
She was the empress chosen by Qianlong for her son, but unfortunately died prematurely

There is nothing wrong with saying that "technology changes destiny", even in ancient times. The ancient medical level is not very high, so the average life expectancy is relatively low, even if the royal aristocracy, even if they encounter some of the diseases that seem relatively simple today, they may not have the ability to prescribe the right medicine, and can only lie in bed and watch the life consume a little bit and be helpless.

She was the empress chosen by Qianlong for her son, but unfortunately died prematurely

In the Qianlong period, there was such a woman, who could have had a better life arrangement, but because of her body, she was not blessed, and this woman was Jiaqing's concubine Wanyan. Wanyan was a woman with a tragic fate, who became Yongyan's side Fujin at the age of 15, but died of illness within a few years, and Yongyan did not even succeed to the throne at that time. So, what is the story of the Finished Yan Family?

She was the empress chosen by Qianlong for her son, but unfortunately died prematurely

The Yan clan was the fifty-first year of Qianlong, that is, in the draft in 1786 AD, Qianlong chose the side Fujin for the crown prince Yongyan. Yongyan had the original Hitara clan at this time, but during the Qianlong period, when Jiaqing had not yet ascended the throne, his health was not very good, and some diseases often appeared.

In order to ensure that the future emperor of the country has a woman with a good name and outstanding ability to run the harem, Qianlong began to look for candidates for his son Yongyan very early, although Qianlong was on the throne, he had already set the future crown prince, that is, the fifteenth son of the emperor, Yongyan, so for Yongyan's marriage, Qianlong was also very concerned.

She was the empress chosen by Qianlong for her son, but unfortunately died prematurely

After observing Xiunu's background and performance, Qianlong believed that the Completed Yan clan was a more suitable candidate, and the Completed Yan family should be said to have a relatively high status for other families at that time, and they were all diligent and earnest officials in the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties. In terms of identity, the Completed Yan clan is even better than the Hitara clan, so Qianlong designated the Finished Yan clan as the side Fujin of Yongyan. Yong Yan's concubine Fu Jin Xi Tara clan is not in good health, it can be said that Qianlong designated the Finished Yan Clan as a side Fujin, the purpose is to use it as a backup means, in case one day the Xi Tara Clan dies of illness, the Completed Yan Clan is the rightful choice for the empress.

She was the empress chosen by Qianlong for her son, but unfortunately died prematurely

Unfortunately, however, the Yan clan died before Yong Yan ascended the throne. Although the archives do not specifically record the date of Yan's death, it is no later than the fifty-seventh year of Qianlong, which means that Yan did not live to be 21 years old. Whether it was for the Yan family or the emperor, they were very sorry. It was also because of the death of Yan's illness that Qianlong chose another woman of equal status and status for his son, Niu Cobalt Lushi, as an alternate candidate for the empress.

In contrast, the harem path of the Niu Cobalt Lu clan was smoother, and as an empress candidate, she was also a side Fujin when she married Yong yan. After Yong Yan ascended the throne, he crowned the Niu Cobalt Lu clan as a noble concubine, in fact, everyone knows that this is the future empress candidate, and later after the death of the Hitara clan, the Niu Cobalt Lu clan made up for the position of the Hitara clan and became the empress, known as Empress Xiaoherui in history.

She was the empress chosen by Qianlong for her son, but unfortunately died prematurely

In fact, in ancient history, the queen was a symbol of national peace, generally speaking, no matter what, it will not be easily replaced, and its symbolism is very strong. However, in this unavoidable situation, the position of the empress still needs to be considered in advance, after all, the personnel of the personnel, the destiny of heaven, and the personnel transformation of the harem must also follow such rules.

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