
Change the mobile phone number to prevent Li Lianglei? Wang Lihong was bombarded with "there is a ghost in my heart"

author:Big Head Entertainment Alliance
Change the mobile phone number to prevent Li Lianglei? Wang Lihong was bombarded with "there is a ghost in my heart"

Wang Lihong was blown up in order to prevent Li Lianglei, deliberately changed the new mobile phone number, this matter was once on weibo hot search, but some people also questioned Li Lianglei's purchase of black hot search.

Wang Lihong and his ex-wife Li Lianglei's "Lei Hong War" seems to have come to an end, but there is a dark surge, before Li Lianglei accused him of taking a strange man to break into the home to make a controversy, recently there were media revelations, it was reported that Wang Lihong in order to prevent Li Lianglei, but also deliberately changed the new mobile phone number, after the relevant reports were exposed, immediately landed on the mainland Weibo hot search, many people criticized him for "having a ghost in his heart", but some people also questioned Li Lianglei's purchase of hot search.

Wang Lihong's friend revealed that he had "no hatred in his heart, only fear" in his face of Li Lianglei's various behaviors, and he seems to have done his best to avoid meeting Li Lianglei alone in order to prevent Li Lianglei from disclosing more private information, and also changed his mobile phone number and only contacted through a lawyer.

Netizens have criticized Wang Lihong for "having a ghost in his heart", "always a friend exposed, his relatives exposed, his father exposed, the media exposed, hiding behind everyone's back", "he first wants to change his own heart", "Is it disgusting to be disgusted, shaping the woman so terrible, attracting sympathy"; but some people speak for him, questioning Li Lianglei's hot search "Li Lianglei is not bothered", "Xicun (referring to Li Lianglei) has bought a black hot search", "Wang Lihong is too pitiful, he is running for his life".

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