
One of the columns on the Red Story of Maji ---- the historical background of the eve of the Red Revolution in southwest Lulu

author:Horse set story meeting

Now, the southwest area of Lu is a plain with four distinct seasons, a millet planted in spring, and a harvest of 10,000 seeds in autumn, which is very easy for human beings to reproduce and exist. However, in the late Qing Dynasty, it was here that natural disasters were frequent, social management was chaotic, the people's lives were difficult, wars and bandits were constant, and social contradictions were extremely acute.

The county chronicle records that from 1955, that is, from the beginning of the Xianfeng Five Years, to the founding of the Xinhai Revolutionary Republic of China in 1911, the Yellow River broke through 3 times, the locust plague 2 times, the heavy rain 3 times, the snow disaster 1 time, the weather was extremely hot 1 time, the plague was 1 time, and the war and chaos bandits were 11 times. The county chronicle records: The mouth of the Yellow River, heavy rain and heavy snow and floods are often five feet of flat water, a vast ocean, crops are flooded, houses have collapsed countless times, and disaster victims are everywhere.

This is the reason why we have the names of liyuan, linwa and zhangquan. Li Garden is located at the source of the Nanpo River, low-lying terrain, surrounded by a circle of earthen gardens, so named Li Garden; Zhangquan Wai Village dug a circle of ditches, known as Zhang Circle; Lin Wa, located in the birthplace of the Guliu River, low-lying terrain.

In just one or two decades, there have been more than ten times. From a few thousand people to hundreds of thousands of people who brought back to Ma Jiyi to fight, how could the people be alone. After the army passed, bandits were infested and lives were destroyed.

This is the historical period and era background of Shizhai, Zhao Kunzhai and Liuzhuangzhai' walling; it also leaves many stories: Shizhai "Shisu is not blessed to see the monk king"; Jiao Guichang was destroyed and Jiao Zhuang became a ruin; Anling Kui pile pulled a large banner - scattered; the jockey first saw the monk king - busy on business and other allusions.

The people are not happy, the hungry people are rebelling, the officers and soldiers are suppressed, taxes are increased, natural disasters and man-made disasters arise one after another, social governance falls into a vicious circle, and the Qing Dynasty is in turmoil.

In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out and the Republic of China was established. But natural disasters such as heavy rain, earthquakes, and plagues are still full of deaths and injuries, and hunger is everywhere; the warlords who come and go do not care about the lives of the people.

For me in the southwest of Lu, the Xinhai Revolution meant that the county officials cut their braids and changed their official uniforms; Zhang Zongchang left and Han Fuqu came; Chiang Kai-shek killed Han Fuqu, and the old warlord was replaced by a new warlord.

Local officials of the Republic of China have also made efforts. Han Fuqu, chairman of the Kuomintang Shandong Province, specially invited Mr. Liang Shuming, the "last master of Confucianism," to set up rural reform experimental counties in Heze and Jining, and to open 13 township and peasant schools (one of which is the "Lingsheng District Rural School" in Yaotang, Maji Town), to carry out rural reform experiments. However, it is only to stop the boiling of the soup, and the social contradictions in southwest Lu have not been fundamentally resolved. For LuNanxi, the Xinhai Revolution was an incomplete revolution in which soup was changed without changing medicine.

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