
On the Eve of the Virtual Reality Revolution: One of the Keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution VR &AR In-Depth Industry Research Report (Available for Download)

author:Sina VR

To get the full version of "On the Eve of the Virtual Reality Revolution: One of the Keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution – VR &AR In-Depth Industry Research Report", please pay attention to the green letter public number: vrsina, and the background reply to the "AR Report and White Paper", which is numbered 20bg0048.

If the VR industry has a proportion of resources for a virtual world in the future, and if the AR industry means the key to entering the science fiction world, how should the country respond? Seize the opportunity to become stronger, guide the development of industries and high-tech technologies, and make the country become in this field, and China currently accounts for 30% of the number of related patents in the field of related intellectual property and patents in the world.

On the Eve of the Virtual Reality Revolution: One of the Keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution VR &AR In-Depth Industry Research Report (Available for Download)

Relying on the rapid development of the Internet and mobile Internet, China has surpassed the original leading Europe, Japan, South Korea, etc., and together with the United States, it has become the two most developed countries in the world in Internet technology. The rapid development of the mobile Internet has made Alibaba, Tencent and other Internet giants with a valuation of more than 500 billion US dollars, and also appeared, Meituan, Didi and other enterprises, creating a huge number of employment opportunities attached to the entire e-commerce industry, catering and distribution, taxi and other fields, which greatly stimulated economic growth, improved people's living and income levels, and improved the consumption power of the masses.

On the Eve of the Virtual Reality Revolution: One of the Keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution VR &AR In-Depth Industry Research Report (Available for Download)

The increase in investment in the VR field is relatively flat and stable, but AR is welcoming the outbreak. In 2019, a total of 204 financings were raised, of which 81 flowed into the VR field, accounting for 40%, with a financing amount of 5.32 billion. 76 inflows into the AR field, accounting for 37%, the amount of financing reached 12.89 billion, far more than VR. At the same time, 7% of the number goes to 3D technology, 6% to XR applications, 2% to the brain-computer field, and the remaining 7% to other fields. If 2016 is the first year of VR, then 2019 is the first year of AR, and AR has gradually shown a large market development space in the fields of industry and manufacturing.

On the Eve of the Virtual Reality Revolution: One of the Keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution VR &AR In-Depth Industry Research Report (Available for Download)

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On the Eve of the Virtual Reality Revolution: One of the Keys to the Fourth Industrial Revolution VR &AR In-Depth Industry Research Report (Available for Download)

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