
Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

author:The captain reads the painting

"The literati on the three gonglou are drinking wine, and the drunken railings are looking at the begonias" - Qi Baishi's poem on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution reflects a gathering scene of the conservative cultural elite in Changsha at that time.

Exploring the location, time and people of this gathering can not only let us understand some of Qi Baishi's social activities at that time, but more importantly, the late Qing celebrities who participated in this gathering are about to face the transformation of their social identity, roles, and thoughts, and the social, ideological, and aesthetic backgrounds formed by them are also one of the external causes of Qi Baishi's future decay.

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Caption: Qi Baishi's early work "Dai Yu Funeral Flower Diagram" collected by the Hunan Provincial Museum

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > one over the upper floor to see the begonias</h1>

During the period when Qi Baishi lived in Xiangtan for nearly eight years after "five outs and five returns", historians did not pay much attention to it. However, whether it is Elder Qi's self-description or the chronology written for him by Hu Shi and others in the future, it is a matter that must be mentioned about the gathering convened by Wang Minyun in Changsha on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution.

In the spring of 1911, in the second month of the lunar calendar, Qi Baishi learned that his teacher Wang Minyun was in Changsha, so he went from Xiangtan to the provincial capital to ask Wang Minyun to write an epitaph for his grandmother. (Author's note: His grandmother, Ma Ruren, died on December 19, 1901 in the lunar calendar.) )

At this time, Tan Yanmin (号組安, 1880-1930) was also in Changsha, and Tan invited Qi Baishi to the Lotus Pond Tan Family Mansion to paint a portrait of the family ancestors, and also asked him to paint a portrait of his fourth brother Tan Enmin (号組庚), who died in August of the lunar calendar of the previous year. Qi Baishi remembers the details of the latter painting very clearly: "I used a thin pen to draw the tuanlong pattern of the robe inside the gauze, and in the right corner of the carpet, I painted a small seal of 'Xiangtan Qi Huang's Endangered Portrait', which is the memory of my portraits in recent years." ”

Two days after the Qingming Festival (the eighth day of the first month of March) this year, Qi Baishi's teacher Wang Minyun borrowed the Chaoguan Building of Qu Zijiu's family and invited several friends, including him, to drink and feast, see cherry blossoms and enjoy begonias.

What kind of character this Qu Zijiu is, and will be listed below. Let's first take a look at the timing and participants of this gathering.

The recollection of this zen collection is quite interesting if it is compared with Wang Minyun's diary and Qi Baishi's self-statement. Deng Guangming (Zi Gongsan), who later compiled the Qi Baishi Annals with Hu Shi, should be the first person to do this research work.

Mr. Deng, the main pioneer and founder of the study of Chinese Song history in the last century, consulted Wang Minyun's "Xiangqilou Diary" and found that these events recorded by Wang Qi baishi were also recorded in detail. However, there is a slight discrepancy with Qi Baishi in his later work "Baishi Self-Shaped Sketch", qi Lao wrote: "Nong Zi Chun, Wen Xiangqi master came to Changsha again, living in Yingpan Street. Juan Xiang Waiter" - Mistakenly reversed the time of this meeting by one year. Through Deng Guangming's examination, it was confirmed that the meeting time should be In March of the third year of xuanun reunification, that is, on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution.

In Wang Minyun's diary, Qi Baishi was unceremonious and called him "Qi Carpenter", while Qi Baishi, as a disciple, paid tribute to his teacher Bi Gongbi, and he honored Wang Minyun's name "Xiangqi Master". The relevant content in the king's diary is as follows:

On the twenty-sixth day of February, before eating, Qi was on the verge of being born to ask for literature.

On the ninth of March, Yin, when the carpenter was recruited, he was ordered to accompany the army.

Ten days, sunny. At the beginning of the afternoon, Zijiu, asked Jin, Tan, and Qi to see the cherry blossoms and begonias. Zi Jiu composed a cherry blossom song, magnificent, quite Xiangqi pen battle, Yu did not dare to reconcile, to

The four laws are gone. Everyone is seated. ...... The conversation began to disperse one day.

The Qi Bingsheng and Junda mentioned in these paintings refer to Qi Baishi and Qu Hongyu (Zijiu), respectively, qu was the military chancellor of the late Qing Dynasty, so Wang Minyun called him "Junda". The other two Jin and Tan mentioned in the text refer to Jin Dianchen of Jiaxing and Tan Zemin (Trumpet Bottle Zhai), the latter being Tan Yanmin's fifth brother.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 2 Late Qing Dynasty Military Aircraft Minister Qu Hongyu and his Chaoguan Building</h1>

During this period, Qu Hongyu (1850-1918) had long since stepped down from his posts as a co-founder and minister of military aircraft.

Perhaps you remember that in a previous article in this number, you introduced the unprecedented "economic special science jinshi" examination held by the qing government in late 1903, when Yang Du was taken the hat of "list eye" by Empress Dowager Cixi, and the original committee was not unrelated to this Qu Hongyu.

Qu Hongyu is a native of Changsha, the number of the stop, the late number of the old man of Xiyan. In the tenth year of Tongzhi (1871 AD), he entered the army, in the early years of Guangxu, he was ranked second in the first class, qu Hongyu was promoted to the rank of adjutant, and was appointed as the examiner of the Henan Township Examination in that year, and was awarded the Henan Xuezheng in the past year. After that, he was promoted to a cabinet bachelor in 1897, and successively served as a township examination examiner in Fujian and Guangxi, and a student and government in Henan, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces.

Similar to the promotion path of another nobleman of Qi Baishi, Fan Qixiang (Zi Fan Shan), Qu Hongyu also gained political opportunities during the blatant war of aggression against China by the Eight-Power Alliance in 1900.

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Photo: Qing court officials receive German princes in Beijing in 1904, and Qu Hongyu is the second from the left in the front row

After the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Beijing, Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu fled to Xi'an. Four of the six military ministers of the imperial court were deposed for the crime of "shielding fists", leaving only Rong Lu and Wang Wenshao, so Qu was recommended, and after Rong Lu's examination, he reported to Cixi and rushed to Xi'an on the 15th day of the first month of 1901. After that, Qu Hongyu gradually gained the appreciation of Empress Dowager Cixi, and served as the Minister of Works Shangshu, the Minister of Military Aircraft, and the Minister of Government Affairs.

Two years later, Yang Du, Wang Minyun's most valued disciple, went to Beijing in 1903 to take the leap May economic special examination, ranking first and second in the initial examination of the Bohol Temple. Because Yang Du was recommended by Zhang Zhidong, and Zhang Zhidong, as the chief examiner, had always had a gap with Qu Hongyu, a minister of military aircraft who had worked in the education system for a long time, Qu took the opportunity to play in front of Cixi that Yang Du had close ties with the "Kang and Liang chaos parties" and made remarks dissatisfied with the imperial court during his stay in Japan.

When Yang Du returned to Hunan from Beijing to avoid disaster, Xia Shoutian immediately sent a letter to Wang Minyun, explaining that the "Liangtou Kangwei" incident had not been concluded, and some people believed that Yang Du was suspected of rebelling against the imperial court, and please arrest Yang Du and bring him to justice. Yang Du had no choice but to cross east to Japan again. Although Qu Hongyu was not the direct planner of Yang Du's defeat in the last imperial examination, his words objectively cut off Yang Du's dream of winning fame under the old system, and became the first failure in his practice of the imperial gambling game of his teacher Wang Minyun's "Cloth Qingxiang and Shusheng Gonghou".

After the Prime Minister's Ministry of State Affairs was changed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qu Hongyu became the Minister of Foreign Affairs Shangshu, ranking above the six ministries, and in 1906 he also participated in the planning of the Qing government's preparatory constitution, and specially sent a proposal to reform the minister of the official system, but he did not succeed.

When Qu Hongyu was gradually favored, he also received the attention of Yuan Shikai, then the minister of Beiyang, who wrote a letter to make friends, but was rejected by Qu Hongyu, and the two took over Liangzi. On the other hand, although Qu Hongyu and Yi Li were in the same military plane, there were also many contradictions between the two.

In 1907, at the instigation of Yuan Shikai and Yi Xi's father and son, the Yan official Yun Yu Ding played a impeachment of Qu Hongyu and reprimanded him for "secretly informing the museum, instructing the officials, shading foreign aid, and distributing party henchmen." Subsequently, Qu Hongyu was expelled from his home by Cixi.

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Qi Baishi Zhu Wenfangyin: Zeng Deng Li Bai Reading Building

After Qu Hongyu returned to Changsha, he built a mansion on Shouxing Street and formed an association with Wang Minyun and other chants. After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, he moved to Shanghai. Later, he was hired by Yuan Shikai as a political officer, but he resigned. He died in 1918 in his private apartment in Shanghai and was buried in The West Lake of Hangzhou.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > three conservative literati circles in the ChaoGuan Building</h1>

In the spring of 1911, in the Zen collection of the Qu family mansion in Changsha, Zhai Hongyu composed a cherry blossom song Qigu, Wang Min operated four seven laws, and Jin and Tan also composed poems. Qi Baishi only made up a seven-word poem to see the begonia after a few days, this poem has been introduced in the previous article, the whole poem is: "The past is a dream of Pingquan, the most unforgettable in the depths of Shi En, the literati on the three gonglou, with drunken railings to see the begonias." ”

In Wang Minyun's diary, although they had long since extinguished the open and secret struggles in the official arena in such a literati gathering of the "Three Princes' Building", they were still strong and competitive in pen and ink, and Wang Minyun wrote: "Zijiu made cherry blossom songs, the waves were magnificent, quite Xiangqi pen battles, Yu did not dare to make peace, and took the four laws. ”

From the time Qu Zijiu was impeached and returned to his hometown in 1907, until the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, during the four years of the "Yin Yong Association", Wang Minyun and others should be regarded as regular customers of the Qu family's chaoguan upstairs. I checked a photograph taken on the Spring Day of the 43rd Year of Meiji on the Internet, and recorded another gathering in front of the Chaoguan Building.

The party took place in 1910, and on the right side of the photo there is a Japanese inscription: "Changsha, in the spring of the 43rd year of Meiji (1910), the cherry blossoms bloomed in front of the Super View Building of the Qu Military Aircraft..."

The people sitting under the cherry blossoms and on the front row of the lawn, from left to right, are: Qu Hongyu, Yu Zhaokang, Wang Xianqian, Wang Minyun, Huang Ziyuan, and Murayama Masataka.

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Photo: Qu Hongyu in 1910 in front of the Super View Building

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Photo: In 1910, Qu Hongyu's mansion chao lanlou took a group photo next to the inscription

Let's take a general look at these people in order and see what kind of high-end social circles they constitute as a cultural, political, and economic.

The second Yu Zhaokang (1854-1930) from the left was a native of Changsha and was an in-law of Qu Hongyu. He was called Minzhai (敏斋), the late name was Tired Zhi Old Man, guangxu eight years (1882) to raise people, twelve years into the jinshi, the head of the ministry of official work, once served as Shandong according to the envoy, Jiangxi according to the envoy. Because after Qu Hongyu was impeached and dismissed, he was also implicated and dismissed from office.

After returning to Hunan, he served as the "sitting office" and general manager of the Hunan Guangdong-Han Railway Corporation, and presided over the construction of the Long Zhu Section Railway. After the Xinhai Revolution, he took refuge in the mountains for several years, and then moved to Shanghai due to the warlords of the north and south in the Xiang Dynasty, and died of illness in 1930.

The third Wang Xianqian (1842-1917) from the left was also a Changsha native, the character Yiwu, because the name of the house was Kuiyuan, also known as Mr. Kuiyuan. He and Wang Minyun were known as the "Second King of Famous Confucianism" in Hunan. Academically, Wang Xianqian admired Zeng Guofan and inherited Zeng's proposition of "integrating the Han and Song Dynasties", and his works include "Continuation of Ancient Literature and Dictionaries", "Continuation of Donghua", "Xunzi Collection", and "Notes on the Water Classics of Hexue".

Wang Xianqian served as the supervisor of the State Son, and after stepping down from his post as a scholar in Jiangsu in 1889, he returned to Changsha to settle down. The following year, he lectured at the Hunan Sixian Lecture House and set up a bureau to engrave books in the lecture house. In 1891 (Guangxu 17), he was appointed as the head of The Chengnan Academy, and in 1894, he became the head of the Yuelu Academy, where he taught yuelu Academy for 10 years.

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Illustration: Qi Baishi's 96-year-old "Begonia"

During the Restoration Movement after the Sino-Japanese War, this traditional scholar first showed a positive side, and he and Huang Ziyuan and others invested in the establishment of Baoshancheng Machine Manufacturing Company, which was also superficially supported by the Hunan Shiwu School at the beginning of its establishment. However, he then showed a firm conservative side, and he vigorously attacked the teachings of Xiong Xiling, Liang Qichao, Tang Caichang, and others, believing that they were "bad customs and bad customs" and "teaching people with the evil of fatherlessness and no monarch", and wrote to Chen Baozhen and proposed to suspend the publication of "Xiang Bao".

Wang Xianqian always vigorously opposed the democratic revolutionary movement, and in July of the twenty-sixth year of Guangxu (1900), the uprising led by Tang Caichang and others failed, and Wang Xianqian and others played the role of informers. After the Xinhai Revolution, he changed his name to 遯, took refuge in Pingjiang, and wrote books behind closed doors. He then returned to Changsha until his death in 1917;

The second on the right in the photo is Huang Ziyuan (1837-1918), who has already mentioned above that he invested in the establishment of a factory with Wang Xianqian and others. Huang Ziyuan (黄自元字敬舆), courtesy name Shu Shu , is a native of Longtang Township, Anhua County, Hunan Province. He was raised in the township in the sixth year of Qing Tongzhi (1867), and in the following year, the temple was ranked second (bang eye) and was appointed as the editor of the Hanlin Academy.

Huang Ziyuan's achievements are more reflected in his calligraphy, and the "Ninety-two Methods of Abstract of the Interstitial Structure" that he copied became a Mongolian copy for later generations to learn calligraphy. In terms of studying the structure of calligraphy, successive generations of calligraphy masters have made summaries, the Tang Dynasty Ouyang Inquiry has thirty-six laws, the Ming Dynasty Li Chun has eighty-four laws, and so on. Huang Ziyuan lined shao ying's ninety-two methods, on the basis of summarizing the experience of his predecessors, compiled the interstitial structure rules of calligraphy into ninety-two easy-to-understand oral tips, and then attached character examples to explain. These works of his made an important contribution to the popularization of calligraphy;

The last one is The Japanese Masataka Murayama, The Horn South. In Meiji 42 (1909), he was appointed Vice Consul of Japan in China. Masataka Murayama was proficient in Chinese and poetry, and had many singing harmonies with the scribes of the late Qing Dynasty.

For example, this painting of Wang Min running a book upright is the old collection of Masataka Murayama. The inscription reads "Jienan Lingfu Crossing the Sea, Yu Quyuan inscribed with these four characters, Gengjiao Brigade Xiangsheng's genus supplement to ZhiYi." In the middle of the second year of Xuanun, Min Yun was recorded. ”

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Masataka Murayama's collection of Wang Min runs a vertical scroll of books

The second year of Xuan reunification in the inscription, 1910 AD, was the summer shortly after the above photo with Masataka Murayama.

With Wang Minyun as the core, this circle of conservative top literati in the late Qing Dynasty is more clearly reflected in another group of elegant collections also photographed in the Guo family garden in Changsha in 1910. There are now three group photos in the Hunan Provincial Library, taken on "Gengshu February 8th", that is, March 18, 1910 AD.

In addition to Wang Minyun and Yang Du, the people who participated in the gathering in the photo also included Zhou Dalie, Liang Huankui, Hu Yuanqian, Hu Ziqing, Yang Jun, Huang Zhongji, Liao Shuyu, Xie Chongzhai, Long Zhang, Zeng Guangjun, Zhou Dalie, and Tan Yanmin, a total of fourteen people. (See this article: "Only Chu has materials, Yu Siweisheng - Genealogy of the Relationship between Qi Baishi and Yang Du and Others in Hunan Province")

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Photo: 1910 Guo Family Garden Collection 1 Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News

Looking at Begonias with Drunken Railings: The Late Qing Cultural Elite Gathering That Qi Baishi Personally Witnessed on the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution I Super-viewing Upstairs to See Begonias II Qu Hongyu, Minister of Military Aircraft at the End of the Qing Dynasty, and His Super-View Building Three Conservative Literati Circles in the Chao-Lan Building

Photo: 1910 Guo Family Garden Collection 2 Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News

Whether it was the two meetings that took place in the spring of 1910, or the gathering in Qu Hongyu's mansion that Qi Baishi also participated in the following year, all the conservative cultural elites among them probably did not expect that the Xinhai Revolution would come so quickly.

And their fate, thoughts, and social identities are about to change dramatically.

In the following, we will continue to analyze several other people who participated in the Spring Party of 1911 who were closely related to Qi Baishi.

This article is a series of articles titled "The Mystery of Qi Baishi's "Decay and Transformation Method"" and is not finished. Related Reading:

Qi Baishi, who borrowed a house to buy a house: "yin" and "non-yin" are entangled, persistent and clumsy

The old man is accustomed to looking at the Guilin Mountains - Qi Baishi before and after Xinhai: five out of five returns and three self-cultivations

Cixi's "complications" affect qi Baishi's circle of friends: Yang Du and Tan Yanmin in keju's dream

See the mountain must go to the tallest building: Qi Baishi entered Beijing for the first time and witnessed the last train of the keju taken by his close friend Yang Du

The "provincial and ministerial" high-ranking official who endorsed Qi Baishi: Empress Dowager Cixi, a red man, and a literary leader Fan Fanshan

Conspirator of the "Qi Baishi Miracle": China's top cultural circle in the alternation of old and new societies

When the pear blossoms bloomed all over the world: Qi Baishi's decaying years of planting pears and changing the law before the cause

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