it is dawn, I will ask someone to hold me on the mountain and bury it." ”

The sky was just slightly bright, because of the rain and fog outside the house, the cold and wet ground, played a role in physical cooling, my fever subsided, I woke up from the coma, hungry, and cried loudly.

The cry woke up my sleepy mother and kind old lady, and I returned from the hands of death to my mother's arms.

This time I came back from the dead because I was too young to listen to my parents. Every time my mother talked about it, she repeated a sentence: "Oh, I was too young (my mother was 20 years older than me), I didn't know anything, and I almost lost my son's life." The words were full of self-pity and fear.

Perhaps it is the nature of maternal love, the power of maternal love, since then, although the mother has not been to school, illiterate, but she insists on collecting and learning a lot of local first aid methods from the folk, under what circumstances to press what acupuncture points with her fingers, or what methods to treat and alleviate those symptoms, and also learned a lot of knowledge of the identification and use of Chinese herbal medicines. It is also the diligence of my mother, in those years of lack of medical treatment, our 6 sisters have grown up healthy.

This year, my mother is 90 years old, and a year ago she had lost her memory and could not take care of herself. A few years ago, she also insisted on using the accumulated knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine to boil her own medicine to make a soup, and apply bubbles to heal waist and leg pain. It was also through this experience that my mother's tenacious struggle against the hardships of life and the stubbornness of her mother's vitality formed my mother's character, which was like a seed, sown in my soul from an early age. So that in the future road of life, I have the respect, yearning, learning, absorption and persistence of these qualities of perseverance, tenacious courage, perseverance, perseverance!

This death experience, although it occurred in my young and unconscious years, made me understand that any life from birth, face death, the growth process of life, will never be smooth, if there is no tenacious will, it is difficult to complete the process of life.

Second, the damn flowers

This is the deepest memory of hunger in my life.

In the spring of 1960, when the mountains were full of flowers, I was already in the second grade of primary school, and my father was transferred from the county seat to a township at the junction of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces as a grassroots cadre.

Perhaps the higher-level organization wants to train his father, and he is transferred to the party school of the prefectural party committee to study for half a year.

At home, my mother took me and my brother and sister with me. It was the most difficult time for our new China, when three years of disasters, Sino-Soviet relations were tense, the Soviet Union withdrew experts, withdrew funds, and had to pay off debts from the state, so the whole country was in a state of material scarcity, grain, meat, cooking oil, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, cloth, etc. All daily necessities were rationed, and parents were 13% per month. 5 kilograms, 8 kilograms per month for children, half rice and half of grain, with a grain purchase certificate, purchased at the designated grain supply station. My father has been out of the house for more than two months, and the rice and grain in the family are about to be eaten. Before liberation, my mother had not read a book because her family was poor, and she could not understand whether there was still grain on the grain purchase certificate, thinking that there was no grain on the grain purchase book.

Therefore, three meals a day were changed to two meals, and the main meal was also added to the grain with wild vegetables, or simply boiled porridge to drink.

Eating and drinking porridge, and not eating breakfast to go to school, I am in the second grade of primary school, it is the age of growing a body, eating a long meal, every morning, hunger is unbearable.

That day, the sky was clear, the spring morning sun was warm, the first two classes in the morning were over, the gap between the exercises, the feeling of hunger was particularly strong. Our school is on the top of a small hill, on the surrounding hillside, bushy, most of which are Yingshan red, it is March and April, it is the flower season, Yingshan red is particularly gorgeous. Some students played and played in the flowers, and from time to time they picked the flowers and put them in their mouths to eat. I saw that the hunger was stronger and the hunger was long. So, I involuntarily ran into the flowers, put my hands together, a large handful of flowers, made a ball, stuffed into my mouth, and into my stomach. I just think it tastes, sour, sweet, so refreshing. I don't know how much I ate, but I wasn't too hungry anyway.

After a while, the bell of the third class rang, and I ran to the classroom to sit down, the teacher entered the classroom, and the class leader shouted: "Stand up!" "I quickly got up from my seat, at first I only felt a little dizzy, and then the classroom turned, the blackboard turned, and the classmates around me also turned, turned, turned... I don't know anything.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon, and I was lying in a hospital bed, infusing fluids. My mother was next to me, and she kept talking, "Oops! Okay, okay, wake up, wake up! ouch! His classmates carried him to the hospital, in time, ah, yes, no one! "

Later, I learned that although Yingshan Red is very beautiful and the flowers are sweet and sour, they are poisonous. I was starving that day and ate too much, poisoned and comatose, if not rescued in time, I would definitely die.

Now I am more than seventy years old, but that year, that mountain, the red of the mountain that grew next to the chamber, has always been brilliantly open in my memory.

What is even more strange is that although the poisoning was in elementary school, the hunger that I had never felt before was deeply engraved in my soul, creating a habit that I never changed in my life, no matter when and where, every time I ate, I would never leave leftovers, and after eating, I would never leave half a grain of rice in my bowl!

Third, he almost died at the bottom of the sea in Hawaii

My love for the sea is deeply rooted in the soul, but in Wailea Beach, Maui, Hawaii, the sea has given me the harshest punishment, almost leaving me buried at the bottom of the sea and killed in a foreign country.

At the end of June 2019, my wife and I, accompanied by our daughter and son-in-law, took our little granddaughter and a family of 5 to Maui, Hawaii, for a vacation, and stayed at the Island's Marriott Hotel, which is known for its sea views, which is adjacent to the coastline due to the lush tropical plants; the lawns of golf courses; the azure sea under the blue sky and white clouds; the white clouds floating in the sky, the seagulls flying under the white clouds; the coconut trees swaying in the sea breeze; the sound of the waves crashing on the reef, which constitute Maui's unique seaview gallery. The unique beaches embedded in the galleries are even more enchanting. Many tourists come to Maui for vacation, from the early morning sunrise to the dusk sunset, soaking in the sea, basking in the beach, spending all day on the beach.

I am a person who loves the sea, yearns for the sea, loves the sea, sees this scene, it is still durable, the family is not ready, I have run to the nearest Beach in Wailea, facing the surge, throwing into the sea.

The waves that day were so high, and when I swam into the depths of the water, was lifted to the top by the waves, and undulated with the waves, there was a feeling of a baby in the cradle, which was a pleasure.

After swimming in the depths of the sea for a few minutes, feeling tired, watching the waves also grow, I turned my back to the sea, facing the beach, and was struggling to swim back, a wave taller than a person, whistling, tumbling, gushing from behind, unconsciously, the waves covered my head, completely submerged me, and rolled me up, with the waves making 360 degrees rolling, I struggled hard, I only wanted to swim back to the shore in my consciousness, but I couldn't control myself at all, and suddenly the waves threw me to the tip of the waves, smashed to the bottom of the sea, in the sea, maybe a few times, Maybe after a few rounds of tumbling, my head was slammed heavily on the sand and gravel on the bottom of the sea, and then I lost consciousness, I lost consciousness...

After about a few seconds, I felt my feet touch the sand and gravel on the bottom of the sea, and I subconsciously forced my legs to rush out of the waves and run to the beach.

In the sea, although it was a short struggle, I had exhausted all my strength, and when I rushed to the beach, I was breathless, and my body was like a scattered piece, ignorant, dizzy, and paralyzed on the beach.

At this time, my eyes were a blur, my left hand was unconscious, I couldn't move, from head to toe, all over my body, in my mouth, in my ears, all stained with the fine sand washed up by the sea, cheeks, corners of my eyes, and the corners of my mouth were bleeding.

I sat on the beach for about 10 minutes, and in a state of seemingly waking up, I vaguely remembered that it might be my demented appearance, the blood on my face, which attracted the attention of well-wishers, and people kept approaching me, comparing to asking me, I didn't know English, I couldn't communicate, but gradually woke up, didn't want to alarm more people, and shook my hand to them to show that it was no big deal.

In the process, my wife looked for me everywhere, and when she saw this, she immediately helped me to lie down on the beach chair under the sun umbrella, after which my left hand gradually regained consciousness and my mind gradually became clear.

Back at the hotel, after treating the wound, the hospital picked up and injured the cervical spine.

The doctor said that this situation did not cause cervical vertebrae fractures, nor did it cause intracranial hemorrhage, which is fortunate and the best result.

This time with the god of death passed by, fortunately I was able to escape from death, during the injury, what I experienced, seen, felt, left the warmth, touch, deep thinking, and awakening to the depths of my soul, far more than the pain left on the body, those people, those things are deeply engraved in the heart:

One by one I had blood on my face, sitting on the beach, drowsy gasps, foreigners who cared, greeted me of different skin colors;

One by one, when I was lying on the beach chair, bleeding profusely, the old American man who brought me ice cubes to stop the bleeding, and the hotel first responder who washed and treated my wounds twice;

Explained the results of x-rays for me in detail, guided the care of the cervical spine, and gave them to the surgeon of the American hospital who gave painkillers for free;

One by one, after I was injured, I was woken up many times by my transoceanic phone in the middle of the night, patiently diagnosed me remotely, and repeatedly mobilized me to go to the director of the domestic hospital lCU suffocation in the hospital emergency department;

One by one, the news rushed to see that I was injured, and I was in a hurry, and quickly called the emergency personnel, no matter how much it cost, I would force my daughter to go to the hospital for medical treatment;

One by one, I can't take care of eating, give up being with my wife and daughter, drive all day from morning to night, drive three or four places in a row, send me to the hospital to pick up, take pictures, go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, buy me food and drink, and be busy before and after the son-in-law;

One by one from beginning to end to support me, accompany me, use ice water to wash the sea water and fine sand on the wound for me in time, at night, I can't turn over, can't get out of bed, help me carry water, help me go to the toilet, dress me, take off my pants, and work hard to complain about my wife;

One by one, with my tender little hands, holding cotton swabs and dipping potions, I gently smeared my little granddaughter with wounds;

One by one WeChat group, family circle, after learning of my injury information, passing one after another greetings, concern, concern, anxiety of younger brothers and sisters;


All the experiences in this escape from death are experiences that I have never had in my life, although I am physically in danger and hurt, but when everything calms down, there is a feeling that the spiritual gain is still quite a lot:

One by one, I saw the most beautiful scenery in human nature. A series of facts from this experience tell me that in addition to the ugliness of those who are greeted and deceived in the official arena, there is more to the goodness of human nature, the beauty of life, and the pain has led me into the most beautiful piece of pure land in human nature, allowing me to see and enjoy the true feelings of the world;

One by one, I felt the blood kinship in times of crisis. Those who are overwhelmed by childbearing, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are all highlighted, and the love of relatives and the warmth of the family are the warmest energy in the world;

One by one, my life has a rare life experience, which increases the thickness of life and enriches the excitement of life;


When I feel close to death, this love is the most precious and effective medicine for me, she heals and repairs the wounds left by the years on my soul, making me love life, love life, love my family, and love society.

Therefore, although this is a disaster of life, it is also a harvest of life, with the passage of time, the accumulation of the past in memory, the richness of experience, will certainly deepen my cognition, superimpose the connotation of thought, and the harvest will also increase.

My three deaths

In my memory, the gorgeous mountain red of the slope of my hometown, the appearance is beautiful and charming, the taste is sweet and sour, and it has always bloomed in my heart.

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