
What Sun Yat-sen did on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly held up half of the revolutionary sky


Why not work hard and be in today's China. The tragic grandeur of the autumn wind and autumn rain and the sorrow of the people, and the actions of my generation, things will be defeated, and the body will die, but the day of my generation's death is not far from the period of restoration--the revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives in the Xinhai Revolution

Sun Yat-sen, a famous man, was born into a peasant family in Guangdong Province. In his early years, he entered a private school and later studied overseas with the help of his brother. The Qing government was defeated in the Sino-French War, and Sun Yat-sen decided to study military affairs. Because he came from the countryside, the military academy did not recruit him. So Sun Yat-sen changed to study medicine, sun Yat-sen studied very well, and graduated with the second overall score among the current students.

What Sun Yat-sen did on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly held up half of the revolutionary sky

Photograph of Sun Yat-sen when he was young

After the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War, the Qing government cut off the land and paid compensation, in addition to issuing an edict: ordinary people are not allowed to write separately. This approach has caused public resentment to boil over. Sun Yat-sen also truly saw the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, and Sun Yat-sen, who was full of passion for a strong country, resolutely decided to overthrow the Qing government's rule by revolutionary means.

Sun Yat-sen came to Honolulu (present-day Hawaii), where a democratic revolution broke out among the local people to overthrow the absolute monarchy of the Kingdom of Hawaii and establish the Republic of Hawaii. This incident strengthened Sun Yat-sen's idea of armed struggle to overthrow the rule of the Qing government.

What Sun Yat-sen did on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly held up half of the revolutionary sky

Kingdom of Hawaii (photo)

On November 24, 1894, Sun Yat-sen established the Xingzhong Association in Honolulu, which was to revitalize China and save the crisis. In 1895, the Guangzhou Uprising broke out on Chongyang Festival, and because the teams of rebels and guns failed to reach Guangzhou within the agreed time, the uprising was cancelled, and Sun Yat-sen's childhood friend Lu Haodong was killed.

What Sun Yat-sen did on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly held up half of the revolutionary sky

Lu Haodong's "Blue Sky White Sun Flag"

After the defeat, Sun Yat-sen fled to London and was trapped by the Qing government embassy in Britain. Later, Sun Yat-sen, who was imprisoned for 12 days with the help of his teacher Kang Deli, successfully escaped. After leaving Britain, Sun Yat-sen continued to organize revolutionary forces. After coming to Japan, Sun Yat-sen met Huang Xing. Subsequently, Sun Yat-sen gathered the personnel of the various associations to form the League Association, and Sun Yat-sen served as prime minister. The Three People's Principles became the program of the League. "The reason why the revolutionary strategy cannot be carried out is that the revolution at that time could not really understand the purpose of the revolution. The purpose of the revolution is both the practice of the Three People's Principles. What is the Three People's Principles, nationalism, civil rights doctrine, and people's livelihood doctrine. ------------------

What Sun Yat-sen did on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly held up half of the revolutionary sky

Sun Yat-sen in Japan

In the two years from 1907 to 1908, under the leadership of the League, six uprisings broke out in Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong, but all of them failed. Sun Yat-sen went into exile for more than ten years and constantly raised funds for the revolution. Sun Yat-sen struggled for the revolution all his life, and it can be said that Sun Yat-sen struggled all his life to raise money. "Overseas comrades donate money, domestic comrades donate their lives, and the responsibility of saving the country is also shared, and Yu decided to return to China to personally supervise the teacher, and life and death do not matter." This speech demonstrated the determination to dedicate oneself to the revolution with death and touched countless people. Sun Yat-sen also decided to fight hard for the last time, this time Sun Yat-sen raised 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, and there was no shortage of revolutionary military expenses. In 1911, the Huanghuagang Uprising led by Huang Xing broke out. It was originally agreed that the four roads would attack Guangzhou, but the remaining three roads fled Guangzhou after the outbreak of the revolution, and the Huanghuagang Uprising failed. So far, all 10 uprisings led by Sun Yat-sen have failed. Sun Yat-sen twice in his life went to the Huanghuagang Uprising Martyrs' Cemetery to personally pay tribute, and described it as "the elite of our party, burned to the ground".

What Sun Yat-sen did on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, he single-handedly held up half of the revolutionary sky

Huanghuagang Seventy-Two Martyrs Tomb

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