
Huawei only wants to do "Bosch", but netizens hope it is "Tesla"

In 2021, although smart phone manufacturers are in a crazy "volume", it is undeniable that in the case of technology can not break through, smart phones are really a bit rolled up, so everyone invariably rolled the car to go.

Apple said to build cars, Huawei entered the field of car manufacturing, Xiaomi also made cars, and OPPO and VIVO seemed to be hiding car manufacturing.

Huawei only wants to do "Bosch", but netizens hope it is "Tesla"

And these mobile phone manufacturers build cars, Huawei is a more special one, because Huawei's car is different from Apple, Xiaomi, Apple, Xiaomi is to create their own brand of cars, LOGO will be printed on the car, similar to Tesla.

However, Huawei does not build its own cars, only uses its own technology to help car companies build good cars, and the LOGO is not printed on the car.

If you take a more appropriate example, it is that Huawei wants to be a "Bosch" and a supplier of auto parts, and is a good friend with automakers, not a competitive relationship.

Huawei only wants to do "Bosch", but netizens hope it is "Tesla"

The reason why Huawei chose to become "Bosch" is that in the era of smart cars, the auto parts market may be more imaginative of its own brand cars, and more importantly, it is faster to achieve results.

Building its own brand of cars, there is no three or five years, it is impossible to see any results, whether it is Tesla, or Wei Xiaoli, there are today's achievements, are after several years of efforts. For example, Xiaomi, which said that it will start building cars in 2021, also plans to mass-produce in 2024.

And obviously, Huawei hopes that the car can be quickly effective, as soon as the investment is generated, it can sell money, which of course is better to do "Bosch", not to mention doing "Bosch", and the major car companies are good friends, the market is as huge, and you can build cars at any time.

Huawei only wants to do "Bosch", but netizens hope it is "Tesla"

However, seriously, Huawei's road to doing "Bosch" in 2021 has not gone too smoothly, and the Cyrus SF5, which cooperates with Xiaokang, and the Alpha S, which cooperates with the Polar Fox, are not very good.

Therefore, more and more netizens hope that Huawei can build its own cars, do not cooperate with these small car companies, and become a tesla-like manufacturer and print Huawei's LOGO on the car.

However, at present, Huawei still does not want to become Tesla, even if "Bosch" is not very smooth, in the end, it is only cooperating with Xilis to launch a new brand AITO, even if it is all led by itself from design to manufacturing, it does not print Huawei's LOGO to the car, or play the AITO brand.

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