
On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, his father Huang Yanpei

author:Qinzhou Fusion Media

His father, Huang Yanpei, was born in 1878 in the old house of my family in Chuansha Neishidi, Pudong, Shanghai (fifteen years later, Song Qingling and other Song siblings were born in this house, and Hu Shi also borrowed a residence in this house), and soon the family fell in the middle of the road. In 1901, he received a traditional private school education, and later won the title of Huang Yanpei and went to Nanyang Public School (now Shanghai Jiaotong University), where he was admitted to Cai Yuanpei's special class as the chief teacher, and was in the same class as Li Shutong, Shao Lizi, Zhang Shizhao, Tang Erhe and others to receive a new education. However, more than a year later, Huang participated in the strike against the student valve and left Nanyang College to return to Pudong.

  When his father returned to his hometown, just as the imperial examination was abolished, the wind of xingxuetang was opened, and the Qing government promulgated the charter of higher primary and secondary schools, ordering the provinces to convert the academy into a school. Having just experienced the baptism of the student tide, Huang Yanpei, a twenty-four-year-old father, held the determination to run a school, "To save China, the only way to run a school is to run a school." Since then, he has begun his lifelong journey of running the school. At that time, there was no school in Chuansha City, only a Guanlan Academy, so Huang contacted Zhang Wanmei, Lu Yiru and other friends to go to the Chuansha Hall, and at the same time, in the cold winter, he took a boat to Nanjing to throw a boat to The Governor of Liangjiang, Zhang Zhidong, and finally approved Huang as the prime minister of the school under the conditions that Huang and others did not receive salaries and take care of their own meals, and in 1903 Chuansha Primary School was opened. Soon after, he opened a group of girls' schools in his hometown.

  Huang Yanpei, his father, who was twenty-five years old at the time, grew up seeing all the corruption in the government and the darkness of society and then determined to save the country, so the whole family relied on the limited bonus he received from the academy to survive for more than a year. In addition to running the school and teaching himself, my father felt that he should do more to mobilize the enlightenment of the masses, so every holiday he would make friends, take a few students, carry blackboards, take benches, come to the neighborhood, come to the city walls, teach the people literacy and numeracy, or hold lectures. The Chuansha City Wall was built in the Ming Dynasty, the ancient style is still there, it is a local tourist resort, my father gave a speech here, pinpointed the shortcomings of the times, attacked the great powers, attracted a large audience, and thus expanded the activity to the neighboring county Nanhui. In the early summer of 1903, my father and his friends Zhang Wanmei and Gu Ciying came to The New Field in Nanhui Town to give a speech, and within a hundred miles, boats and cars gathered, which was an unprecedented sensation. At that time, the "Su Bao" case, which shocked the whole country, had just occurred, and the "Revolutionary Army" published by the "Su Bao" that published Zou Rong was sealed by the Qing government, Zhang Taiyan and Zou Rong were arrested and imprisoned, and the revolutionary party was arrested everywhere, and the political atmosphere was very tense. On June 18, my father made the first speech, and on the 23rd, the second lecture was underway, and Dai Yunyin of Nanhuizhi County received a secret report from a local gangster: Huang Yanpei and others made a speech slandering the empress dowager, that is, they sent troops to arrest Huang and four others on the spot, and posted a notice: "According to the revolutionary party, the county has already seized it, and countless arms have been raised", exaggerating his words in an attempt to invite merit, for which he quickly sent a telegram to the governor of Liangjiang and the inspector of Jiangsu, the former called back to order the law to be corrected on the spot, the latter called back to order the provincial information office, the orders of the two were divergent, Dai Zhi County called again to ask for instructions, There was a three-day delay in going back and forth. At the same time, the Nanhui youth who invited his father to come to the lecture to carry out rescue work, found the chief pastor of the Shanghai Christian Church, Bu Huilian, and at the same time, Yang Sisheng, a Pudong real estate developer who funded his father to run Chuansha Primary School, took out 500 yuan to pay Bu Huilian and invited the American lawyer Younigan, so Bu and You went straight to the county court as quickly as possible to find Dai Yunyin, and arrived half an hour before the noon of the governor's telegram "rectifying the law on the spot", that is, at noon, they bailed out their father and four other people from the county court, and after they were released from prison, they did not stay too long. He stepped straight on the steamer to Shanghai, and then left Shanghai overnight with the support of Yang Sisheng and took the Siberian ferry out of Wusongkou to Japan.

  The four young people under Hukou were forced to leave their hometowns and drifted on the vast sea for a long time, and After the four people of Huang and the other four were combined, they changed their names to Mingzhi, and Huang Yanpei's original number of Chu Nan was changed to Renzhi on the ship. The meaning of the tough word is knife, which is cowhide. To kill the enemy, to be stoic.

  The storm in Xinchang Town caused by my father and others caused great repercussions in the society, and the "National Daily" sponsored by Zhang Shizhao and other media reported it one after another. On the stage of Shanghai New Opera, the storm in Nanhui Xinchang Town was compiled into a civilized drama, saying that a twenty-five-year-old young revolutionary, Huang Yanpei, wearing large leather boots and walking all over the streets, gave orders to carry out revolution, was arrested by the Qing court, and almost killed his head. Huang Yanpei's name, along with the incident, spread in Shanghai. At the same time, this storm of near-head killing also pushed him to embark on the road of a real revolutionary party.

  In the spring of 1904, my father returned to Japan for more than half a year. If it is said that before the Xinchangzhen incident, his father was only dissatisfied with the current situation of the imperial court and society, hoping for change, but did not join the revolutionary party, but the occurrence of this new storm made his father Huang Yanpei almost killed as a revolutionary party, and the thrilling encounter pushed him to approach the revolutionaries step by step.

  After his father returned to China, he continued his educational career, first running the Dongcheng Girls' School in Zhuxing Lane, Nanshi City, Shanghai, and then assisting Liu Jiping (Liu San), who met Liu Jiping (Liu San) during his time in Japan, to establish Lize College.

  In February 1905, Zou Rong, who was imprisoned for the "Su Bao" case, died of illness in prison, and Huang Yanpei was entrusted by Cai Yuanpei to handle Zou Rong's funeral, and it was necessary to take a great political risk to treat the funeral of such a prison prisoner who was regarded as a great enemy by the Qing court, but his father resolutely accepted. After that, he contacted Liu Jiping, who ran the school for him, and Liu donated the land next to his homestead as a cemetery for Zou Rong, and buried Zou's body first, and the whole thing was done very decently and smoothly, but at that time, his father felt very sorry that in view of the political environment at that time, zou Rong's memorial tower could not be built.

  On July 30, 1905, the League was established in Tokyo, Japan, and Cai Yuanpei was appointed as the head of the Shanghai branch. A month later, Cai summoned his father to his home at No. 62 Xichang Shouli in Shanghai, and in the dead of night, Cai solemnly said to his father: Our future in China is extremely dangerous, do you know? Father Su Mu replied that Cai also said: To save China, there is only revolution, do you agree? His father nodded his head again and replied yes, so Cai introduced to him the newly established alliance meeting of revolutionaries such as the Xingzhong Association led by Sun Yat-sen and the Huaxinghui led by Huang Keqiang (Huang Xing), and asked his father if he would like to participate, and his father stood up and solemnly said: For the rest of his life under the sword, he only seeks the benefit of the country, and all that is ordered by Mr. Huang Keqiang (Huang Xing) is obedient, and of course he is willing to participate. Late the next night, my father came to Cai's house again as promised, and Cai took out an oath of alliance: "Expel the Tartars, restore China, establish the Republic of China, and equalize land rights." The father solemnly raised his hand and swore an oath. After the ceremony, Cai clasped his father's hands and said: You are a full member of the Chinese Revolutionary League from now on, and we are revolutionary comrades who share life and death and hardships! A month after the founding of the League, in early September 1905, my father officially joined the League.

  In 1906, the political atmosphere gradually relaxed, and in June, Zhang Taiyan, who was imprisoned for the Su Bao case, was released from prison, And Cai Yuanpei and Huang Yanpei went to greet him, sent Zhang to the Chinese public school, and immediately sent Zhang to the ship bound for Japan for fear of the Qing court's foreign affairs. After Zhang arrived in Japan, he became the chief writer of the People's Daily, the organ of the League, and wrote a series of sharp articles on clarification. While busy sending zhang Taiyan, his father restarted the repair of the Zou Rong Memorial Tower. He asked his old friend Yang Sisheng to undertake the tower construction project, which was completed by Yang, during which a series of meetings were held, planning, organizing, arranging, and implementing, all of which were taken care of by his father, when he was only twenty-seven or eight years old, which was a period of high energy. On July 3, the Zou Rong Memorial Tower was completed, a grand commemorative ceremony was held, people from all walks of life went to commemorate this anti-Qing righteous soldier in front of the memorial tower, Cai Yuanpei delivered a speech, the guests were moved, and this matter became the number one news in Shanghai and even the whole country. The person who donated the land to achieve this was Liu Jiping, the builder of the tower was Yang Sixeng, and the mobilizer Liu and Zhang organized and planned behind the scenes, and it was his father Huang Yanpei who was connected.

  In early 1908, my father nearly suffered again. At this time, his father was still the supervisor of Pudong Middle School and concurrently served as the inspector of Chuansha Hall, the cause was that his father attacked the undesirable phenomenon in a speech at Pudong Middle School, thus offending the local Xiaoxiao, and was accused of going to the province, saying that Huang Yanpei was "full of speech revolutions" in Pudong Middle School, and at the same time citing that in the 1903 Xinchang Town Speech Case, Huang Yanpei had a previous conviction of anti-Qing and anti-Manchu, and should be dismissed from his post and investigated. Jiangsu Tixue made Mao Qingfan dare not be sloppy after receiving the report, secretly investigated his father's series of words and deeds, and found that his father did have such a tendency, so he began to spend his mind to frame his father for a crime. After hearing the news, people in Shanghai and Sichuan and Sand rose up one after another to hold on to Huang Yanpei, who received only forty yuan a month (at that time, the monthly salary of the principal of the middle school should be 100 yuan), and wrote a letter opposing the investigation and handling of Huang. The Jiangsu Education Association, on the other hand, did not show weakness, and wrote to the Governor of Liangjiang, Duan Fang, in the name of the Education Association, raising the incident to a height of principle with a tough tone, and putting great pressure on the authorities. Under the pressure of public opinion, Duan Fang and Mao Qingfan did not want to make a big deal out of the matter and provoke the incident, so they adopted a compromise method, only abolishing Huang Yanpeichuan Shating's post of seeing school and retaining the post of supervisor of Pudong Middle School. The father himself once again averted the danger and escaped a disaster.

In 1909, on the basis of the Jiangsu Education Association, the Jiangsu Provincial Consultative Bureau was established, which divided the regions according to the eight provinces and three prefectures of Jiangsu, and elected 120 deputies, of which sixteen were permanent members. As a result, Zhang Xiao became the speaker of the parliament, and his father, Huang Yanpei, was elected as a resident member. He did two main things in the Provincial Consultative Council, namely, the preparation of the budget and the abolition of the card. Before the administration of Jiangsu Province, there was no formal budget, and what was handed over to the Provincial Consultative Bureau for deliberation was a completely confused account, and there was no way to deliberate, so yao Zi rang Weizheng and Huang Yanpei as deputy agents, and handed it in within a limited time. After Yao Zirang and his father Huang Yanpei took over, they grasped the comb and sorted it out, rushed to do it day and night, and finally compiled a similar provincial financial budget table and handed it over to the Consultative Bureau for trial. At that time, the province's waterway traffic arteries set up a lika, and ships needed to pay a donation when they passed by, so the card officials in the lika knocked on the owner of the ship, and if they paid bribes, they could be exempted from handing over and releasing, which made the atmosphere more and more intense and made people angry. Therefore, at Huang's suggestion, the Consultative Bureau sent Huang and other members of parliament to investigate separately, and the results of the investigation reflected that the trend of bribery and corruption was extremely serious, so they passed a bill, abolished the lika, and changed it to a pledge by businessmen, and decided that it would be implemented in 1911, but the Xinhai Revolution broke out that year.

  On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, the daily operation of society in Jiangsu, especially in Shanghai, although still under the name of Qing rule, the actual local power has gradually shifted. In Shanghai, a new situation of local political, cultural, educational, and economic autonomy was gradually formed in which political affairs were participated in by the Jiangsu Provincial Consultative Bureau and the Suzhou Jiangsu Local Autonomy Preparatory Office, educational and cultural affairs were presided over by the Jiangsu Education Federation, and economic affairs were controlled by the Shanghai Industrial Inspection and Donation Bureau. And his father Huang Yanpei was a permanent member of the Jiangsu Provincial Consultative Bureau, a senator of the Autonomous Preparatory Office, a permanent investigator of the Jiangsu Education Association, and a director of the Shanghai Workers' Inspection and Donation Bureau, and the social organizations that intersected in the three fields of politics, culture, education and economy were actually the power centers. (Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Daily)

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